Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 MasterClass
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
This course will help you learn the basics as well as advanced levels of concepts and applications in Adobe Illustrator CC 2020. It covers real world applications of:
1. Logo Design
2. Packaging Design & 3D Mock-Up
3. Typography and Color Theory
4. Social Media Posting
Also, the tools of Adobe Illustrator have been thoroughly explained that will help you in creating the designs with much ease.
Salient Features of this Course:
A comprehensive course consisting of 179 video lectures that are organized in a pedagogical sequence.
Detailed explanation of all tools and commands used in the course.
Step-by-step instructions to guide the users through the learning process.
Practice Test
You will get a Certificate of Completion after completing the course.
2Alignment ToolVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to align
your texts accordingly. -
3Anchor PointsVideo lesson
After watching this tutorial, you will be able to add and delete anchor points and able to manipulate them as well.
4Art boardsVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to add
and adjust the size of your artboard. -
5Blend ToolVideo lesson
This tool will teach you on how to mix 2 colours together inside a shape or in a particular path.
6Clipping Mask ToolVideo lesson
This tool will help you to add a specific pattern or an image inside a shape.
7Eraser, Scissors and Knife toolVideo lesson
These tools will help you to cut and delete certain portions of your illustrations and shapes.
8Eye DropperVideo lesson
This tool will help you to pick out a specific colour from an image and learn about the shotrcut key as well.
9FeatherVideo lesson
After watching this tutorial, you will be able to blur the edges of a particular photo by adjusting it's radius.
10FiltersVideo lesson
This drop down option will help you to enhance your illustrations even further by adjusting it's settings.
11GradientsVideo lesson
Learn to add different combinations of colours inside your shapes and illustrations with the gradient tool.
12Gradient MeshVideo lesson
Learn to create realistic vector illustrations by using the gradient mesh tool, as it picks out colours from an image. Extremely similar to the eye dropper tool.
13Hand and Print TilingVideo lesson
These 2 tools will help you move your shapes around and will help you to leave appropriate space on the sides for printing purpose.
14Lasso ToolVideo lesson
Use the lasso tool to make a selection around the image or shape.
15Warp ToolVideo lesson
The warp tool will help you to adjust your text or image in a certain shape pr path.
16Zoom ToolVideo lesson
After watching this video you will be able to zoom into your illustration and be able to make minor changes easily.
17Join and Pencil ToolVideo lesson
These 2 tools will help you to join 2 paths together and help you make a particular shape.
18Layers PanelVideo lesson
This panel will help you to organise all your artwork systematically.
19Magic Wand ToolVideo lesson
This tool will help you choose similar shapes or colours from your illustration with just 1 click.
20Measure ToolVideo lesson
This tool comes in handy when you want to know the measurement of a certain shape or path.
21Offset ToolVideo lesson
This tool will help you make a bigger or smaller version of your shape.
22Opacity ToolVideo lesson
Learn to control the transparency of a particlaur image or shape with the opacity tool.
23Paint and Blob Brush ToolVideo lesson
Learn to add paint in different portions wuth the help of these 2 tools.
24Paragraph ToolVideo lesson
After watching this tutorial, you will be able to easily add texts in your artboard/document.
25Pathfinder ToolVideo lesson
The tools under this panel will help you to further manipulate your shapes.
26Pen and Curvature ToolVideo lesson
Quite similar to each other, the pen and the curavture tool will help you to make free hand shapes.
27Pencil ToolVideo lesson
Roughly make a shape with the help of the pencil tool.
28Puppet Warp and Free TransformVideo lesson
Add perspectives and movement to your illustration with the help of the puppet warp and free transform tool.
29Reshape ToolVideo lesson
Learn to further re-shape your shapes by adding anchor points to your shape.
30Rotate amd Reflect ToolVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to revolve a shape around an axis and easily make a mirror image of it as well.
31Rulers ToolVideo lesson
This tool will help you to leave equal spaces between borders and shapes.
