Easy Guitar for Beginners
- Description
- Curriculum
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Welcome to the guitar for beginners course!
My name is Filip Flego, I am a professional guitar player and teacher, and I will lead you through the process of learning guitar.
We will start from the absolute beginning, and we will cover basic chords, melodies, rhythms, and left and right-hand techniques. We will do all that using original songs composed specially for this course.
Now and then, there are warm-up and theory lessons.
Warm-up lessons will help you develop different techniques, synchronize between left and right hand, and gain strength in the left hand.
Theory lessons will help you to systemize all the knowledge that you will gain.
Each lesson video lasts for max. 5 minutes. I suggest you dedicate 15 to 30 minutes to each lesson. Make pauses and watch some parts twice if you need it.
My other suggestion is that you practice at least 5 days in a week.
Every lesson is structured this way (except warm-up lessons and theory lessons):
1) I play the song
2) Explanation step by step – here you are learning. Make pauses if you need or watch some parts twice.
3) We play together – when you feel confident about your playing, here we do it together! 😉
4) After each lesson, you will download the PDF file with notation, TABs, comments, and further explanations to better understand what you have just learned to play, as well as to learn how you can write and read music.
If you never touched a guitar before, and don’t know anything about music (but you would love to play guitar, and understand music), I designed this course for you.
This is the right place to start.
Make yourself a coffee, grab a guitar and let’s learn to play it the easy way!
See you in your first lesson 🙂
List of knowledge and skills you will gain until the end of this course:
1) Chords: C, D, Dmin, D7, E, Emin, E7, F, F#7, G, G7, A, Amin, Amin7, A7, Bmin, B7
2) Scales:
– major: C, G, D, F
– minor: a, e, b, d
– harmonic minor: a, e, b, d
3) Rhythms and meters: different rhythms in 4/4 and 3/4 meters
4) Techniques:
– LH: hammer-on, pull-off;
– RH: playing with fingers and with a pick; palm mute
5) Warm-up exercises – for left hand; for synchronization between LH and RH
6) Reading easy sheet music:
– whole note, half note, quarter note, eighth note, notes with a dot
– tonalities C, G, D, F, a, e, b, d
– repetition signs, prima & seconda volta
– ritardando, fermata
7) Music theory:
-construction of major, minor, and harmonic minor scale
– construction of chords (triads in major scale + 4 note chord on V degree)
– creation of simple bass lines using root and 5th
– degrees in the scale
– writing techniques (melodies): nota di volta, chromatic passing tone
1Welcome PresentationVideo lesson
2How to hold and tune your guitarVideo lesson
*In this lecture, I used tuner app gStrings.
3Warm-Up: C Major ChordVideo lesson
4Sunny Day: C Major Chord With Easy RhythmVideo lesson
5Warm-Up: E Minor ChordVideo lesson
6RollingVideo lesson
7Warm-Up: A Minor ChordVideo lesson
8First Waltz: 3/4, C Major and A Minor ChordsVideo lesson
9Chords - Fretboard DiagramsQuiz
In this quiz, you will answer which one of the fretboard diagrams represents given chord.
10Meters: 3/4 and 4/4Quiz
In this quiz, you will be asked how many beats are in one bar (3/4 and 4/4).
11Warm-Up: G Major ChordVideo lesson
12Major and Minor: Exercising ChordsVideo lesson
13Duration Of The NotesQuiz
In this quiz, you will be asked about duration of the notes and breaks.
14Section 2 - OverviewVideo lesson
15Warm-Up: Stretching FingersVideo lesson
16Friendly Tune Part 1: Your First MelodyVideo lesson
17Friendly Tune Part 2: Chords and RhythmVideo lesson
18Climbing Stairs Part 1: C Major Scale as MelodyVideo lesson
19Climbing Stairs Part 2: Chords and Right Hand TechniqueVideo lesson
20Reading Sheet MusicQuiz
In this quiz, you will be asked about the names of a few notes written in the musical staff.
21Warm-Up: D Minor Chord and Right Hand TechniqueVideo lesson
22Knitting On The Strings: Chords and Right Hand TechniqueVideo lesson
23Chords - Fretboard Diagrams Part 2Quiz
In this quiz, you will answer which fretboard diagram represents given chord.
24Right Hand FingersQuiz
In this quiz, you will be asked about the symbols for the right hand fingers.
25Exercising Part 1: Melody (Octaves)Video lesson
26Exercising Part 2: ChordsVideo lesson
27Section 3 - OverviewVideo lesson
28First Bite Of Music Theory - C Major Scale, 3rds (Part 1)Video lesson
29First Bite Of Music Theory - Chords (Part 2)Video lesson
30Dancing On The Stairs Part 1: MelodyVideo lesson
31Dancing On The Stairs Part 2: Bass LineVideo lesson
32Warm-Up: More StretchingVideo lesson
33Release: Pull-Off TechniqueVideo lesson
34Hit: Hammer-On TechniqueVideo lesson
35In The Garden Part 1: MelodyVideo lesson
36In The Garden Part 2: Chords and RhythmVideo lesson
37Warm-Up: F Major ChordVideo lesson
38Afternoon Nap: C and F Major, Right Hand TechniqueVideo lesson
39Section 4 - OverviewVideo lesson
40Second Bite Of Music Theory - Chords In C Major ScaleVideo lesson
41Degrees In The ScaleQuiz
In this quiz, you will be asked what chord is on which degree of the C major scale.
42By The Sea Part 1: MelodyVideo lesson
43By The Sea Part 2: ChordsVideo lesson
44Small Bite Of Music Theory - Bass LinesVideo lesson
45Bass Lines / FifthsQuiz
In this quiz you will be asked which notes fit which chord when creating bass lines (using fifths).
46Multitasking: Chords + Bass LineVideo lesson
47Combinations: Melody and ChordsVideo lesson
48Section 5 - OverviewVideo lesson
49Third Bite Of Music Theory: Chromatic ScaleVideo lesson
50Chromatic ScaleQuiz
In this quiz, you will be asked about chromatic scale.
51G Major ScaleVideo lesson
52Beautiful Melody in G MajorVideo lesson
53Walking Part 1: Chords and RhythmVideo lesson
54Walking Part 2: MelodyVideo lesson
55D Major ScaleVideo lesson
56Beautiful Melody in D MajorVideo lesson
57Warm-Up: Hammer On, Pull OffVideo lesson
58Driving: Chords + Little MelodyVideo lesson
59F Major ScaleVideo lesson
60Major ScalesQuiz
In this quiz you will be asked about the C, G, D and F major scale in order to be sure that you know all the stuff ;)
61Beautiful Melody in F MajorVideo lesson
62Warm-Up: Stretching Fingers Part 2Video lesson
63Flying Part 1: Chords and RhythmVideo lesson
64Flying Part 2: MelodyVideo lesson
65Chords - Fretboard Diagrams Part 3Quiz
In this quiz, you will answer which one of the fretboard diagrams represents given chord.
66Introduction To The Next SectionVideo lesson
67Fourth Bite Of Music Theory: Minor ScalesVideo lesson
68Fifth Bite Of Music Theory: Harmonic Minor ScalesVideo lesson
69Minor And Harmonic Minor ScalesQuiz
In this quiz you will be asked few things about minor and harmonic minor scale.
70Beautiful Melody in A MinorVideo lesson
71Beautiful Melody in E MinorVideo lesson
72Beautiful Melody in B MinorVideo lesson
73Beautiful Melody in D MinorVideo lesson