Hands-On React. Build advanced React JS Frontend with expert
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React is the most popular library for building frontend web applications. Step-by-step by diving into all the basics, I’ll introduce you to advanced concepts as well.
We’ll build the minesweeper application from scratch:
setup of the development environment
configuration of the React JS app
basic algorithms of Minesweeper
We’ll build the minesweeper game. During the course, we’ll cover the most important topics.
First will be a configuration of the ReactJS application with Typescript and using build tools Webpack+Babel.
Second, there’re presented TDD or TLD approaches that I’ll try to practice with you during the coding sessions. Probably you don’t have enough experience with the tests, but it’s ok, there’s still a good way to learn it from the course. When you work with code and cover it with test cases, it provides you with guarantees that your code works as you expected. This is the purpose and benefit of the tests.
Tools for testing: Jest, Stryker, React Testing Library
Also, I’ll try to cover basic Typescript concepts and show you a way to improve these skills. During the coding sessions, we’ll cover advanced Javascript techniques to make sense of commonly used JS features.
Storybook is the most popular way to build the components library. From our side, it’s the most basic part of the course. We’ll install and configure Storybook, which will provide us with a full components spec. This approach is called Components Driven Development.
CSS-IN-JS, EmotionJS, and Styled-Components are very powerful toolkits to build UI components. Even very complex component styles can be easily produced and supported by it.
We’ll introduce you to React Hooks – it’s the basic way to make dynamic UI for the applications.
We’ll make review React Router v5 and also React Router v6.
GitHub Actions makes it easy to automate all your software workflows, now with world-class CI/CD. Build, test, and deploy your code right from GitHub. Make code reviews, branch management, and issue triaging work the way you want. We create our deployment workflow!
Last but not least it’s Redux. Redux is a beautiful way to manage an application state. We’ll use the Redux-Toolkit library – it simplifies the work with Redux.
Check out the full curriculum and free preview videos. Join the course risk-free with a 30-day money-back guarantee!
See you on the course!
16Create React JS AppVideo lesson
17JSX at GlanceVideo lesson
18JSX compilationVideo lesson
19Props and conditional renderingVideo lesson
20Props and conditional renderingText lesson
21Ecma TC39 and BabelVideo lesson
22Webpack introVideo lesson
Project builder - write your code and bundle it
23How can you configure your app?Text lesson
24Webpack dev serverVideo lesson
25Create React JS application with webpack and babelText lesson
26Jest testing framework (TDD vs TLD)Video lesson
27Field generator part1Video lesson
28Field generator part2Video lesson
29Field generator part3Video lesson
30Field generator part4Video lesson
31VSCode debug configurationVideo lesson
32Debug basic game logicVideo lesson
33Create a field generatorText lesson
34Library Emotion for css-in-jsVideo lesson
35Styled-Components APIVideo lesson
36Storybook introVideo lesson
37Eslint and StorybookVideo lesson
38Create Styped-Components with StorybookVideo lesson
39Components compositionVideo lesson
40Chromatic for visual testingVideo lesson
41List and KeysVideo lesson
42Storybook and ChromaticText lesson
43React JS Hook useStateVideo lesson
44Dynamic components with useState React JS HookVideo lesson
45React Testing Library for React JS componentsVideo lesson
46FragmentVideo lesson
47Cell component part1Video lesson
48Cell component part2Video lesson
49Cell component part3Video lesson
When I've told you about the context menu OBS can't catch this. When you press the second mouse button it should be a context menu per every item on the page if we won't prevent it
50EventsVideo lesson
51Cell component testsVideo lesson
52Custom React JS HooksVideo lesson
53useDebugValueVideo lesson
54Game Field (grid) componentVideo lesson
55Storybook components library reviewVideo lesson
63Static gameVideo lesson
64Game logicVideo lesson
65React JS Hook useState and player field generatorVideo lesson
66React Testing Library user-eventVideo lesson
67Test player field generatorVideo lesson
68Generate game field and openCell handlerVideo lesson
69Debug session and useMemo React HookVideo lesson
70Click to the cell test casesVideo lesson
71Reset game by TDDVideo lesson
79React JS Hook useEffectVideo lesson
80Game timer and useEffectVideo lesson
81Game timer fixVideo lesson
82Bombs counterVideo lesson
83Test reports and refactoring sessionVideo lesson
84Test reports and refactoring session 2Video lesson
85Refactoring useGameVideo lesson
86Refactoring useGame 2Video lesson
87RDT profiler and React.memo + useCallback introVideo lesson
88React.memo + useCallback optimizationVideo lesson
89Stryker disable mutantsVideo lesson