What you’ll learn Requirements Description Hi Guys, Welcome to my LinkedIn Ads MasterClass 2024! In my course you will learn everything about LinkedIn Ads. I have created video lessons on every campaign and every feature of LinkedIn Ads. You will get to see the real practical implementation of how to create each and every campaign and how […]
What you’ll learn Requirements Description Kanban is a popular framework used to implement agile and DevOps software development. It requires real-time communication of capacity and full transparency of work. Work items are represented visually on a Kanban board, allowing team members to see the state of every piece of work at any time. A Kanban board […]
What you’ll learn Requirements Description This course aims to Equip you with the advancement in project planning by training you in 4D Planning. 4D Planning is carried out using available schedule in traditional scheduling software and 3D Models developed from various 3D Applications by integrating two of it. Integration of this two will provide better […]
What you’ll learn Requirements Description Our objective is to present you the course in a easiest way, make you feel it is easy to use, easy to grasp, easy to learn and easy to implement in your project management goals. This course is developed keeping in considerations about growing requirements and aspirations of students, mid-professionals, […]
What you’ll learn Requirements Description This course aims to provide you with a simplified overview of Computer Networks, applications in public safety, and corresponding system components using simplified explanations of all components, clear diagrams, and use cases. We will be covering the following topics in this course: This is the first version of this course and […]
What you’ll learn Requirements Description Hi there! This course aims to provide you with an overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML) using simplified explanations and hands-on projects. We will be covering the following topics in this course: This is the first version of this course and it will be updated as we continue […]
What you’ll learn Requirements Who this course is for: Description Make Desktop applications with Python Pyqt. PyQt can be challenging to learn, in this course we’ll make it easy for you. The course starts with the basics like buttons, labels, signals and slots. Then it dives deeper and teaches you how to use designer, Make several […]
What you’ll learn Requirements Who this course is for: Description In this course you will build Hacking Scripts with Python. You will create your own version of programs typically used for hacking like nmap (port scanner), hydra (brute force) and a keylogger. It is a programming course with a focus on hacking. The tools you make […]
What you’ll learn Requirements This is not a hands-on course. It is packed with demos and quizzes. It is all about understanding and applying the knowledge to your own solutions. Assumption is that you already know how to build the app in PowerApps. You just need to scale it for larger amount of data to […]
What you’ll learn Requirements Description The course is structured in multiple projects, starting from requirements gathering to solutioning and effectively using the right formula to build an app that fits the scenario. Obviously you can find all these functions in Microsoft PowerApps documentations. This course is a connection between the knowledge and practical field problem. […]