Django 5 - Build a Complete Website from Scratch to Deploy
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Hi! and Welcome to the new 2025 Project based Django-5 Course “Django 5 – Build a Complete Website from Scratch to Deploy“!
where you will learn all Django Fundamentals, Integrating Django with Frontend and Bootstrap Templates to build stylish websites, CRUD operations and much more!
The course is absolute beginner friendly you don’t need to have any prior knowledge of Django.
As we going to build Django Project from scratch, Going up the ladder step-by-step and covering line by line all the code and logic explained in detail.
From Scratch until Deployment of website on the internet, building a great looking Agency website with Blogging section and Admin site control, Webpage is mobile responsive using latest version of Bootstrap version 5.
The great about the course, it covers all sections required to get you from being beginner to the next level! with all the content using latest versions and course build on year 2025.
The basic knowledge of Python and html/css is all that is required to get started with this course.
Mentioning some of the ares will be covered from absolute first step:
VS Code Configuration
Django/Python version & Installation
Working with Virtual Env
Django & third party packages
Working with Static files locally and on deployment stage
Building Frontend from basic HTML to using advanced Bootstrap-5 Template
Using Django HTML Template to control the Frontend and display data
Using Django Admin Site and Customising it
Working with Django ORM (CRUD operations)
Django Migrations and Monitoring the changes on the Database
Build advanced Blogging section with Rich Text Editor
Using GMAIL service to send out emails
Deploying the website to the internet
Working with Git & Github
and much much more!
Additionally we are going to deploy our website on the internet in a step by step easy to follow appoarch!
So let’s begin the journey of becoming an expert in Django.
Sincerely, Azzam Makki
9Preparing Text Editor (VS Code)Video lesson
10Django and Python VersionsVideo lesson
Django Documentation:
What Python version can I use with Django?
Django version 3.2 | Python = 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 (added in 3.2.9)
Django version 4.0 | Python = 3.8, 3.9, 3.10
Django version 4.1 | Python = 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 (added in 4.1.3)
Django version 4.2 | Python = 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12 (added in 4.2.8)
Django version 5.0 | Python = 3.10, 3.11, 3.12
11Introduction to Virtual EnvironmentVideo lesson
12Creating our Virtual EnvironmentVideo lesson
13Notes about Virtual EnvironmentText lesson
14Start Our Django ProjectVideo lesson
15Run Server & Django MigrationsVideo lesson
16Django AppVideo lesson
17Django MVT DesignVideo lesson
Django MVT
Model (M): The Model is responsible for handling data-related logic. It represents the data structure of your Database
View (V): The View is responsible for handling user interface logic and processing user inputs.
Template (T): The Template is responsible for presentation logic. It defines how the data from the models should be displayed to the user.
18Serving HTML filesVideo lesson
19Serving Static files (CSS/JS)Video lesson
20Django Admin SiteVideo lesson
21Django CommandsText lesson
30Creating our First ModelVideo lesson
31Registering Model to Admin SiteVideo lesson
32Django ORMVideo lesson
33Django View Function & HTML PageVideo lesson
34Our Services ModelVideo lesson
35Our Services HTML SectionVideo lesson
36Our Testimonials Model & Admin SiteVideo lesson
37Our Testimonials HTML SectionVideo lesson
38Displaying Hosted Images on HTMLVideo lesson
39Building the FAQ SectionVideo lesson
40HTML Forms in DjangoVideo lesson
41Django HTML RedirectionVideo lesson
42POST Request & GET RequestVideo lesson
43Working with HTML Form DataVideo lesson
44Setup Gmail App Password & Sending EmailsVideo lesson
45Handling Env VariableVideo lesson
46Design our Email Content by HTMLVideo lesson
47Working with Django MessagesVideo lesson
48Using Bootstrap Alerts with Django MessagesVideo lesson
49Applying logs for the Contact Form EmailsVideo lesson
50Adding function to create logs for the Contact Form EmailsVideo lesson
51IntroVideo lesson
52Creating the Blog ModelVideo lesson
53Creating the Author ModelVideo lesson
54Intro to Foreign Key and One-to-Many RelationshipVideo lesson
55Django Foreign Key & Admin SiteVideo lesson
56Recent Posts Section (Part 1)Video lesson
57Recent Posts Section (Part 2)Video lesson
58Single Blog Page - HTML PageVideo lesson
59Single Blog Page - Fix StaticfilesVideo lesson
60Single Blog Page - Fix HTML HeaderVideo lesson
61Recent Blogs on Single Blog PageVideo lesson
62All Blogs Page - Creating URL & View FunctionVideo lesson
63All Blogs Page - HTML PageVideo lesson
64Blogs Pagination (Part 1)Video lesson
65Blogs Pagination (Part 2)Video lesson
66Using Rich Text EditorVideo lesson