American English Consonants for All
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
If you want to know everything about consonants and won’t settle for just an overview, then this course is for you. If you’ve taken other courses and still don’t feel confident with your pronunciation, then this course is for you. It is dense with detail about every consonant, so you may have to watch certain parts more than once to make sure you’ve got it. Example sentences are from every day life as well as high tech or business fields, so you will be exposed to a variety of vocabulary. The course includes repetition audio practice so you can repeat the sentences over and over again to develop muscle memory. This course has lessons for learners from various language backgrounds. It will be beneficial for Chinese, Indian, Vietnamese, Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Persian speakers and more. The instructor has free office hours on Zoom once a month, so you are invited to meet her for questions and to have her check your pronunciation and whether you are incorporating the information properly.
What you’ll learn
Adjust your voice to sound more like a native speaker of American English.
Speed up your tongue movements with precision.
Make each consonant clearly and articulate clearly.
Produce and distinguish between all the English consonants at the beginning, middle or end of a word.
Speak from a detailed theoretical understanding of the consonants.
Understand different spelling patterns for each consonant sound.
Identify and avoid common pitfalls for each consonant sound.
Connect consonants to other consonants and vowels.
Expand your vocabulary through high tech and professional examples.
And much more!
A computer with internet connection is all you need.
You should be willing to practice several minutes a day
You do NOT need any knowledge or experience of pronunciation techniques.
Ask me ANY questions by messaging me. I’m here to help you at any time.
You can speak American English clearly and sound like a native English speaker.
I will show you how all the consonants are related and different using a chart that compares different types of consonants We will get your tongue moving the way an American moves his/her tongue. You will stop confusing tick with thick and shit with sit. We will go through all the different types of consonants and learn how they’re related and different. We will practice each consonant in sentences, and you can keep practicing the sentences with repetition audio recordings. You will learn skills and knowledge that will benefit you for the rest of your life.
Who this course is for:
Beginner who want to learn without any bad habits right from the beginning.
Intermediate students who have started to learn pronunciation the wrong way
Advanced Students who want to challenge themselves with nuanced detail and high tech vocabulary
When to take this course:
Get started before you feel ready! There will never be a perfect time to start something. There is no better time than now! You have a lot to learn! See you in class 🙂
3P and BVideo lesson
Learn to distinguish between P and B and how to pronounce their subtle variations at the beginning, middle and end of a word.
4T and D part 1Video lesson
5T and D part 2Video lesson
6CH and JVideo lesson
Learn the nuances of CH and J in different positions in a word. Learn to distinguish them from ZH, Z and other sounds.
7K and GVideo lesson
Learn the differences between K and G at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of a word. Learn different spelling for rules for K and G and X.
8Final Consonants Part 1 (for Vietnamese speakers)Video lesson
This lesson covers Final P, T, K, B, D and G.
9Final Consonants Part 2 (for Vietnamese Speakers)Video lesson
This lesson covers Final CH and J.
10Tongue Exercises for Stop ConsonantsVideo lesson
Become more precise by quickly moving between three different parts of your tongue.
11F, V and WVideo lesson
Fan, Van or Wan? Learn to stop confusing them.
12th & THVideo lesson
"This" and "thick" don't have the same th. What? Learn how to tell which th you need and stop confusing th with t, d, s or z.
13S & Z part 1Video lesson
S and Z are often confused, but they help you distinguish princes from princess. Learn the rules and tips for saying each.
14S & Z part 2Video lesson
S and Z are so tricky we needed two lessons to cover it.
15SH & ZHVideo lesson
SH and ZH are often hidden in a word and not obvious from the spelling. Learn the spelling rules and how to distinguish these from S and Z, or CH and J.
16Final Consonants Part 3 (for Vietnamese)Video lesson
We needed 3 lessons to cover this topic! Don't skip S and Z at the end of a word.
17HVideo lesson
H comes from the throat. Let's not confuse it with a vowel.
18H vs F (for Japanese)Video lesson
Let's avoid this classic error of F vs. H.
19YVideo lesson
Y is often hidden in the middle of a word and not obvious from the spelling. Let's look for it!
20Y vs. J (for Spanish)Video lesson
Let's eliminate the Y vs J error once and for all!
21WVideo lesson
W requires working your lips more than you might think. Let's get to work.
22R part 1Video lesson
Let's learn the American R, which is different from other R's.
23R part 2Video lesson
R is so tricky we needed two lessons to cover it.
24Clear LVideo lesson
Let's not confuse L with R or N. Make L clear and beautiful.
25Back L (or Dark L)Video lesson
Yes, the dark L is different from the clear L and has remained elusive for too long.