PyTorch Ultimate 2024: From Basics to Cutting-Edge
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
PyTorch is a Python framework developed by Facebook to develop and deploy Deep Learning models. It is one of the most popular Deep Learning frameworks nowadays.
In this course you will learn everything that is needed for developing and applying Deep Learning models to your own data. All relevant fields like Regression, Classification, CNNs, RNNs, GANs, NLP, Recommender Systems, and many more are covered. Furthermore, state of the art models and architectures like Transformers, YOLOv7, or ChatGPT are presented.
It is important to me that you learn the underlying concepts as well as how to implement the techniques. You will be challenged to tackle problems on your own, before I present you my solution.
In my course I will teach you:
Introduction to Deep Learning
high level understanding
activation functions
loss functions
Tensor handling
creation and specific features of tensors
automatic gradient calculation (autograd)
Modeling introduction, incl.
Linear Regression from scratch
understanding PyTorch model training
Datasets and Dataloaders
Hyperparameter Tuning
saving and loading models
Classification models
multilabel classification
multiclass classification
Convolutional Neural Networks
CNN theory
develop an image classification model
layer dimension calculation
image transformations
Audio Classification with torchaudio and spectrograms
Object Detection
object detection theory
develop an object detection model
YOLO v7, YOLO v8
Faster RCNN
Style Transfer
Style transfer theory
developing your own style transfer model
Pretrained Models and Transfer Learning
Recurrent Neural Networks
Recurrent Neural Network theory
developing LSTM models
Recommender Systems with Matrix Factorization
Understand Transformers, including Vision Transformers (ViT)
adapt ViT to a custom dataset
Generative Adversarial Networks
Semi-Supervised Learning
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Word Embeddings Introduction
Word Embeddings with Neural Networks
Developing a Sentiment Analysis Model based on One-Hot Encoding, and GloVe
Application of Pre-Trained NLP models
Model Debugging
Model Deployment
deployment strategies
deployment to on-premise and cloud, specifically Google Cloud
Miscellanious Topics
Extreme Learning Machine (ELM)
Enroll right now to learn some of the coolest techniques and boost your career with your new skills.
Best regards,
1Course OverviewVideo lesson
2PyTorch IntroductionVideo lesson
3System SetupVideo lesson
4How to Get the Course MaterialVideo lesson
You can get the material from Github via
5Additional Information for Mac-UsersText lesson
6Setting up the conda environmentVideo lesson
7General Environment Setup Error HandlingText lesson
8How to work with the courseVideo lesson
23Section OverviewVideo lesson
24NN from Scratch (101)Video lesson
25Calculating the dot-product (Coding)Video lesson
26NN from Scratch (Data Prep)Video lesson
27NN from Scratch Modeling __init__ functionVideo lesson
28NN from Scratch Modeling Helper FunctionsVideo lesson
29NN from Scratch Modeling forward functionVideo lesson
30NN from Scratch Modeling backward functionVideo lesson
31NN from Scratch Modeling optimizer functionVideo lesson
32NN from Scratch Modeling train functionVideo lesson
33NN from Scratch Model TrainingVideo lesson
34NN from Scratch Model EvaluationVideo lesson
38Section OverviewVideo lesson
39Model Training (101)Video lesson
40Linear Regression from Scratch (Coding, Model Training)Video lesson
41Linear Regression from Scratch (Coding, Model Evaluation)Video lesson
42Model Class (Coding)Video lesson
43Exercise: Learning Rate and Number of EpochsVideo lesson
44Solution: Learning Rate and Number of EpochsVideo lesson
45Batches (101)Video lesson
46Batches (Coding)Video lesson
47Datasets and Dataloaders (101)Video lesson
48Datasets and Dataloaders (Coding)Video lesson
49Saving and Loading Models (101)Video lesson
50Saving and Loading Models (Coding)Video lesson
51Hyperparameter Tuning (101)Video lesson
52Hyperparameter Tuning (Coding)Video lesson
53Section OverviewVideo lesson
54Classification Types (101)Video lesson
55Confusion Matrix (101)Video lesson
56ROC curve (101)Video lesson
57Multi-Class 1: Data PrepVideo lesson
58Multi-Class 2: Dataset class (Exercise)Video lesson
59Multi-Class 3: Dataset class (Solution)Video lesson
60Multi-Class 4: Network Class (Exercise)Video lesson
61Multi-Class 5: Network Class (Solution)Video lesson
62Multi-Class 6: Loss, Optimizer, and Hyper ParametersVideo lesson
63Multi-Class 7: Training LoopVideo lesson
64Multi-Class 8: Model EvaluationVideo lesson
65Multi-Class 9: Naive ClassifierVideo lesson
66Multi-Class 10: SummaryVideo lesson
67Multi-Label (Exercise)Video lesson
68Multi-Label (Solution)Video lesson
69Section OverviewVideo lesson
70CNNs (101)Video lesson
71CNN (Interactive)Video lesson
72Image Preprocessing (101)Video lesson
73Image Preprocessing (Coding)Video lesson
74Binary Image Classification (101)Video lesson
75Binary Image Classification (Coding)Video lesson
76MultiClass Image Classification (Exercise)Video lesson
77MultiClass Image Classification (Solution)Video lesson
78Layer Calculations (101)Video lesson
79Layer Calculations (Coding)Video lesson