Mobile Development
The Write Once, Deploy Anywhere myth can finally be a reality with Livecode. Develop for Mac, Win, Linux, iOS, Android What you’ll learn: Would you ever think that it would be possible to learn just one programming language ? And to use it to create apps for every desktop operating system and all the leading […]
A Go-To resource for any iPad question you have. Requirements Description iOS 6 Brings many amazing new features to the iPad. Both the iPhone and iPad have so many features and options that it becomes a bit overwhelming to learn what they do and how to use them correctly. This new course will help you […]
Learn from Zero how to implement Picture-In-Picture in your Android App. Requirements Description Android Picture in Picture is an amazing feature available from Android SDK 26 (Oreo) where we can backgrounded our multimedia apps and be able to watch the content on a floating window. In this course you will see from zero how to […]