Master C++ Programming From Beginner To Advance 2024 Edition
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Master C++ Programming From Beginner To Advance 2024 Edition
C++ Programming , C++ Tutorial , C++ Lecture , C++ Course , C++ 11 , C++ 14 , C++ 17
Qt 5 C++ GUI Development For Beginners , QT GUI , Qt 5 , qt 5 , Qt C++
Concepts of C++ Programming are made very simple and easy.
Course Highlights
Explained each topic with help of picture and example.
Practical Session for each Topic
5-Projects – ATM system, Student Management & Hacking Tool – keylogger , Phone Calculator GUI , Car Booking GUI
Notes – ppt
100+ MCQ’s
15 Assignments
Interview Preparation ( Top Frequently asked Questions )
Coding Exercise
C++ Deep Dive all the way till Multi-threading
Qt 5 C++ GUI Application Development for Beginners
Topics :
Introduction to Basics of Computer ( Beginners )
What is Computer
Computer Architecture
RAM – Random Access Memory
CPU – Central Processing Unit
Operating System
Computer Language
Introduction to Programming
What is Programming in general
Why we should learn
What is Cpp
What is Compiler and IDE
Compiler and IDE Setup
Best IDE’s For C++
Installing Visual Studio for C++
Installing Codeblocks for C++
Introducing Program Structure in C++ Program
Main Function
Block and Semicolon
Writing First C++ Program
User Input and Output in C++ Program
Data Types
Arithmetic Operators
Assignment Operators
Logical Operator
Comparison Operator
Introducing Important Terminologies in C++ Programming
Introduction Conditions in C++
Condition in C++
If Condition
If Else Condition
Else if Condition
Switch Case
Introducing String in C++ Programming Language
Why Strings are used in C++
String concatenation
How to calculate string length
How to take string as input
Example on String
Introduction to Loops
What / why of Loop
For Loop
While Loop
Do While Loop
Break and Continue
Why Array
What is Array
Creating , Initialize and Modify Array
Program of find Minimum no. in Array
Why Functions in C++
Example Of Function
Function and Main Memory
Various Forms Of Function
What and Why Of Function Overloading
1st Way Of Function Overloading
2nd Way Of Function Overloading
Drawback Of Function and inline Function
What and Why Of Structure
Define Structure in C++
Example of Structure
Nesting Of Structure
Structure padding
Why Object Oriented Programming
Example of OOP
Key Note on Member Function and Member Variable
Access Specifier
Characteristics of OOP
Mini Project – ( ATM System in C++ )
Why Constructor
Default Constructor
Parametrized Constructor
Copy Constructor
Constructor Overloading
Constructor Program
Operator Overloading
Overloading Post and Pre Increment
Introduction Inheritance
What is Inheritance
Why Inheritance
Inheritance Example
Constructor and Inheritance
Function Overriding
isA and hasA Relation
Types Of Inheritance
Ways of Inheritance
What is Pointer
Why Pointer is Used
Program in Memory
Pointer Notation
Pointer and Array
Pointer and Function
Memory Management – NEW
Memory Management – DELETE
Pointer Application Program
Pointer Limitations
this Pointer
Introduction to Pointer
Introduction to Polymorphism
Base Class Pointer and Derived Class Object
What is Virtual Function
Why Virtual Function with Example
Abstract Class and Pure Virtual Function
More about Polymorphism
Virtual Destructor
What is friend in general
What is Friend Function
Question on Friend Function
What is Friend Class + practical
Overloading Comparison Operator – With Friend Function
Introduction to Static Member
Static Member Variable
Static Member Function
Introducing File Input- Output
What are Streams
Classes and Object for Input-Output
How reading and writing is done in file
Write data into FILE
Reading data from FILE
Tellg in C++
Tellp Function
Seekg Function
Seekp Function
Exception Handling in C++
Exception Handling Program in C++
Basics of Data Structure
Introduction to STL
Containers in STL & Classification
Array – Container in STL
Vector – Container in STL
List – Container in STL
Stack – Container in STL
Queue – Container in STL
Priority Queue – Container in STL
Map – Container in STL
Multimap – Container in STL
Unordered Map – Container in STL
Set – Container in STL
Multiset – Container in STL
Unordered Set – Container in STL
Algorithms in STL
Container in Container
What and Why of Template in C++
Function Template
Class Template
Final Project – Student management in C++
Interview Preparation – Top frequently asked questions
Coding Exercise
What and Why of lambda in C++
lambda Function with value
lambda Function with reference
Multi-threading in C++
Multi-threading with function
Multi-threading with class – member function
Multi-threading with Lambda Function
Qt 5 GUI Application Development using C++ with Project
Codaming – VeDinesh Academy provides smart classroom-type learning by breaking long lectures into short and crisp for each topic.
