JavaScript & jQuery - Certification Course for Beginners
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Welcome to the JavaScript & jQuery – Certification Course for Beginners
This course offers a comprehensive guide into the fundamentals of coding using JavaScript and jQuery. These powerful languages can be used to add animated, dynamic client-side functionality to any web page.
The JavaScript section of the course takes students on a journey that starts right from the basics. This includes JavaScript placement, and embedding External JavaScript code. From there, we move into variable declaration and operators for performing arithmetic. We also look at the order of operations, and different data types. Students then move into more advanced topics such as:
JavaScript Objects
Arrays, and Array Attributes
Conditional Statements
JavaScript Comparisons and Booleans
JavaScript Loops, Functions, and Events
The second section of the course takes an in-depth look into jQuery. This is where students can take their development skills to the next level, by adding interactivity to static elements. We start with foundational concepts such as embedding jQuery, and various selectors. We then explore jQuery events, Animations, complex functions, and much more.
What you’ll learn
JavaScript Placement
JavaScript Output
JavaScript Variables
JavaScript Assignment & Arithmetic Operations
JavaScript Data Types & Objects
JavaScript Math Functions
JavaScript Arrays, Array Attributes, and Array Splicing
Joining & Sorting Arrays
JavaScript Conditional Statements and Comparisons
JavaScript Loops (For-In, While, Do-While, Break & Continue)
JavaScript Functions & Events
jQuery Selectors (ID, Class, Other)
jQuery Events, Multiple Event Handlers, Hiding-Showing, Toggle, Fades, Slides
jQuery Animations
jQuery Stop, Callback Functions, Chaining, Draggables, Accordion Menus
jQuery Get Content, Set Content, Append and Prepend
If you are interested in improving your web development skills, then look no further – Enrol today!
1JavaScript - DOM IntroductionVideo lesson
2JavaScript - DOM ManipulationVideo lesson
3JavaScript - IntroductionVideo lesson
4JavaScript PlacementVideo lesson
5External JavaScriptVideo lesson
6JavaScript OutputVideo lesson
7JavaScript InnerHTMLVideo lesson
8JavaScript CommentingVideo lesson
9JavaScript ConstantsVideo lesson
10JavaScript Variables IntroductionVideo lesson
11JavaScript Assignment OperatorVideo lesson
12JavaScript Arithmetic OperationsVideo lesson
13JavaScript Arithmetic Operations ContinuedVideo lesson
14JavaScript Operator PrecedenceVideo lesson
15JavaScript Data TypesVideo lesson
16JavaScript ObjectsVideo lesson
17JavaScript Object OutputVideo lesson
18JavaScript StringsVideo lesson
19JavaScript String LengthVideo lesson
20JavaScript Special CharactersVideo lesson
21JavaScript Random NumbersVideo lesson
22JavaScript Min and Max FunctionVideo lesson
23JavaScript Math Round FunctionVideo lesson
24JavaScript ArraysVideo lesson
25JavaScript Array AttributesVideo lesson
26JavaScript Arrays - Pop - Push - Shift - UnshiftVideo lesson
27JavaScript Changing and Deleting ElementsVideo lesson
28JavaScript Splicing an ArrayVideo lesson
29JavaScript Sorting an ArrayVideo lesson
30JavaScript Joining ArraysVideo lesson
31JavaScript Conditional StatementsVideo lesson
32JavaScript ComparisonsVideo lesson
33JavaScript BooleansVideo lesson
34JavaScript For LoopsVideo lesson
35JavaScript For-In LoopVideo lesson
36JavaScript While LoopsVideo lesson
37JavaScript Do-While LoopVideo lesson
38JavaScript Break and ContinueVideo lesson
39JavaScript FunctionsVideo lesson
40JavaScript EventsVideo lesson
41JavaScript Project 1 - BG Color ChangerVideo lesson