Advanced Kubernetes/AKS Network & Infrastructure
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You started your journey learning Kubernetes ?
You have been learning the fundamentals of a Kubernetes cluster ?
And now you want to make sure your cluster is production ready in terms of security ?
If you are looking for how to secure your Kubernetes cluster then this course is for you.
Let us face it, security is not an easy task. And Kubernetes is not an exception.
Securing a Kubernetes cluster requires thinking about all these aspects:
Network security: through private cluster access to API Server with Private Endpoint.
Secure egress traffic: all egress traffic should be filtered using Firewall.
Secure ingress traffic: using TLS and HTTPS on the ingress controller.
Secure inter-pod communication: secure traffic between pods using TLS or mTLS.
Controlling traffic between pods: using Network Policy tools like Calico.
Securing access to Managed Identities: by restricting access to IMDS endpoint (
Microsoft provides the following recommendations to secure an AKS cluster and this course will try to go deeper with demonstration.
Recommendation 1: To distribute HTTP or HTTPS traffic to your applications, use ingress resources and controllers. Compared to an Azure load balancer, ingress controllers provide extra features and can be managed as native Kubernetes resources.
Recommendation 2: To scan incoming traffic for potential attacks, use a web application firewall (WAF) such as Barracuda WAF for Azure or Azure Application Gateway. These more advanced network resources can also route traffic beyond just HTTP and HTTPS connections or basic TLS termination.
Recommendation 3: Use network policies to allow or deny traffic to pods. By default, all traffic is allowed between pods within a cluster. For improved security, define rules that limit pod communication.
Recommendation 4: Don’t expose remote connectivity to your AKS nodes. Create a bastion host, or jump box, in a management virtual network. Use the bastion host to securely route traffic into your AKS cluster to remote management tasks.
Disclaimer: This course uses Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) for demonstrations. But most of the content is applicable to any Kubernetes cluster on any environment.
3How to setup an AKS clusterVideo lesson
4Cluster infrastructure resourcesVideo lesson
5Create PodVideo lesson
6Create deployment objectVideo lesson
7Exec into PodVideo lesson
8Scale podsVideo lesson
9Create private serviceVideo lesson
10Create public service using LoadBalancerVideo lesson
11View kubernetes objects in the Azure portalVideo lesson
12Introduction to clusters access modesVideo lesson
13Architecture of a public clusterVideo lesson
14Private cluster with Private EndpointVideo lesson
15Public cluster with VNET integrationVideo lesson
16Private cluster with VNET integrationVideo lesson
17Accessing a private clusterVideo lesson
18RecapVideo lesson
19IntroductionVideo lesson
20Kubenet (basic) network modeVideo lesson
21Azure CNI (advanced) network modeVideo lesson
22Kubenet vs Azure CNIVideo lesson
23Azure CNI Overlay modeVideo lesson
24Kubenet vs Azure CNI Overlay modeVideo lesson
25Bring Your Own (BYO) CNI pluginVideo lesson
26CIDR ranges overlapping considerationsVideo lesson
33[Lightboard] Gateway API and Ingress APIVideo lesson
34[Lightboard] AGIC vs Application Gateway for ContainersVideo lesson
35Introduction to Application Gateway for ContainersVideo lesson
36[Demo] Part 1: Setup the demo environmentVideo lesson
37[Demo] Part 2: Installing the ALB Controller and its Managed IdentityVideo lesson
38[Demo] Part 3: Creating and configuring Application Gateway for ContainersVideo lesson
39[Demo] Part 4: Exposing an application using Gateway API and HttpRouteVideo lesson
40Introduction to AKS egress traffic and outbound typesVideo lesson
41Introduction to AKS Egress and Outbound Types (PPT)Video lesson
42AKS with Outbound Type Load BalancerVideo lesson
43[Demo] AKS with Outbound Type Load BalancerVideo lesson
44SNAT port exhaustion issue with Load BalancerVideo lesson
45SNAT port exhaustion solutionsVideo lesson
46AKS with Outbound Type Managed NAT GatewayVideo lesson
47[Demo] AKS with Outbound Type Managed NAT GatewayVideo lesson
48AKS with Outbound Type user assigned NAT GatewayVideo lesson
49[Demo] AKS with Outbound Type user assigned NAT GatewayVideo lesson
50Important notes about NAT GatewayVideo lesson
51AKS with Outbound Type user defined routing (UDR)Video lesson
52[Demo] AKS with Outbound Type user defined routing (UDR)Video lesson
53Ingress issues and options with UDR modeVideo lesson
54Migrate from Load Balancer to NAT GatewayVideo lesson
55Introduction to controlling egress trafficVideo lesson
56Creating an AKS cluster with Calico enabledVideo lesson
57Filtering egress traffic for an IP address using CalicoVideo lesson
58Logging egress and ingress traffic with Log actionVideo lesson
59Creating an AKS cluster and installing CiliumVideo lesson
60Filtering egress traffic for an FQDN using Cilium Network PolicyVideo lesson
61Viewing denied traffic logs in Cilium podsVideo lesson
62Using Hubble to monitor network and denied trafficVideo lesson
67Introduction to Azure DiskVideo lesson
68Using Azure Disk with Local Redundent Storage (LRS)Video lesson
69[Demo] Creating Azure Disk with Local Redundent Storage (LRS)Video lesson
70Introduction to Azure Disk with Zone Redundant Storage (ZRS)Video lesson
71[Demo] Creating Azure Disk with Zone Redundant Storage (ZRS)Video lesson
72Introduction to Azure Shared Disk with Zone Redundant Storage (ZRS)Video lesson
73[Demo] Creating Azure Shared Disk with Zone Redundant Storage (ZRS)Video lesson
74Introduction to Azure Blob StorageVideo lesson
75[Demo] Creating an Azure Blob Storage for AKSVideo lesson
76Important notes on Blob StorageVideo lesson
77Securing access to Blob Fuse using Managed IdentityVideo lesson
78[Demo] Attaching a Blob Fuse to AKS using User Managed IdentityVideo lesson