We explain concepts with examples and pictures for better understanding, moreover we apply the Mind-Map technique that would definitely help you in connecting the dots and remembering the concepts forever.
We are highly motivated and passionate to provide you high-quality, simplified, and in-depth training at an affordable price.
2Introducing Basics Of Computer Mind-mapVideo lesson
3What is Computer ?Video lesson
4Computer QuizQuiz
5Computer ArchitectureVideo lesson
6RAM - Random Access MemoryVideo lesson
7RAM QuizQuiz
8CPU - Central Processing UnitVideo lesson
9CPU QuizQuiz
10Computer LanguageVideo lesson
11Operating SystemVideo lesson
12OS QuizQuiz
13Recap - Basics Of Computer - Mind-MapVideo lesson
21IDE's For C++Video lesson
22Installing Visual Studio for Windows (Optional)Video lesson
23Installing Codeblocks for Windows (Optional)Video lesson
24Installing VS Code + Mingw for Windows (Optional)Video lesson
25Installing VS Code for Linux (Optional)Video lesson
26Installing XCode for MacOS (Optional)Video lesson
27Header in C++ ProgramVideo lesson
28Header QuizQuiz
29Namespace in C++ ProgramVideo lesson
30Main Function in C++ ProgramVideo lesson
31Main Function QuizQuiz
32Block and Semicolon in C++ ProgramVideo lesson
33Block and Semicolon QuizQuiz
34Writing First C++ ProgramVideo lesson
35Software Development in C++Video lesson
36Introducing Important Terminologies in C++ ProgrammingVideo lesson
37Identifiers in C++ Programming LanguageVideo lesson
38Identifier QuizQuiz
39Keywords in C++ Programming LanguageVideo lesson
40Keyword QuizQuiz
41Data Types in C++ Programming Language ( Part 1 )Video lesson
42Data Types in C++ Programming Language ( Part 2 )Video lesson
43int is 2 byte or 4 byte ?Text lesson
44Datatype QuizQuiz
45Variables in C++ Programming LanguageVideo lesson
46Variable QuizQuiz
47User Input and Output in C++ ProgramVideo lesson
48Operators in C++ Programming LanguageVideo lesson
49Arithmetic Operators in C++ Programming LanguageVideo lesson
50Assignment Operators in C++ Programming LanguageVideo lesson
51Logical Operator in C++ Programming LanguageVideo lesson
52Comparison Operator in C++ Programming LanguageVideo lesson
53Operators QuizQuiz
54Constants in C++Video lesson
55Recap Important terminologies of C++ Programming ( Mind-map )Video lesson
56Write a program in C++ with comments.Video lesson
57Write a program in C++ to print a welcome text in a separate lines.Video lesson
58Write a program in C++ to print the sum of two numbers.Video lesson
59Write a program in C++ to swap two numbers.Video lesson
60Write a program in C++ to find the Area and Perimeter of a RectangleVideo lesson
61Write a program in C++ to compute quotient and remainderVideo lesson
62Write a program in C++ to compute the total and average of 4 no'sVideo lesson
63Write a program in C++ that takes a number as input and prints its tableVideo lesson
64Write a program in C++ to print first and last no. in a three digit no.Video lesson
65Write a C++ Program to Find Average of two numbersQuiz
66Write a C++ Program to Swap Two NumbersQuiz
67Write a C++ Program to Calculate Area of SquareText lesson
68IntroductionVideo lesson
69Precedence in C++Video lesson
70Associativity in C++Video lesson
71Example 1Video lesson
72Example 2Video lesson
73Example 3Video lesson
74Whether to use void main or int main ?Text lesson
75Why void main is conceptually wrong ?Text lesson
76Why we should initialize our variable with 0 ?Text lesson
77Precedence and Associativity QuizQuiz