32Scale and Shear ToolVideo lesson
After watching this video you will be able to scale your images easily.
33Shape Builder ToolVideo lesson
Combine or delete certain shapes with the help of
this tool. -
34Shape ToolVideo lesson
Easily make different shapes and learn to
manipulate it's sizes from the shape tool. -
35Slice and slice selection ToolVideo lesson
These tools will help you slice an image or shape into 2 or more pieces.
36Symbol Sprayer ToolVideo lesson
Easily learn to add multiple symbols in your illustration with the help of this tool.
37Subtypes of lineVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to experiment with the stroke, colour and different types of lines.
38Subtypes of textVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to
experiment and add texts in different ways.
39Types of FontsVideo lesson
This video will help you understand the different
kinds of fonts and how to pair each font. -
406 golden rulesVideo lesson
This video will help you to remember some pointers
while desisgning your own typography. -
413D Effect LetteringVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to create
similar styles of 3D lettering. -
42Air Brush LetteringVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to create
similar styles of lettering. -
43Blend lettering typographyVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to create a typography by combining 2 different colours in a certain path.
44Cartoon typographyVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to create a cartoon effect typography easily.
45Floral typographyVideo lesson
This video will help you to add floral designs to your
typography. -
46Folded typographyVideo lesson
This video will help you to make a folded effect in your lettering.
47Hand Lettering typographyVideo lesson
Learn how to add texts in a certain shape and make
your illustration whole. -
48Hustle typographyVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to create such similar effect with different words.
49Isometric typographyVideo lesson
Recreate this 3D isometric lettering with the help of
the 3D filter -
50Line typographyVideo lesson
This video will help you to make a minimalistic and
simple line typography
51Liquid typographyVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to add a
liquid effect to your typography. -
52Long Shadow typographyVideo lesson
Learn to add a long gradient shadow behind a word
with the help of this tutorial. -
53Loop typographyVideo lesson
Create a continuous curved lettering with the help of
this looped typography. -
54Neon typographyVideo lesson
Learn how you can add a neon effect to your lettering
by changing the opacity of colours in your word. -
55Retro typographyVideo lesson
Create a retro lettering with the help of shapes and
photos. -
56Scratch Lines typographyVideo lesson
Experiment with the different weight of strokes and colours to create this typography.
57Shaded Effect typographyVideo lesson
This video will help you add shadows to different
areas of your lettering. -
58Sliced typographyVideo lesson
Learn how to slice a word in half with this tutorial.
59Slime Effect typographyVideo lesson
Create a realistic slime effect in your typography with
this tutorials. -
60Speed Line Effect typographyVideo lesson
Create a high speed effect in your typography with the help of this tutorial.
61Stroke Brush typographyVideo lesson
Experiment with the different weight of strokes to
create this typography. -
62Stylish Gradient typographyVideo lesson
Create your very own stylish gradient typography by
adding different coloured gradients to your lettering. -
63Water Colour typographyVideo lesson
Learn to add a water colour effect to your lettering!
64IntroductionVideo lesson
Learn about the world of graphic designers and what their important roles are.
65Psychology of coloursVideo lesson
Learn how each colour is used where and why it's
used in a particular design. -
66Colour WheelVideo lesson
Learn about the colour wheel and the different
kinds of colour combinations!
67What is Graphic Design?Video lesson
Understand in depth what Graphic Design is and what Graphic
Designers do. -
68"Why graphic designers need social media"Video lesson
Learn the importance of social media for a graphic designer.
69Top 3 sites for graphic designersVideo lesson
Learn which sites have the most clients for getting projects.
70ImagesVideo lesson
Understand what a powerful tool images are, and by using
the right images, it can catch the eye of your audience. -
71CompositionVideo lesson
Understand why composing your post is important, and tips
on how you can improve it. -
72Advertising on social mediaVideo lesson
Learn how to make your skills noticed by potential clients.