American English Consonants for Chinese Professionals
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
Learn all the details about all the consonants, focusing on errors commonly made by Chinese learners of English, such as SH vs. S, J vs. ZH, N vs. L, and N vs. NG, or just omitting the N at the end of a word. Learn spelling rules too. A consonant chart keeps you organized and shows you consonant families and how to compare and contrast each consonant. The course uses advanced vocabulary from business and technical fields. After each lesson, practice developing your muscle memory by using the repetition audio exercises included. Repeating each sentence after the teacher several times will help you focus on all the nuances of the sentence, including the target consonant sounds. Once you have completed 50% of this course, you can attend a free monthly live Zoom office hour with the instructor, where you can ask questions about the course and receive live corrections. You can always schedule a private lesson with the instructor for more personal attention. Or after completing the course, you can ask the instructor to evaluate your accent and provide you with a report of your errors. Then you can repeat those parts of the course and know where to focus your efforts.
2P and BVideo lesson
Learn to distinguish between P and B in different parts of the word. Also learn when P and B are silent.
3T and D- Part 1Video lesson
Learn about clear T, T clusters, held T and fast D. Learn when to use which.
4T and D- Part 2Video lesson
Part 2 focuses on Fast D, NT, TN, T and D after a vowel, TR, DR and past tense rules.
5CH and JVideo lesson
Learn to distinguish between CH and J in different parts of a word. Learn not to confuse them with other sounds. Learn the the different spellings that make the CH and J sounds.
6K and GVideo lesson
Learn to distinguish between K and G in different parts of a word. Learn when they are silent. Learn not to omit them. Students frequently omit them! Learn the spellings that produce K and G.
7Tongue Exercises for Stop ConsonantsVideo lesson
8F, V and W.Video lesson
Learn to distinguish between F, V and W in different parts of a word.
9th and THVideo lesson
Learn not to confuse th and TH with other sounds and how and when to distinguish them from each other.
10S and Z: Part 1Video lesson
Learn to distinguish between S and Z in different parts of the word and not to confuse them with other sounds. Learn the spelling rules that produce S and Z.
11S and Z: Part 2Video lesson
S and Z is tricky, so I've separated this into 2 different lessons.
12SH and ZHVideo lesson
Learn to distinguish between SH and ZH and not to confuse them with other sounds. Learn the spelling rules that produce each one.
13HVideo lesson
Learn when H is silent and when it isn't. Learn what to do with the H in pronouns and in abbreviations.
14R- Part 1 (R vs L and R blends)Video lesson
Learn how to produce R the American way. Learn how it is different from the vowel ER. Learn when to use R and when to use ER. Learn how to distinguish R from L. Learn the different R blends. R is complicated, so I've split the lesson into 2 parts.
15R-Part 2 (ER and R between vowels)Video lesson
This is Part 2 on R. R is tricky, so it needs 2 parts!
16Clear LVideo lesson
Learn not to confuse L with R, N, D, or TH! Learn how to make the different L blends.
17Dark LVideo lesson
Learn how to distinguish Dark L from Clear L. Learn how to make L before another consonant, unstressed vowel or at the end of a word.
18YVideo lesson
Learn when to insert an invisible Y. Learn when to insert Y for vowel to vowel linking. Learn when to insert Y after a long front vowel and before and r or l.
19WVideo lesson
Learn when W is silent and when it isn't. Learn to distinguish W from V. Learn how to make W clusters. Learn when to insert W for vowel to vowel linking. Learn when to insert W after a long back vowel and before r or l.