Complete Course in Adobe Photoshop CC
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
Adobe Photoshop CC is a photo, image, and design editing software built for professional designers, photographers, and artists. … It also provides professional photography tools which help create and enhance pictures, transforming them into amazing works of art. Photoshop CC is an advanced imaging software used by video editors and photographers to alter or manipulate digital images. Photoshop is primarily used to edit 2D images, although it does offer some 3D image editing functionality.
This course contains almost every detail of photoshop explained in a very effective and practical manner. The theory portion is supported by practice examples that give you a hands on experience and hold on software. It introduces you the interface and tools of Photoshop CC. Also, it takes you through the Graphic Designing Concepts, Photo Manipulation and Retouching, Logo Design, Packaging Design, Magazine Cover and Business Card design, and so on.
Salient Features of this Course:
A comprehensive course consisting of video lectures that are organized in a pedagogical sequence.
Detailed explanation of all Photoshop commands and tools.
Step-by-step instructions to guide the users through the learning process.
Quiz to help the users assess their knowledge.
Practice Tests
2Lasso Tool and Polygon Lasso ToolVideo lesson
Learn how to select your subject with these 2 tools
and remove them from your image. -
3Layers PanelVideo lesson
After watching this tutorial, you will be able to
organise your layers and rename them as well. -
4Move ToolVideo lesson
After watching this tutorial, you will be able to move
your shapes around in your art board. -
5Pen ToolVideo lesson
After watching this tutorial, you will be familiar with
the different kinds of pen tools, how to use each
one, and change the stroke thickness in each one. -
6Quick Selection Tool and Magic Wand ToolVideo lesson
Learn how to quickly your subject with these 2 tools,
and separate them from the original background. -
7Zoom ToolVideo lesson
After watching this tutorial you will be able to zoom
in and zoom out of your illustrations with ease. -
8Adjustment Layer ToolVideo lesson
After watching this tutorial, you will be able to add
several adjustment layers from the layers panel to
enhance your image. -
9Camera Raw FilterVideo lesson
By using this tool, you will be able to find additional
filters to improve your image. -
10Layer MaskVideo lesson
After watching this tutorial, you will be able to make
a composition of several photos with the help of the
layer mask and the brush tool. -
11Patch ToolVideo lesson
By using this simple tool, you will be able to remove
any object from your image. -
12Spot Healing and Healing BrushVideo lesson
Similar to the patch tool, these 2 tools are other
alternatives to remove unnecessary objects from
your image. -
13Shape ToolVideo lesson
After watching this tutorial, you will be able to make
basic shapes, change their colour and stroke and
re-size them accordingly. -
14Pixelate FilterVideo lesson
Learn how to apply different kinds of filters from
the pixelate filter option, and how to adjust their
settings. -
15Rectangular and Elliptical Marquee ToolVideo lesson
After watching this tutorial, you will be able to
make selections of certain portions of the image
and move them around. -
16Gradient ToolVideo lesson
After watching this tutorial, you will be able to apply
gradient tool, change the colours and change the
direction of gradient. -
17Content Aware ToolVideo lesson
Learn how to easily remove unwanted objects and
items from your image with the help of the content
aware tool. -
18Art Board ToolVideo lesson
After watching this tutorial, you will be able to add
more number of art board of the same dimension. -
19Eraser ToolsVideo lesson
After watching this tutorial, you will be able to use
3 different kinds of erasers to remove unnecessary
things from your illustration. -
20Dodge and burn toolVideo lesson
Learn how to add shadows and highlights by
controlling the opacity and strength by using these
2 tools. -
21Perspective Warp ToolVideo lesson
Learn how to change the perspective of an image
with the perspective warp tool. -
22Puppet Warp ToolVideo lesson
Learn how to correct posture and add a sense of
movement with the puppet warp tool. -
23Smudge ToolVideo lesson
After watching this tutorial, you will be able to blend
2 different colours together in your artboard. -
24Sponge ToolVideo lesson
Adjust the saturation levels of an image with the
help of the sponge tool. -
25Blur and Sharpen ToolVideo lesson
After watching this tutorial, you will be able to
sharpen your image and blur certain areas of your
image/illustration. -
26Frame ToolVideo lesson
Learn to re-size an image in a particular dimension
by using the frame tool. -
27Clone Stamp and Pattern Stamp ToolVideo lesson
Learn to remove an object with the clone stamp tool
and how to make seamless patterns by using the
pattern stamp tool. -
28Blur GalleryVideo lesson
Learn 5 different types of blur from the blur gallery!
29Type ToolVideo lesson
After watching this tutorial, you will be able to
change fonts, resize your texts and learn to write
horizontally and vertically. -
30Filter GalleryVideo lesson
Enhance your images by applying different kinds of
filters from the filter gallery. -
313D FilterVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to apply
a 3D effect on your image. -
32Crop and Perspective Crop ToolVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to crop
your image to a certain size and also use the
perspective crop tool to crop your image in a
perspective. -
33Eye Dropper and Color Sampler ToolVideo lesson
Use these tools to pick out certain colours and save
them as swatches. -
34Hand Tool and Rotate View ToolVideo lesson
These 2 tools will help you to pan large images and
rotate your document with the help of the rotate
view tool. -
35Slice and Slice Selection ToolVideo lesson
Use this tool to slice your image in different pieces!
