Workplace Stress Management Strategies
- Description
- Curriculum
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This is a course every employee, employer, manager, supervisor, c-suite executive, leader and more should take.
It focuses on how to manage workplace stress as an individual and from the perspective of the organisation.
It is one of the biggest issues of our modern world.
According to many surveys and reports:
As much as one in five workers say their workplace stress levels are high (20%)
Stress causes millions of workers to miss work daily, even causing burn-out for millions
Impacting the wellbeing, health and sometimes financial future of those workers
Impacting the organisations they work for in various ways
Many believe their work is one of the top sources of stress
The need to explore this topic is evident.
The need to explore it with workable, practical, actionable solutions for both employees and employers is fundamental.
That is what this course aims to do.
It is a look at the various approaches to helping:
– Identify the causes of stress
– Define the real issues, separating them from the circumstances
– Mark out ways of handling these same issues
– Defining roles and responsibilities for solutions
– What the individual can do about this
– What the organisation should do about this
– How to find help
and much more.
It is said that Stress related impact has a huge impact on those affected, carrying over into other aspects of their lives.
This course aims to equip you and your organisation with the skills to mitigate, manage and or eliminate stress in the workplace.
We, believe you will gain the requisite knowledge to implement appropriate interventions, systems to begin a stress-free workplace, as much as is possible.
Please, feel free to reach out to either of us for any queries you might have and we will be happy to help.
Thanks for stopping by.
Best regards,
Helen and Baba.
3EmpowermentVideo lesson
Empowerment and stress have an inverse relationship. As your sense of empowerment increases, your perceived amount of stress decreases. And vice versa. Empowerment is the perceived amount of choice you have in a situation.
4AlignmentVideo lesson
5BoundariesVideo lesson
Boundaries issues reflect feeling less respected than desired. This can result from avoidance of confrontation, an inability to confront "special" or "untouchable" people in the organization or a fear of retaliation for rocking the boat.
6Self-SoothingVideo lesson
Self-soothing is an activity that results in your mind and body relaxing so you can engage in problem solving skills. Elevated moods cause your prefrontal cortex, or problem solving center, to shut down. During this time you are unable to see other points of view or to accept influence from others. Relaxing is the only way to get it to re-engage. Self-soothing exercises aim to reduce your heart rate & respiration and release muscle tension.
7Coping SkillsVideo lesson
Coping is what you do when you cannot change your situation and all you can do is endure it. In those situations, it is helpful to have healthy outlets for your extra energy that may be rooted in anger/ frustration (sports, exercise, hiking, aggressive video games). As you expend this extra energy it is good to replace it with positive energy derived from pleasurable activities (nature walks, achievement-oriented games, reading, knitting, socializing, quality time with special people).
8How to resolve empowerment, alignment and boundary issues.Video lesson
To understand what has caused your stress you must identify the specific situation(s) that introduced the stress, who was involved with the situation and which one of the stress inducers have been triggered... empowerment, alignment or boundaries. Each cause elicits its own approach to resolving.
Empowerment - focus on you, what you can control and choose.
Alignment - restore balance by adjusting your behavior or your attitude, or both.
Boundaries - know your worth and set limits that reflect the same.
9Support OptionsVideo lesson
It's OK to not know all the answers, just know where to find them. Being open to all other sources of information may reveal options you hadn't thought of or simply didn't know. Other eyes and minds on the problem may reflect unique perceptions and opportunities.
Seeking validation can increase self-esteem and confidence which helps you to see yourself positively and capable of finding a resolution.
10Understanding the stressor and what you need.Video lesson
Before involving your manager or other organizational personnel it is important to help yourself first. Self-soothing and coping skills helps you reduce your anxiety so you can think clearly. Next explore your own history of managing stressful situations. Does this current stressor remind you of a previous situation in your life (personal or professional)? An unresolved fear of a negative event or repeating pattern can cause you to overreact to a current event. Awareness of your own issues is an important step to creating healthy boundaries. This awareness also helps to clarify what you need and how best to advocate for it. Now that you are clear about what this stressor means to you and what you need, identify potential resolutions in the areas of empowerment, alignment & boundaries and advocate for them.
11Ways organizations can reduce and resolve stressors.Video lesson
By following these steps, organizations can create an environment where employees can express their ideas without fear or retaliation.
When organizations are consistent with what they expect, when and how employees are able to develop mastery of tasks. Mastery leads to confidence and confidence reduces anxiety.
Organizations must also appropriately identify and meet the needs of its employees. Soliciting feedback from employees in a kind and supportive manner instills trust and fosters respect and loyalty. Employees who feel respected are less likely to leave increasing employee retention and reducing costs to recruit and train new employees.
Guidance, training and support must also be provided in the manner most receptive to employees. Training and support should be available in various modalities: In-person. Online. Real-time. Recorded. Visual & audio. Audio only. Written. Self-driven.