A beginner’s guide to creating artwork for 2D video games

Discover how easy it is to make graphics for 2D video games

What you’ll learn:

  • We will create a range of 2D art including static and animated graphics, character sprite sheets and tile sets.
  • By the end of this series you will have a complete range of artwork
  • You will learn how to use Piskel online software
  • You will learn how game sprites are created

Hello and welcome to a beginner’s guide to creating artwork for 2D video games. My name is Pete Jepson and I am a game design teacher. I have taught this subject for over four years. I have put together this series to show you how easy it is to make 2D artwork. It’s based on sprites and characters I made for a 2D platform game.


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You don’t need any previous experience, and you don’t need sophisticated art skills. All you need is a computer and a mouse. The software is free to use online.

In this series we will create a range of 2D art including both static and animated graphics, as well as character sprite sheets and tile sets. By the end of this series you will have a complete range of artwork to be able to create your own video game as well as the skills to continue to create your own graphics.

I hope you enjoy this series. If you have any questions or comments post them in the Q & A section and I will get back to you as quickly as I can.


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