From this course, you can learn Software Architecture and Clean Code Design in OOP.
There are a lot of other courses on this topic. So, why would you choose exactly this course? Here are just a few reasons:
– Coding examples
To learn to program is not enough just watching videos and reading books. You also need to have a lot of practice. In this training course, you will review multiple practical tasks and coding examples which will help you learn and understand Java better.
– Open source code
We hide nothing from our students! Including the source code for the home task solutions and source code of examples that were shared during the lesson. Having the source code you can just copy and paste it to run it on your local computer to understand how things work better.
You are allowed to use all source code examples for learning purposes. This helps significantly to configure the environment and make tests work, especially in case students didn’t work with any testing framework in the past.
– Q&A support
The significant difference between the online and offline learning process is the instructor’s availability. If you are in one room with a tutor he always can help you to get understand the specific concept or to help fix your code on your computer.
In this course, we are supporting students with answers to any questions flagged in the Q&A section. In case there will be recurring questions – separate video lessons will be created to show how to address the issue.
So with this course you are not just getting video materials, code exercises, source code, access to the free mobile application without limits (which is still pretty cool, huh? 🙂 ), but you also get tutor support and answers to your questions along with this course.
– Relevant knowledge
After our team investigated other Java courses on Udemy we realized that most of them have nothing in common with real life. The information which is shared there is very old and significantly out of date. For example, the instructor teaches a framework which is not been used already for 15 years. Or instructors do stress on the programming design which is not used anymore at all!
The instructor of this course is a consultant in a top-rated IT outsourcing company and helps to bring cutting-edge solutions in IT for all his clients. Feel free to check the LinkedIn page of the instructor and check skills endorsement. More than 19 thousand people across all over the world (BTW most of them are from the top 100 companies of the world) evaluated the skills of Andrii Piatakha.
With this course, you can be sure that you will spend your time learning the right things from one of the best IT consultants in the world.
– Free mobile App without limits for our students
Knowing Java is one skill. Be able to pass interviews in the company – that is another skill 🙂 Nowadays a lot of companies use tests to select candidates on the first level of interview. We developed applications to practice skills specifically for such purposes.
In this course, we will provide you link to download our FREE mobile app for android. (soon it will be also available for iOS platforms)
The instructor of this course comes up with hundreds of tests that are used to test the knowledge of candidates. With this application, you will be well-prepared for the interview.
Also, only for our students – there is no limit on attempts to pass certification. In the course, we will tell you how to set up a special bonus code that will remove restrictions for our students inside the app.
– High concentration of useful material in each lesson
Sometimes you can notice that watching 5 minutes of our lesson is equivalent to watching another 30 minutes lesson.
This is because time spent for preparation for the lesson (script for the lesson, lesson structure) and video editing (to cut boring pieces of the lesson or time when the program loads) sometimes 10 times as much (sometimes even 20) as the final lesson duration after video editing.
Also, each topic is separated from another. In case some concept will be explained in the next lesson and you don’t need to worry about understanding this in the scope of this lesson – the instructor will make an announcement when a specific topic will be covered.
Go and try it yourself! We will appreciate your feedback.
So don’t wait! Take a look at the lessons’ preview if you still have doubts!
Buy this course today, and you will get all updates for FREE!
For those who successfully passed this training course, or for students who were recognized for asking amazing questions, there is a special offer from the IT-Bulls company! The creator of this course is IT-Bulls company CEO and Founder. We are always in search of talents to run our amazing startups together with you. Probably you always dreamed about running your startup? In this course, you will be able to find the team who will teach you how to do that and (in particular cases) will be glad to help with implementation!
Hope you enjoy this course! And remember, we appreciate all your feedback! Your feedback will help us to become even better! Your feedback will help us to create to best Java course ever!
