HTML 5 With Quizzes And Python 3 Complete Course 2023
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Learn HTML5 With HTML 5 Quizzes And Python 3 From the Beginning in HTML 5 And Python Complete Course 2023
we’ve created thorough, extensive, but easy-to-follow Hours of content that you’ll easily understand and absorb.
The course starts with the basics of HTML5, Python fundamentals, programming, and user interaction in full stack course
The curriculum is going to be very hands-on as we walk you from start to finish to become a professional HTML 5, Python developer. We will start from the very beginning by teaching you HTML 5 Basics then Python basics and programming fundamentals, and then going into advanced topics and different career fields in Python so you can get real-life practice and be ready for the real world.
The topics covered in this course are:
* Brief Introduction To HTML 5 And HTML 5 Quizzes
HTML Basic Tags
HTML List Tags
HTML Attributes
HTML Forms
HTML Blocks
* Beginner to Expert Python contents:
The course teaches you the essential concepts of Python programming, and gives you an in-depth knowledge in data analytics, machine learning, data visualization, web scraping, and natural language processing. You will master the essential concepts of data types, tuples, lists, dicts, basic operators, and functions
Array implementation
File methods
Keywords and Identifiers
Python Tuples
Python Basics
Python Fundamentals
Data Structures
Object-Oriented Programming with Python
Functional Programming with Python
Testing in Python
Error Handling
Regular Expressions
Thank you, See you inside the course.
1Tutorial 1 - HTML IntroductionVideo lesson
2Quizzes Of HTML IntroductionQuiz
3HTML AttributesVideo lesson
4Quizzes Of HTML AttributesQuiz
5HTML Basic Tags.Video lesson
6Quizzes Of HTML Basic TagsQuiz
7HTML Phrase TagsVideo lesson
8Quizzes Of HTML Phrase TagsQuiz
9HTML CommentsVideo lesson
10Quizzes Of HTML CommentsQuiz
11HTML BlocksVideo lesson
12Quizzes Of HTML BlocksQuiz
13HTML FontsVideo lesson
14Quizzes Of HTML FontsQuiz
15HTML SVGVideo lesson
16Quizzes Of HTML SVGQuiz
17HTML Formatting TagsVideo lesson
18Quizzes Of Formatting TagsQuiz
19HTML FormsVideo lesson
20Quizzes Of HTML FormsQuiz
21HTML List TagsVideo lesson
22Quizzes Of HTML List TagsQuiz
23HTML TablesVideo lesson
24Quizzes Of HTML TablesQuiz
25HTML Media Element 1Video lesson
26Quizzes Of HTML Media Element 1Quiz
27HTML Media Element 2Video lesson
28Quizzes Of HTML Media Element 2Quiz