MATLAB is one of the leading programming languages and is important for those who are associated with Engineering, Mathematics & Data Analysis field. In this course, we will be dealing with MATLAB Basics. In this course, you will learn about numerical & symbolic computing using MATLAB. The course focuses on teaching students about the various commands, functions, and features that MATLAB and Simulink have to offer. MATLAB and Simulink have a lot of capabilities and so this course will only focus on the main topics to get you comfortable creating your own scripts and Simulink models. This course contains many examples of different projects as well as step-by-step solutions to help you best understand what is going on.
The course is designed in such a way that is suitable for beginners and there is a lot to learn.
The user interface of Matlab: what are the different windows for?
How to perform arithmetic and relational operations
Assigning numerical values to variables
Creating and manipulating vectors/ arrays
Creating and manipulating matrices
Plotting 2D graphs to visualize your data
how to draw transfer function
how to plot step response
how to plot root locus
how to plot bode plot
how to plot Nyquist plot
how to find time response specifications of given transfer function
how to use Simulink