Build a Modern REST API with PHP 8, from Scratch!
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Are you eager to master the art of building professional and efficient REST APIs using the latest features of PHP 8? Look no further! This comprehensive Udemy course will equip you with all the necessary skills and knowledge to create robust n-tier RESTful APIs using all the latest PHP 8 features!
Whether you are a seasoned PHP developer or a beginner looking to dive into API development, this course is designed to cater to your needs. Through a hands-on approach, you’ll learn step-by-step how to design, build, and secure a fully functional REST API from scratch.
Starting with the fundamentals, you’ll gain a solid understanding of the REST architectural style and its principles. You’ll explore the HTTP protocol and learn how to leverage its methods and status codes to create API endpoints that adhere to industry standards.
As you progress, you’ll delve into the world of PHP 8, discovering its latest features and enhancements that make API development faster and more efficient. You’ll learn how to set up your development environment, configure PHP for optimal performance, and harness the power of the PHP 8 syntax (such as the `match` expression, the PHP 8.1 `enums`, and so much more!).
Throughout the course, you’ll work on real-world projects, allowing you to apply your knowledge to practical scenarios. You’ll learn how to handle authentication and authorization, implement CRUD operations, handle error responses, and optimize your API for scalability and performance.
Moreover, you’ll explore best practices and design patterns for building clean, maintainable, and testable code. You’ll become familiar with popular PHP frameworks and libraries that simplify the API development process, such as Laravel, Lumen, and Slim.
In addition to these frameworks, you’ll also utilize essential Composer packages like RedBean and DotEnv PHP.
RedBean provides an easy-to-use ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) solution for database management, while DotEnv PHP allows you to manage environment variables effortlessly, enhancing the security and portability of your API.
By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid foundation in creating RESTful APIs using PHP 8 and be ready to tackle complex API projects with confidence. Whether you’re building APIs for mobile applications, web services, or IoT devices, this course will show you the full potential of PHP 8 for API development.
Start today and become an outstanding seasoned REST API developer with PHP 8!
44. Install Composer & PHP JWT (JSON Web Tokens)Video lesson
55. Create your first file!Video lesson
66. Include files and composer autoloaderVideo lesson
77. Creating the first endpoints in our service applicationVideo lesson
88. PHP 8.1 User & Composer requirementsVideo lesson
99. If needed, upgrade your PHP version to correct oneVideo lesson
1010. Use an API client (API clients: Insomnia - Postman)Video lesson
1111. HTTP methods for REST API architecture CRUDVideo lesson
1212. Implement User ClassVideo lesson
1313. Helpers and HeadersVideo lesson
1414. Add namespace and composer autoloadVideo lesson
1515. Implementing your first API RoutesVideo lesson
1616. Implement match and enum PHP 8.0 and 8.1Video lesson
17Finishing user routes and handling the requestsVideo lesson
1818. Read the API payload data from the backend serverVideo lesson
1919. Validate endpointsVideo lesson
2020. Implement the missing argumentsVideo lesson
2121. Setup Git project repositoryVideo lesson
2222. Add just-http-status-codes and php-http-response-header packagesVideo lesson
2323. Save our code on a Git hosting platform (GitHub)Video lesson
2424. Refactoring the payload validationVideo lesson
2525. Add support for generating UUID (GUID)Video lesson
2626. Setup RedBeanPHP ORM, and MySQL on development machineVideo lesson
2727. Handle exceptions beautifully and convert into JSON formatVideo lesson
2929. Set a default response on index root requestVideo lesson
3030. Rewrite URLs to beautiful friendly onesVideo lesson
3131. RedBeanPHP ORM in the Specific N-Tier Architecture of our API ApplicationVideo lesson
3232. Secure RedBeanPHPVideo lesson
3333. Codebase Quick CleanupVideo lesson
3434. Retrieve a user from the database with RedBeanPHPVideo lesson
3535. Retrieve all users from the database with RedBeanPHPVideo lesson
3636. Remove an existing user from the database (with RedBean PHP)Video lesson
3737. Update a saved user in the databaseVideo lesson
3838. Refactor PHP enum in user.routesVideo lesson
3939. Send proper HTTP status codes for each API endpointVideo lesson
4040. Clean Code - Write self-documenting code instead of commentsVideo lesson
41Let's create the Food ItemVideo lesson
4242. Validate the received HTTP methods for API endpointsVideo lesson
4343. Make sure a user has a unique email + save and encrypt passwordVideo lesson
4444. Optional - Move hash_password to its own functionVideo lesson
4545. Login a userVideo lesson
4646. Store the JWT expiry time into ENV variableVideo lesson
4747. Refactoring - Implement UserEntity into User Data Access LayerVideo lesson
4848. Refactoring - Create FoodEntity to build a food productVideo lesson
4949. Store JWT token into database tableVideo lesson
5050. Store user JWT token and last activity into the databaseVideo lesson
5151. Good practices and enhancementsVideo lesson
5251.1. Final API refactoringVideo lesson
5352. Start writing your unit tests. Setup and configure PHPUnitVideo lesson
5453. Add your unit tests - Part 1 (User Entity)Video lesson
5554. Add your unit tests - Part 2 (Item Entity)Video lesson
5655. Add CI GitHub workflows pipelineVideo lesson
In this video, you will learn how to create a CD automated pipeline with GitHub Actions to trigger your PHP unit tests on every commit pushed.
57PHP Unit Testing LibrariesText lesson