Python And Flask Framework Complete Course
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
This course is a depth introduction to fundamental python programming concepts.
Learn Python From Beginner To Advanced Level
I’ve created thorough, extensive, but easy to follow content which you’ll easily understand and absorb.
The course starts with the basics, including Python fundamentals, programming, and user interaction.
This course offers a comprehensive journey through Python programming, spanning from beginner to advanced levels. It’s structured to be accessible yet thorough, ensuring that learners can grasp concepts easily. The curriculum covers a wide array of topics, starting with the basics such as Python fundamentals, programming, and user interaction.
As the course progresses, it delves into more advanced topics including object-oriented programming, functional programming, and various data structures. Hands-on practice is emphasized, enabling students to develop practical skills and prepare for real-world scenarios.
Additionally, the course includes tutorials on Flask, a popular web framework in Python. These intermediate to advanced tutorials cover essential aspects of Flask development, from building web applications to utilizing databases and handling incoming request data.
Overall, this course provides a comprehensive learning experience for individuals aspiring to become proficient Python developers, offering a solid foundation in both core Python concepts and web development with Flask.
The topics covered in this course are:
* Beginner to Expert Python contents:
Array implementation
File methods
Keywords and Identifiers
Python Tuples
Python Basics
Python Fundamentals
Mathematical Functions
Data Structures
Object-Oriented Programming with Python
Functional Programming with Python
Testing in Python
Error Handling
Regular Expressions
2) Flask is a popular Python web framework.
The tutorials in this section are intermediate to advanced tutorials that cover key aspects of Flask development.
*Flask Framework:
Flask Web Framework, In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of web applications .so that you can start building API and develop web applications using Python Flask Web Framework.
How to build Python web apps with Flask
How to use the Jinja template language to create the look of your apps
How to use the SQLite database to start development
How to use other databases with Flask by using Flask-SQLAlchemy
Using Flask to process incoming request data.
Course Overview
Flask Framework – URL Building
Flask Framework – HTTP Method
Flask Framework – Templates
Flask Framework – Static Files
Flask Framework – Request Object
Flask – Request.from Object
Flask Framework – Cookies
Flask Framework – Session Object
And More…
1Tutorial 1-Python From Command LineVideo lesson
2Tutorial 2- Python Script From Command LineVideo lesson
3Tutorial 3- Python Class And ObjectsVideo lesson
4Tutorial 4- Python Array ImplementationVideo lesson
5Tutorial 5-IDLE Interactive ShellVideo lesson
6Tutorial 6-Python Basic SyntaxVideo lesson
7Tutorial 7-Python Keywords.Video lesson
8Tutorial 8-python Lines And IndentationVideo lesson
9Tutorial 9-Python IdentifiersVideo lesson
10Tutorial 10-Python QuotationsVideo lesson
11Tutorial 11-Python Multiline StatementsVideo lesson
12Tutorial 12- Python Command line ArgumentVideo lesson
13Tutorial 13-Python Standard Data TypesVideo lesson
14Tutorial 14 -Python NumbersVideo lesson
15Tutorial 15-Python Mathematical FunctionsVideo lesson
16Tutorial 16-Python Random Number FunctionsVideo lesson
17Tutorial 17-Python Trigonometric FunctionsVideo lesson
18Tutorial 18-Python Mathematical ConstantsVideo lesson
19Tutorial 19-Python Trignometric Inverse functionsVideo lesson
20Tutorial 20- Trignometric Misc FunctionsVideo lesson
21Tutorial 21-Python OperatorsVideo lesson
22Tutorial 22-Python Arithmetic OperatorsVideo lesson
23Tutorial 23-Python Bitwise OperatorsVideo lesson
24Tutorial 24-Python Logical OperatorsVideo lesson
25Tutorial 25-Python Membership OperatorsVideo lesson
26Tutorial 26-Python Identity OperatorsVideo lesson
27Tutorial 27-Python Operator PrecedenceVideo lesson
28Tutorial 28-Python StringsVideo lesson
29Tutorial 29-Python Basic OperatorsVideo lesson
30Tutorial 30-String Formatting OperatorsVideo lesson
31Tutorial 31-Python Triple QuotesVideo lesson
32Tutorial 32-String Encoding FunctionsVideo lesson
33Tutorial 33-Python ListVideo lesson
34Tutorial 34-Python Access, Update And Delete.Video lesson
35Tutorial 35-Basic List OperationsVideo lesson
36Tutorial 36-Indexing, Slicing & MatrixesVideo lesson
37Tutorial 37- Python List MethodsVideo lesson
38Tutorial 38-Built in List FunctionsVideo lesson
39Tutorial 39-Python Decision MakingVideo lesson
40Tutorial 40-Python If StatementVideo lesson
41Tutorial 41-Python if else statementVideo lesson
42Tutorial 42-Python if elif else statementVideo lesson
43Tutorial 43-Python single statement suitesVideo lesson
44Tutorial 44-Python LoopsVideo lesson
45Tutorial 45-Python While loopVideo lesson
46Tutorial 46-python Infinite While LoopVideo lesson
47Tutorial 47-while loop else statementVideo lesson
48Tutorial 48-While Loop Single Statement Suites.Video lesson
49Tutorial 49-Python for loopVideo lesson
50Tutorial 50-For Loop Using rang() FunctionVideo lesson
51Tutorial 51-for loop iterating by sequence index.Video lesson
52Tutorial 52-Python Nested loopsVideo lesson
53Tutorial 53-Loop control statementVideo lesson
54Tutorial 54-Break Statement.Video lesson
55Tutorial 55-Continue StatementVideo lesson
56Tutorial 56-Python Pass StatementVideo lesson
57Tutorial 57-Using Else with For LoopVideo lesson
58Tutorial 58-Python TupleVideo lesson
59Tutorial 59-Tuple update and deleteVideo lesson
60Tutorial 60-Tuple Basic OperationsVideo lesson
61Tutorial 61-Tuple Indexing and SlicingVideo lesson
62Tutorial 62-Tuple No Enclosing DelimitersVideo lesson
63Tutorial 63-Tuple Build-In FunctionVideo lesson
64Tutorial 64-Python DictionaryVideo lesson
65Tutorial 65-Python Update and DeleteVideo lesson
66Tutorial 66-Properties Of Dictionary keysVideo lesson
67Tutorial 67-Dictionary FunctionsVideo lesson
68Tutorial 68-Python Dictionary MethodsVideo lesson
69Tutorial 69-Python FunctionsVideo lesson
70Tutorial 70-Parameter Pass by referenceVideo lesson
71Tutorial 71-Python Required ArgumentsVideo lesson
72Tutorial 72-Keywords Arguments.Video lesson
73Tutorial 73-Default ArgumentsVideo lesson
74Tutorial 74-Anonymous FunctionVideo lesson
75Tutorial 75-The Return ArgumentVideo lesson
76Tutorial 76-Scope of variables.Video lesson
77Tutorial 77-Python ModuleVideo lesson
78Tutorial 78-Executing Module as ScriptVideo lesson
79Tutorial 79-Python Loading ModulesVideo lesson
80Tutorial 80-Namespace And ScopingVideo lesson
81Tutorial 81- Packages in pythonVideo lesson