36Ruler ToolVideo lesson
This simple tool will help you leave appropriate
space in your document with the help of the ruler
tool. -
37Magnetic Lasso ToolVideo lesson
Similar to the lasso and the polygon lasso tool, learn
to use this tool to make a selection around an area
of your image and edit that part. -
38Count Tool and Note ToolVideo lesson
Use these 2 tools to mark certain areas of your
image for any particular changes. -
39Raster Smart ObjectsVideo lesson
Learn to save the quality of your high quality
images by converting the image into a
raster/smart object. -
40Red Eye ToolVideo lesson
Easily remove the red eyes with 1 click with the
help of the red eye tool! -
41"History Brush Tool and Art History Brush Tool"Video lesson
Keep a track of your editing with the help of
these tools. -
42Stylize FiltersVideo lesson
Enhance your images by adding different kinds of
filters from the stylize filters category.
433D Text ManipulationVideo lesson
After watching this tutorial, you will be able
to make similar 3D texts on different
backgrounds. -
44Letter PortraitVideo lesson
Learn how to make your image into an anime
style by adjusting the image settings and
adding a background image. -
45Blending 2 images - 1 compositionVideo lesson
Learn how to blend 2 different images into 1
by adjusting the colours and using the brush
tools. -
46Book ManipulationVideo lesson
Adjust the size of different images and play
around with the colour adjustments to make
a composition. -
47Burning Rose EffectVideo lesson
Learn how different blending modes can help
you create this type of a composition! -
48Cartoon EffectVideo lesson
Add that comic book/cartoon effect on
yourself by only adjusting the image settings
from the adjustment layer and applying
filters! -
49Circular EffectVideo lesson
Make your images look more interesting by
using 2 main tools! -
50Cloud FaceVideo lesson
Put your head in the clouds only by changing
the blend modes of the image. -
51Cracked Head EffectVideo lesson
Give yourself a realistic cracked head by
learning how to blend 2 images together. -
52Double ExposureVideo lesson
Combine 2 images to make this effect by
adding a layer mask and adjusting the image
53Galaxy EffectVideo lesson
Learn how to add this galaxy effect by using 2
different images and adjusting the settings of
your image! -
54Geometric Shape EffectVideo lesson
Make this cool effect by using the geometric
shapes and adjusting the image settings! -
55Glitch EffectVideo lesson
Learn how to change the style of the image
to make this realistic glitch effect! -
56Glow in the dark effectVideo lesson
Adjust the image settings make making a
selection of the area to add this glow in the
dark effect. -
57Letter PortraitVideo lesson
Create this portrait by using the text tool and
an image of your choice by blending them
together. -
58Mirror EffectVideo lesson
Make this effect by duplicating images and
adjusting the image in each layer. -
59Mountains inside a bottleVideo lesson
Learn how you can add snow clad mountains
inside a clear glass bottle with the help of a
layer mask. -
60Neon Glow EffectVideo lesson
Add a neon glow effect with the help of the
brush tool and layer mask! -
61Oil Painting EffectVideo lesson
Learn how to add this effect on your image
only by adjusting the settings from the filter
panel! -
62Paint Dripping EffectVideo lesson
Add this paint dripping effect on your image
by combining 2 different images and
adjusting the blend mode. -
63Portrait Brush EffectVideo lesson
Create your very own portrait brush effect by
adding solid colors and changing the size of
the brush! -
64Realistic Cracked Skin EffectVideo lesson
Make your skin cracked by blending 2 images
together! -
65Removing Objects in PhotoshopVideo lesson
Remove anything with a few clicks!
66Slime Doodle EffectVideo lesson
Add this slime effect on your face with the
the brush tool. -
67Smoke Dispersion EffectVideo lesson
Create this effect with the help of the brush
& a layer mask! -
68Snow EffectVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to
add a snow effect by adjusting the effects from
the filter gallery. -
69Text Masking EffectVideo lesson
Create this effect by adjusting the images and
texts together with the help of a layer mask. -
70Torn Photo EffectVideo lesson
Create this effect by effect by combining 2
different images together! -
71Water Color EffectVideo lesson
Learn how to add a water color effect on
your image by changing the settings from the
filters gallery. -
72Basket Weave EffectVideo lesson
Create this basket weave effect with the help of
the grid & outer glow. -
73Brick Wall PortraitVideo lesson
Add your photo in a brick wall by experimenting
with the effects & manipulating images. -
74Water Dispersion EffectVideo lesson
Create a water dispersion effect by manipulating
2 images and matching the colours with the hue
& saturation tool. -
75Vertical Panel EffectVideo lesson
Create a vertical panel effect by using the
rectangle tool & the clipping mask tool. -
76Ink Smudge EffectVideo lesson
Create an ink smudge Effect with the help of
layer masks & images. -
77Parallax videoVideo lesson
Learn to create a GIF/short video on loop by
manipulating images & using the timeline
option in Photoshop. -
78Underwater Photo ManipulationVideo lesson
Create an underwater scene by manipulating images
& re-touching images from the adjustment panel. -
79Body Paint EffectVideo lesson
Learn to manipulate photos together to add a
body paint effect on yourself! -
80Melting Stretch EffectVideo lesson
Learn to manipulate photos together to add a
body paint effect on yourself!