React Crash Course: From Zero to Hero
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
React is a Top JavaScript library for building dynamic and interactive web applications. It is the perfect choice for developers because of its fast performance, scalability and ease of use.
Welcome to the “React Crash Course: From Zero to Hero”, where I will teach you React from the very beginning by building a real web project on practice and explaining all the React fundamentals step by step in details.
This is a crash practical course made with Love. It won’t take too much of your time, like other courses. My main focus will be on teaching you only practical and real things you will need.
To make learning easier for you, I will try to explain React concept in the simplest way possible. I’ve also made it modular, so you can easily navigate through the sections to find the information you need or come back to it later.
Who is this course for?
Students who are new to React.js and want to learn it from scratch.
JavaScript developers who have basic knowledge and want to dive deeper into React.js.
Developers familiar with other frameworks (like Angular or Vue) who are looking to switch to React.js.
Non-technical professionals who want to make the transition to programming and get started with React.js.
This Course includes:
Theory and Practice: About 3 hours of lectures with many practical examples. Lessons range from 3 to 10 minutes and are easy to follow.
Quizzes: Test your knowledge with quizzes after key sections to ensure you remember key concepts.
Coding Exercises: Practice your skills with coding exercises designed to reinforce core concepts and boost your confidence.
Source Code Examples: Full access to source code for all projects and exercises, helping you follow along and practice on your own.
Lifetime access to the course and any future updates.
Udemy Certificate: which you will receive after completing the course.
Support: If you have any questions, we will always be willing to answer them.
What’s in this course?
Getting Started: Learn the fundamentals of React, including its key concepts like JSX, DOM, Virtual DOM, One-Way Data Binding, Component-Based Architecture. Understand how to set up your development environment (Browser, Code Editor, Node.js, npm) and effectively debug your React applications using Developer Tools.
Creating Components: Discover how to create and manage your first React components. You’ll learn how to write JSX markup, as well as how to import and export components to keep your code organized and reusable.
Adding Interactivity: Understand how to share data between components using Props, handle user events, and conditionally render content. You’ll also learn how to render lists of items in your applications, making them dynamic and interactive.
Styling in React: Explore various methods for styling your React applications. You’ll learn about adding inline styles, using CSS files and CSS Modules, as well as exploring alternatives like SASS and Styled Components, helping you choose the best approach for your project.
Managing State: Gain insights into the component life-cycle and the difference between state and local variables. Learn how to use the useState hook to manage state effectively, allowing your applications to respond to user inputs and changes.
Managing Complex State: Learn advanced techniques for managing and updating the state of nested objects and arrays in React. You’ll discover how to add, delete, and update items in array state, giving you greater control over your application’s data.
Meet your instructor!
My name is Dmytro Vasyliev and I am a Senior Front-end Engineer with more than 9 years of professional experience in developing web applications. I have extensive experience with React and other frameworks, having used it in various projects to build dynamic and efficient user interfaces.
Throughout the course, I have prepared numerous practical examples to reinforce your understanding of React.js. I have also prepared additional materials and quizzes that break down complex topics to make React.js easier to understand. These resources are designed to ensure that you can quickly apply your new skills to real-world projects.
Do you need to be concerned?
This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Join our course today to learn how to build your first application in React!
1Welcome to the CourseVideo lesson
This lesson is an introduction to the course.
2Course RequirementsVideo lesson
In this lesson, you will learn what the course requirements are.
3How to Study on UdemyVideo lesson
In this lesson, you are going to learn how to download the code sources for the application and lessons.
4How to Use Code Examples from GithubVideo lesson
In this lesson, you will explore how to study on the platform.
5IntroductionVideo lesson
This lesson is an introduction to the section.
6What is ReactVideo lesson
In this lesson, you will learn what is React and some of its key-features such as JSX, Virtual DOM, One-Way Data Flow and Component-Based Architecture.
7Environment SetupVideo lesson
In this lesson, you will start setting up your development environment, everything you need to have to create React application.
8Creating React ApplicationVideo lesson
In this lesson, you will learn how to quickly create a React application that is ready to run out of the box.
9Application StructureVideo lesson
In this lesson, you will learn about files and folders in your React application.
10Cleaning Up ApplicationVideo lesson
In this lesson, you will clean up a bit our React application from not necessary code.
11Developer ToolsVideo lesson
In this lesson, you will learn what is browser Developer Tools and how to use it.
12Getting StartedQuiz
13Introduction: Creating ComponentVideo lesson
This lesson is an introduction to the section.
14Your First ComponentVideo lesson
In this lesson, you will learn how to create a React component and its naming conventions.
15Importing and Exporting ComponentsVideo lesson
In this lesson, you will learn how to import and export components to keep them in separate files.
16Writing Markup with JSXVideo lesson
In this lesson, you'll learn about the features of the JSX syntax and how to use it to display information.
17Using Variables in JSXVideo lesson
In this lesson, you will learn how to use variables and JavaScript objects inside JSX.
