Mastering the Art of the Interview

By admin 3 Min Read
Mastering the Art of the Interview
  • What is the meaning of an interview?

  • What are the objectives of an interview from the employer’s point of view?

  • How interview is conducted?

  • Whether interview is a formal or informal conversation?

  • What is meant by surface area of a cuboid?

  • What is the formula for calculation of surface area of a cuboid?

  • Why many skilled and qualified recruits leave the job within a few weeks or months?

  • Why some new recruits have to be groomed extensively?

  • How the interviewer can understand the Company’s needs?

  • How an interviewer can learn about the candidate?

  • How an interviewer should settle logistics?

  • How an interviewer can prepare the candidate for interview?

  • Why there is need for creation of comfortable atmosphere for the interview?

  • Do you agree that tendency to hurry questions should be avoided by the interviewer?

  • The interviewer can have three categories of questions for the interview. Name those three categories.

  • What is the purpose of hypothetical questions?

  • Why the interviewer should take notes during the interview?

  • The interviewer should avoid speaking more than the candidate. Comment.

  • The evaluation of the candidates should be impartial. Discuss.

  • When and how an interviewer can give a piece of advice to the interviewee?

  • How an interviewer can close the interview?

  • What are non-verbal cues? How an interviewer can evaluate the candidate from non-verbal cues?

  • What are those points which indicate that the candidate is prepared for the interview?

  • How the interviewer can judge whether the candidate has the skills which are required for the job?

  • Which thing shows that the candidate may not be self-aware?

  • What are those points which show that the candidate is aware of his/her strengths and weaknesses?

  • What are those points which may indicate that the candidate has leadership abilities?

  • How the interviewer can conclude that the candidate is confident in himself/herself?

  • Why there is need to be transparent with the candidate about the job hours and salary range in the interview process?

  • What are those points which the interviewer should look for in a candidate’s appearance?

  • How an interviewer can judge that the candidate is dependable?

  • Why the interviewer should ask a question or two from the resume of the candidate?

  • What is the benefit of asking the questions from the candidate relating to adaptability and flexibility?

  • What is meant by self-starter?

  • How the self-starter can be highly beneficial for the organization?

  • What type of questions should be avoided by the interviewer? Give some examples.

  • The interviewer should stick to which type of questions?

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