A fun guide to programming for parents & teachers who want to help kids learn to code. What you’ll learn: Scratch is the best educational programming software for kids available today. With Scratch, you can create games andinteractive art projectsall while having lots of fun! Parents and teachers can use this course’s fun projects to […]
How to make a Basic FPS game in Unreal Engine 4 from Scratch! What you’ll learn: This Course is So Amazing! For the first time on Udemy, There is a Course that shows you how to make a True First Person Shooter from Scratch. From Start to Finish!! In Unreal Engine 4,The Free to use […]
Learning how to visual code in Unreal Engine 4 by making a Movable Camera System. What you’ll learn: We are going to make a movable camera system in Unreal Engine 4! Similar to the camera system in “Finding BigFoot”and a bonus camera system like in Rainbow 6, deployable camera to look around a area! This […]
Make beautiful & successful site to sell digital products like: eBooks, Photos, Music, PDFs,Video etc, NO CODING NEEDED! What you’ll learn: You are a creator, you have a digital product that you would like to sell it to the world. This is GREAT! But here are the difficulties that you may encounter: 1. Building a […]
Become an Expert in Git & GitHub by writing commands, learning theory, and taking quizzes. Learn Git today in 4 hours! What you’ll learn: Are you a developer looking to improve your workflow? Have you always wanted to learn source control? Are you looking to make your development workflow safer? Well, you have come to […]
A Go-To resource for any iPad question you have. Requirements Description iOS 6 Brings many amazing new features to the iPad. Both the iPhone and iPad have so many features and options that it becomes a bit overwhelming to learn what they do and how to use them correctly. This new course will help you […]
Learn from Zero how to implement Picture-In-Picture in your Android App. Requirements Description Android Picture in Picture is an amazing feature available from Android SDK 26 (Oreo) where we can backgrounded our multimedia apps and be able to watch the content on a floating window. In this course you will see from zero how to […]
Data Science for Swift/Python Hackers. Requirements Description BI-RADS DATA SCIENCE FOR SWIFT/PYTHON HACKERS, is a course designed by an iOS Developer for iOS and Python Developers. In this course you will delve into Data Science on a level past using coreML for Machine Learning. You will learn iPython enough to implement algorithms used in Data Science with […]
Kids can learn Scratch Game Programming by building 5 fun, interactive projects. Requirements Description Hello parents and guardians, Welcome to the 5 Projects In 5 Days course! This is an introductory, beginner-level Scratch Game programming course for kids. In this course, kids can learn the fundamental concepts of game development using fun, interactive, hands-on projects. […]
Analyze and Manipulate data using using Python and powerful Pandas. Requirements Description Are you completely new to Data science? Have you been hearing these buzz words like Machine learning, Data Science, Data Scientist, Text analytics, Statistics and don’t know what this is? Do you want to start or switch career to Data Science and analytics? […]