18Creating ComponentQuiz
19Importing and Exporting Your First ComponentQuiz
20Writing Markup and using Variables in JSXQuiz
21Introduction: Adding InteractivityVideo lesson
This lesson is an introduction to the section.
22Passing Props to a ComponentVideo lesson
In this lesson, you will learn how to share data between components using props.
23Component Props ManipulationsVideo lesson
In this lesson, you will learn how to manipulate props inside a component.
24Responding to EventsVideo lesson
In this lesson, you will learn how to respond to events and how to pass them as prop to children components.
25Rendering ListVideo lesson
In this lesson, you will learn how to use the JavaScript array methods to manipulate an array of data in JSX.
26Fragment ComponentVideo lesson
In this lesson, you will learn what is Fragment components and why they needed.
27Conditional RenderingVideo lesson
In this lesson, you will learn how to dynamically show or hide different elements in your markup based on different conditions.
28Adding InteractivityQuiz
29Passing Props and their Manipulation in the ComponentQuiz
30Rendering List and Using Fragment ComponentsQuiz
31Responding to Events and Conditional RenderingQuiz
32Introduction: Styling in ReactVideo lesson
This lesson is an introduction to the section.
33Using Inline StylesVideo lesson
In this lesson you will learn more about inline styles in JSX markup, their pros and cons.
34Using CSS FilesVideo lesson
In this lesson you will learn more about CSS files, how to use it in components, their pros and cons.
35Using CSS ModulesVideo lesson
In this lesson you will learn more about CSS modules, how to use it in components, their pros and cons.
36Using Global CSS StylesVideo lesson
In this lesson you will learn more about global CSS styles, their pros and cons.
37Alternative Styling OptionsVideo lesson
In this lesson, I will give you a quick overview of other styling options such as the SASS preprocessor, Styled Components, and Tailwind CSS.
38Styling in ReactQuiz
39Using Inline StylesQuiz
40Using CSS FilesQuiz
41Introduction: Managing StateVideo lesson
This lesson is an introduction to the section.
42Component life-cycle and stateVideo lesson
In this lesson you will learn what is component life-cycle and component state.
43Component state vs local variablesVideo lesson
In this lesson you will learn the difference between component state variables and local variables and when to use them.
44Using useState hookVideo lesson
In this lesson is about one of the most popular React hook - useState.
45Batch updating of useStateVideo lesson
In this lesson you will learn how to perform multiple state updates in one event.
46Managing StateQuiz
47Using useState hookQuiz
48Batch updating of useStateQuiz
49Introduction: Managing Complex StateVideo lesson
This lesson is an introduction to the section.
50Updating Objects in StateVideo lesson
In this lesson you will learn how to correctly update objects and nested objects in component state.
51Adding/Deleting items in Array StateVideo lesson
In this lesson you will learn how to correctly add and delete items from array state.
52Updating items in Array StateVideo lesson
In this lesson you will learn how to correctly update items in array state.
53Managing Complex StateQuiz
54Updating Objects in StateQuiz
55Adding/Deleting items in Array StateQuiz
56Updating items in Array StateQuiz
57Introduction: Key Soft Skills for DevelopersVideo lesson
This is an introduction to the interview.
58My Motivation to Create a CourseVideo lesson
In this lesson you will learn what motivates me to create a course.
59About My Course AdvantagesVideo lesson
In this lesson you will learn the common problems most courses have and the problems my course solves.
60The Importance of Soft SkillsVideo lesson
In this lesson, you will learn why soft skills are so important for developers.
61Maximize Remote ProductivityVideo lesson
In this lesson you will learn how to organize your workspace with minimal distractions, set up your work schedule, turn off personal notifications during the work, focus on one task at a time, take breaks and do different activities.
62Collaborate Better in TeamsVideo lesson
In this lesson you will learn why is important don’t hesitate to ask questions, ask for help if you stuck, let others know about problems, accept feedback constructively, practice solving problems calmly rather than emotionally.
63Estimate Tasks with ConfidenceVideo lesson
In this lesson you will learn why better overestimate rather underestimate tickets, always clarify ticket scope if it’s unclear, split big features into smaller tickets.
64Speed Up DevelopmentVideo lesson
In this lesson you will learn why is important take breaks when you’re stuck, don't make unnecessary changes if they're not really needed, check existing solutions before reinventing the wheel, try to solve problems as simply as possible.
65Simplify Code ReviewVideo lesson
In this lesson you will learn why is important take breaks when you’re stuck, don't make unnecessary changes if they're not really needed, check existing solutions before reinventing the wheel, try to solve problems as simply as possible.
66SummaryVideo lesson
In this lesson, you will recap the key soft skills developers should have.
67Burning out: How to Avoid ItVideo lesson
In this lesson, you will learn the key methods of avoiding burnout at work.
68Grow Faster with MentorsVideo lesson
In this lesson, you will learn how to grow faster with mentors.
69How Much Can Developers EarnVideo lesson
In this lesson, you will find the approximate sum of developers earnings.
70How to Choose a Great CourseVideo lesson
In this lesson, you will learn how to choose a great course.