Learn to create simple website with basics What you’ll learn: This course will take you from knowing nothing about semantic UI to a point where you are cleared with basics and would be able to create a web application with some of the stuff that requires a lot of lines of code. Semantic UI is […]
Learn step-by-step how to make a WordPress Website , basic SEO and how set up your very own professional website email! What you’ll learn: This is the ultimate guide to building a Website using WordPress. If you have been looking for a course that will not only teach you how to make a wordpress website […]
Get the grip of the context and need of learning in software testing basics from some of worst technology failures. What you’ll learn: Think about some of worst failures like Titanic and Challenger. Think about software glitches that caused failures of Ariane 5, banking, air traffic, missiles etc. It is important to understand why it […]
From Java from Beginner, and start your carrier with widely used programming language What you’ll learn: JAVA is a technology that allows Programmer for software design and written just once and run on a variety of real computers, Java can be used to create complete applications that may run on a single computer or be […]
Manual | Database Testing | Unix | Basics of Selenium & Jmeter and SoapUI What you’ll learn: This course is specially designed for Software Testers, it cover almost all areas which are must for Software Testers We started by going through Software Testing Basics like Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Software Development Life Cycle and Software […]
Course 1of 2 – LEARN & EARN – Selenium Webdriver with Java essentials for Complete Beginners What you’ll learn: Learning online has always been a challenge when it comes to Information Technology if you are a beginner. We have designed the course that will teach you automation step by step with having in mind that […]
Learn the ABC of cucumber and integrating it with Selenium What you’ll learn: Cucumber with Selenium Java (Basic)course is designed to give anyone who is getting started with cucumber and selenium from complete ground up. In this course we will discusstopics like This course is separatedinto two sections. In section 1 we will discuss about […]
Step by Step for Beginners What you’ll learn: This course if for complete Beginners.You can take this course without any prior knowledge on Selenium, Java or Automation. We will go very basic, Step-by-Step and learn – How to create a Selenium Java Framework In this course we will learn: Let’s Get Started… Get On […]
learn Selenium from scratch What you’ll learn: In this basic Selenium course we will go very basic, Step by Step and learn Selenium from scratch. If you are new to Selenium or want to understand the basics, this course is for you.Every video has notes in description to make it very easy to follow, understand […]
Learn the basics of unit testing with NUnit and C#. What you’ll learn: This course is all about writing unit testsusing C# programming language andNUnitas aunit testing framework.Today unit testing is anabsolutely required skill from any professional developer. Companies expect from developers to know how to write unit tests. Learning unit testing puts a powerful […]