Backend Engineering With Python Django – Core Concepts – L1

2 Min Read

What you’ll learn

  • Important concepts of Python Django ORM
  • Function Based, Class Based, Generic Views
  • Writing Models Using Class Diagram
  • User Authentication System
  • Authorization System
  • Pagination, Message Framework
  • Customizing Django Admin Panel
  • Deploying Django project in AWS virtual machine


  • You should be familiar with Git and Github.
  • You should be able to clone remote repository from Github, make some changes and push to Github
  • Basic concepts of Python Language


In this course, you will learn the core concepts of Python Django by building a project named “Book My Vaccine”. It is a vaccination scheduling application and we are going to build this project from scratch. While building this project, you will master these core concepts of Python Django.

  1. At first, we will proceed with the basic concepts of web like HTTP protocol.
  2. Then we will learn how to create virtual environment and setup Django project and app.
  3. After that, we will learn how to write models by referring to a class diagram. So, you will be shown a class diagram and we will implement it using django.
  4. Then, we will learn the important concepts of Django ORM.
  5. After that, we will learn Function Based Views, Class Based Views and Generic Views. We will build the features of our project and learn these concepts simultaneously.
  6. Then, we will learn the concepts of pagination, message framework, signals.
  7. After that we will build User Authentication and authorization system. We will re-use the default authentication system and build some more additional features on top of it.
  8. Then, we will learn how to customise the default Django Admin Panel.
  9. At last, we will learn how to deploy the project in AWS virtual machine using Gunicorn and Nginx.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner Python Developers who wants to learn Django from Scratch
  • Intermediate Python Developers who wants to revise and build a decent project for their portfolio.
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