SQL for Developers, Data Analysts and BI. MySQL for everyone
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Welcome to this MySQL course! I want to start by appreciating you for trying to learn a new skill. MySQL is one of the most popular SQL databases.
What is MySQL?
MySQL is currently the most popular database management system software. Its uses for managing relational databases. It’s open-source DB software. MySQL support by Oracle Company. It is a fast, scalable, and easy-to-use database management system compared with Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle Database.
MySQL supports many Operating Systems like Windows, Linux, macOS, etc.
We’ll work with the test database of employees. Let’s learn about the data structure and types of this schema. Learn how to create an EER diagram with the schema of the data and export it into a ready-to-use SQL file.
In this course, you will:
Learn the main branches of SQL syntax
Work with the MySQL Workbench
Design the EER schemas and implement complex databases
Use Datatypes, Keys, Charset and Collation
Analyze data using Aggregate Functions
Learn and use SQL joins
And more!
I think that RDBMS is one of the crucial skills in Computer Science and would help you in Computer Programming. Working with the data as a professional is a constant tool that won’t change over time. If you learn SQL ones, this will be yours, forever, anytime, anywhere.
What Jobs Require Knowledge of SQL?
Data Analytics
Product Analytics
Data Scientist
Backend or Database Engineer
SQL Server Database Administrator
Senior Web or Application Developer
MySQL Database Administrator
PHP Developer
NodeJS Developer
Lead Software Engineer
Full Stack Engineer/Developer
7DDL review, CREATE / DROP DATABASEVideo lesson
8CREATE DATABASE statementQuiz
9CREATE / DROP TABLE introVideo lesson
11VARCHAR, TEXT, CHARVideo lesson
12IntegersVideo lesson
13Floating-point numbers, exact precision and BITVideo lesson
14Numbers quizQuiz
15UTF8MB4 Character Set, Collation ExplainedVideo lesson
16BLOB, ENUM, SETVideo lesson
17String quizQuiz
18Date and TimeVideo lesson
19DEFAULT valuesVideo lesson
20Data TypesQuiz
21Binary Search, B-trees and KeysVideo lesson
22Primary and Unique keys. NOT NULLVideo lesson
23Keys quizQuiz
24Foreign keysVideo lesson
25Foreign Key QuizQuiz
26ALTER statementVideo lesson
27How to construct any DDL statement?Video lesson
28DDL QuizQuiz
29Create your first databaseText lesson
36Intro to DMLVideo lesson
37InsertVideo lesson
38Upload employees test_dbVideo lesson
39DML introQuiz
40Upload test_db from the GitHub repoText lesson
41SELECT + WHEREVideo lesson
42Comparison Functions and OperatorsVideo lesson
43Find information about salariesText lesson
44LIKE and String ComparisonVideo lesson
45SELECT and friendsQuiz
46SELECT and friendsText lesson
47ORDER BY, LIMIT, SubqueriesVideo lesson
49The power of ORDER BYText lesson
50UPDATEVideo lesson
51Update employees informationText lesson
52DELETEVideo lesson