The Iron Duck Options Spread
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
You may have traded the Iron Condor…or the Iron Butterfly…but have you ever traded an Iron Duck?
Learn to trade the Iron Duck Options Spread for consistent profits!
This is a very high probability options trading strategy that is easy to manage and NO ADJUSTMENTS necessary.
The strategy can be traded in a small account (with as little as a few hundred dollars) with the ability to scale up size for those with 7 figure accounts.
The Iron Duck gives you the ability to completely eliminate risk to one side of the trade, while giving you a HUGE “risk buffer” to the other side.
This strategy can be traded in an IRA or Margin account, and your risk is DEFINED, so you know your max risk at the time you enter the trade.
In this course, we also present back-tested results to show you how different setups would have performed over specific periods of time.
Profits are important…but MANAGING RISK is more important! We show you exactly how to manage risk to provide the optimal strategy performance over time.
We have been trading this strategy for over 5 years…every week…every month…every year!
It’s one of our top strategies for creating consistent profits!
1IntroductionVideo lesson
In this section, we will briefly go over what you will learn with this course!
2Iron Duck Risk DisclosureVideo lesson
Risk disclosure
3The Short Delta DilemmaVideo lesson
4Why Weekly Options?Video lesson
5Our Favorite Iron Duck SymbolsVideo lesson
6The Iron Duck StrategyVideo lesson
7Setting up the TradeVideo lesson
8Platform Setup Example in TOS and tastytradeVideo lesson
9Closing the Iron DuckVideo lesson
10When to Exit Early with Beak ProfitsVideo lesson
11Iron Duck - Strategy BacktestVideo lesson
12Iron Duck - Performance DiscussionVideo lesson
13Managing Portfolio Delta with Iron DucksVideo lesson
14Iron Duck - Probability of TouchingVideo lesson
15Iron Duck - Risk ManagementVideo lesson
16The NavigationTrading MethodVideo lesson
17Iron Duck Cheat SheetVideo lesson
18Introduction to Part 2Video lesson
19Setting up the TradeVideo lesson
20Closing the Iron DuckVideo lesson
21Iron Duck - Top Stocks & ETFsVideo lesson
22Iron Duck Options at ExpirationVideo lesson
23Iron Ducks for Quarterly Earnings AnnouncementsVideo lesson
24Iron Duck Earnings Platform Example in NFLXVideo lesson
25Trading Iron Ducks in a Small AccountVideo lesson
26Iron Duck Variation - Jade LizardVideo lesson
27Iron Duck Variation - Broken Wing Iron ButterflyVideo lesson
28Broken Wing Iron Butterfly Backtest StudyVideo lesson
29Iron Duck Cheat SheetVideo lesson
30Introduction to Part 3Video lesson
31Top Iron Duck Symbols for Futures OptionsVideo lesson
32Setting up the TradeVideo lesson
33Iron Duck Platform Setup Example in TOS & tastytradeVideo lesson
34Closing the Iron DuckVideo lesson
35Iron Duck Futures Options at ExpirationVideo lesson
36Reverse Iron DuckVideo lesson
37Reverse Iron Duck ExamplesVideo lesson
38Iron Duck - Risk ManagementVideo lesson
39Trading in a Small AccountVideo lesson
40The NavigationTrading MethodVideo lesson
41Live Class Q&A Part 1Video lesson
42Live Class Q&A Part 2Video lesson
43Live Class Q&A Part 3Video lesson