HTML 5,Python,Flask Framework All In One Complete Course

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Learn HTML 5 with Python From Beginner To Advanced Level, Flask Framework From Beginning,

  • we’ve created thorough, extensive, but easy-to-follow 23 Hours of content that you’ll easily understand and absorb.


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    The course starts with the basics of HTML5, Python fundamentals, programming, and user interaction.

    The curriculum is going to be very hands-on as we walk you from start to finish to become a professional HTML 5, Python developer. We will start from the very beginning by teaching you HTML 5 Basics then Python basics and programming fundamentals, and then going into advanced topics and different career fields in Python so you can get real-life practice and be ready for the real world.

HTML Basic Tags

HTML List Tags

HTML Attributes

HTML Forms


HTML Blocks

* Beginner to Expert Python contents:

*Flask Framework:

Flask Web Framework, In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of web applications .so that you can start building API and develop web applications using Python Flask Web Framework.

  • How to build Python web apps with Flask

  • How to use the Jinja template language to create the look of your apps

  • How to use the SQLite database to start development

  • How to use other databases with Flask by using Flask-SQLAlchemy

  • Using Flask to process incoming request data.

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