Python And Django Framework And HTML 5 Stack Complete Course
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Learn Full Stack Course With Python, Django framework, And HTML 5 From the Beginning in Full Stack Course 2022
Created thorough, extensive, but easy-to-follow Hours of content that you’ll easily understand and absorb.
The course starts with the basics of Python fundamentals, programming, and user interaction in full-stack course
The curriculum is going to be very hands-on as we walk you from start to finish to become a professional HTML 5, Python developer. We will start from the very beginning by teaching you HTML 5 Basics then Python basics and programming fundamentals, and then going into advanced topics and different career fields in Python so you can get real-life practice and be ready for the real world.
The topics covered in this course are:
* Beginner to Expert Python contents:
Array implementation
File methods
Keywords and Identifiers
Python Tuples
Python Basics
Python Fundamentals
Data Structures
Object-Oriented Programming with Python
Functional Programming with Python
Testing in Python
Error Handling
Regular Expressions
Django Framework With Building Projects:
Django Web Framework, you will learn the fundamentals of web applications. web applications using Python Django Web Framework.
Build website and web applications
HTML and CSS for front-end web development
Bootstrap for responsive web design
Django for creating robust websites and web apps
* Brief Introduction To HTML 5:
HTML Basic Tags
HTML List Tags
HTML Attributes
HTML Forms
HTML Blocks
See you inside the course!
1Python Installing AnacondaVideo lesson
2Tutorial 2-Python OverviewVideo lesson
3Tutorial 3-Python Variables And ConstantsVideo lesson
4Tutorial 4-Python Class And Objects(demonstration)Video lesson
5Tutorial 5 -Python Array ImplementationVideo lesson
6Tutorial 6-Python Keywords And Identifiers.Video lesson
7Tutorial 7-Python TuplesVideo lesson
8Tutorial 8-Python sets.Video lesson
9Tutorial 9-Python Different ModulesVideo lesson
10Tutorial 10-Python Directory And File management.Video lesson
11Tutorial 11-Python DictionaryVideo lesson
12Tutorial 12-Python StringsVideo lesson
13Tutorial 13-Python Data Type ConversionVideo lesson
14Tutorial 14-Python NumbersVideo lesson
15Tutorial 15-Python Namespace and scopeVideo lesson
16Tutorial 16-Python global local nonlocal.Video lesson
17Tutorial 17-Python Global Keywords.Video lesson
18Tutorial 18-Python IteratorsVideo lesson
19Tutorial 19-Python Iterations Using forVideo lesson
20Tutorial 20-Python InheritanceVideo lesson
21Tutorial 21-Python Multiple InheritanceVideo lesson
22Tutorial 22-Python Function ArgumentsVideo lesson
23Tutorial 23-Python FunctionsVideo lesson
24Tutorial 24-Python break statement.Video lesson
25Tutorial 25-Python continue statementVideo lesson
26Tutorial 26-Python Errors And ExceptionsVideo lesson
27Tutorial 27-Python Try, Except And FinallyVideo lesson
28Tutorial 28-Python User Defined ExceptionVideo lesson
29Tutorial 29-Python OOP ApproachVideo lesson
30Tutorial 30-Python Nested Dictionary ImplementationVideo lesson
31Tutorial 31-Python Operator OverloadingVideo lesson
32Tutorial 32-Python Statements And CommentsVideo lesson
33Tutorial 33-Python Pass StatementVideo lesson
34Tutorial 34-Python GeneratorsVideo lesson
35Tutorial 35-Python DecoratorsVideo lesson
36Tutorial 36-Python While LoopVideo lesson
37Tutorial 37-Python use of If,elif,elseVideo lesson
38Tutorial 38-Python Matrix ImplementationVideo lesson
39Tutorial 39-Python Regular ExpressionsVideo lesson
40Tutorial 40-Python List ComprehensionVideo lesson
41Tutorial 41-Python RecursionVideo lesson
42Tutorial 42-Python Input, Output And ImportVideo lesson
43Tutorial 43-Python Shallow And Deep CopyVideo lesson
44Tutorial 44-Python Lamda FunctionVideo lesson
45Tutorial 45-Python AssertVideo lesson
46Tutorial 46-Python @propertyVideo lesson
47Tutorial 1-Introduction to Django .Getting startedVideo lesson
48Tutorial 4- Django TemplatesVideo lesson
49Tutorial 5-Django Templates Render a TemplateVideo lesson
50Tutorial 6-Django Templates + Render a TemplateVideo lesson
51Tutorial 7-Getting Started with Images in DjangoVideo lesson
52Tutorial 8-Getting Started with Images in Django(2).Video lesson
53Tutorial 9-Image Inside a TemplateVideo lesson
54Tutorial 10- Bootstrap 4 Forms With Django.Video lesson
55Tutorial 11- Bootstrap 4 Forms With Django (Backend Code)Video lesson
56Tutorial 12- Django Working with forms.Video lesson
57Tutorial 13-Django Working with formsVideo lesson
58Tutorial 14-Django Alert Handling in FormsVideo lesson
59Tutorial 15-Django Alert Handling in FormsVideo lesson
60Tutorial 16-404 Error Handling PageVideo lesson
61Tutorial 17-Django How To Make a Calculator App in Django (Part 1)Video lesson
62Tutorial 18- Django How To Make a Calculator App in Django (Part 2)Video lesson
63Tutorial 19-Django How To Make a Calculator App in Django (Part 3).Video lesson
64Tutorial 20-Adding Instructions and Submitting QueryVideo lesson
65Tutorial 21-Django Evaluation of Query and Adding Try Except BlockVideo lesson
66Tutorial 22-Creating a Poll App in DjangoVideo lesson
67Tutorial 23-Solving Problem,Adding list DjangoVideo lesson
68Tutorial 24-Django Adding Suggestions during Search BarVideo lesson
69Tutorial 25- Django Making a Backend Dictionary To StoreVideo lesson