See you at the lessons! 🙂
From this lecture you will learn:
• How to communicate during this course
• Where to ask questions
• How to ask questions
• Communication channels
From this lecture you will learn:
• Where to find good tests to verify your knowledge
• How to get unlimited access to Learn IT application (only for my students from Udemy)
From this lecture you will learn:
• What are SOLID principles
• SOLID principles in OOP
• Single responsibility principle
From this lecture you will learn:
• Open / closed principle
• Code examples
From this lecture you will learn:
• Liskov substitution principle
• Code examples
From this lecture you will learn:
• Interface segregation principle
• Code examples
From this lecture you will learn:
• Dependency inversion principle
• Code examples
The Quiz covers content from the following lessons:
SOLID principles overview & Single Responsibility Principle
Open / Closed principle
Liskov substitution principle
Interface segregation principle
Dependency inversion principle
• What is a clean architecture
• What is a coupling
• Types of a coupling
• What is a cohesion
• Types of a cohesion
• Benefits of Clean Architecture
• Plugin concept
• Why do we need clean architecture
• Advantages and disadvantages of clean architecture
• Tell, don’t ask principle
• How to apply ‘Tell don’t ask’ in real life
• What is data structures
• Objects VS Data structures
• Getters and Setters in objects
• When to use data structures
• What is Law of Demeter
• Goals
• Exception from law
• Pros & Cons
• Code Examples
KISS Principle - Definition
Variants of KISS in Software Development
Key Concepts of KISS
Why Use KISS Principle / Benefits
How to Apply KISS Principle
Case Studies of KISS Principle
Code Examples of KISS Principle
YAGNI Principle - Definition
Why Use YAGNI Principle / Benefits
How to Apply YAGNI
Case Studies of YAGNI Principle
Code Examples of YAGNI Principle
YAGNI Principle VS KISS Principle - Key Differences
DRY Principle - Definition
Why Use DRY Principle / Benefits
How to Apply DRY
Contrasting Concepts - WET & AHA
Case Studies of DRY Principle
Code Examples of DRY Principle
• Problem statement
• Why do we need a good structure
• How to establish good code structure
• Factors to consider during the code grouping
• Cohesion Principles
• Common closure principle
• Common reuse principle
• Reuse-release equivalence principle
• Coupling principles
• Acyclic dependencies principle
• Stable dependencies principle
• Stable abstractions principle
• Package by layer
• Package by feature
• Conway's law
• How technical factors impact code structure
• Tools for code analysis
• Why do we need design patterns
• What are GoF patterns
• Key points of GoF patterns
• Creational Patterns: Overview
• Structural Patterns: Overview
• Behavioral Patterns: Overview
• Class & Object Patterns
• What patterns we are going to learn in this course
• Answers to most common questions of my students
• Singleton
• Prototype
• Factory Method
• Builder
• Abstract Factory
• Factory Method VS Abstract Factory
• Proxy
• Decorator
• Adapter
• Façade
• Comparative Analysis
• Bridge
• Flyweight
• Composite
Strategy Pattern
Command Pattern
Strategy VS Command
Template Method
Chain of responsibility
• Visitor
• Visitor VS Decorator
• State
• Observer
• Memento
• Interpreter
• Mediator
From this lecture you will learn:
• What is TDD
• TDD Cycle - main steps of TDD iteration
• Three laws of TDD
• Test-first approach VS TDD
• Testing pyramid and TDD
• Defect cost increase
• Pros of using TDD
From this lecture you will learn:
BDD and its history.
Gherkin DSL
How to create BDD scenarios
How to apply BDD knowledge on practice for software developer
Advantages and Disadvantages of BDD
Acceptance test-driven development
In this lesson we will implement application with the help of TDD approach.
Why we need databases
Purposes & Advantages of databases
Database VS DBMS
Types of databases
Relational databases
Non-Relational databases
Examples of relational, NoSQL and other databases
Document-oriented databases
Key-value storages
Graph databases
Wide column databases
Object-oriented databases
Hierarchical databases
Time series databases
Column-oriented databases
Cloud databases
Centralized and Distributed Databases
Pros and cons of different types of database
Overview of the most popular relational database management systems
MySQL Overview
Main Features of MySQL
MySQL Server installation
MySQL Workbench Installation
MySQL Shell installation
Creation of root user in MySQL
Connecting MySQL Server to MySQL Workbench
Windows Service for MySQL
Basic terms (table, entity, attribute, tuple, record, etc)
Database VS Schema
Primary key
How to choose primary key
Simple VS compound primary key
Natural VS surrogate primary key
Alternate key
Foreign key
Types of relationships
One-to-many relationship
Many-to-many relationship
One-to-one relationship
MySQL Workbench interface
Create schema
Naming convention
Character set
Create table
Singular VS Plural for table names
MySQL Storage Engines
Which storage engine to choose
Data types
Column Properties
Data model
Database model
Why data modelling is important
Database design
Data context
Conceptual data model
Logical data model
Physical data model
Referential Integrity
Consequences of broken referential integrity
Cascade Operations
Foreign key constraint
Remove foreign key constraint
Data consistency
Data integrity
Data quality
Data validity
What are indexes
Lookup table
Why we need indexes
What does indexing do
Index types
Primary index (dense and sparse)
Secondary index
Clustering index
Multilevel index
How to create and remove indexes in database
Advantages of indexing
Disadvantages of indexing
Data Anomalies
Insertion anomaly
Update anomaly
Deletion anomaly
Dependency theory
Normal forms with Examples
Problem statement
What is DAO pattern
DAO pattern elements
DAO pattern sequence diagram
What is DTO
DAO live demo example
MVC Pattern: Overview
Advantages and Disadvantages
MVC code examples
Layered Architecture overview
Why we need Layered Architecture
Closed Layer concept
Layers of Isolation
Open Layer concept
Code example of Layered Architecture
Sinkhole anti-pattern
Layered Architecture and Monolithic Architecture
Advantages and Disadvantages of Layered Architecture
Review Exam task
Overview of the expected result
From Task #1 till Task #7 (inclusively)
From Task #8 till Task #13 (inclusively)
From Task #14 till Task #16 (inclusively)