Business Networking Part 8 - The Follow Up Plan

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Focus on how to follow-up with people. In this course, we’ve put together a couple of simple follow-up strategies that you can use for your business and other ways of connecting. Keep in mind that these are only suggestions and that you can customize your own plan.
The key is actually DOING it. Follow-up. Reaching out. Connecting and building relationships so you can do business down the road.
Networking is both a Science and an Art. In this Networking Series, I’m going to cover the science of networking including the different types of networking groups, the different type of networking formats, and what to look for in networking groups. I’m also going to cover the Art of Networking so you can choose the right groups to spend your precious time at, build long-lasting relationships, and maximize your impact in your ever-growing sphere of influence.
- The 30 days to success Minimalist Plan
- How to use technology to multiple yourself
- The easiest way to stand out from the crowd
- Why smail mail is not dead!
- And much more!
It doesn’t really matter who you are or what industry you work in. If you don’t know how to network, it is impossible to thrive. You might be self-sufficient, but building relationships is an art. Entrepreneur India spoke to Ivan Miser, founder and CEO of Business Network International (BNI), which is the largest business networking and business referral organisation in the world. Miser explains how to master the art.
Imagine you are a stranger walking into a room. The ultimate goal of your networking endeavor is to meet new people, strike up a conversation, and make acquaintances. How can you be the ultimate networker?
The main thing that holds people back is their use of networking as a face-to face cold calling opportunity. People will meet people at a networking event and say “Hi! Let’s do business!”
They prefer to sell rather than build relationships. It’s more about farming than hunting. It’s about creating relationships.
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230 Days to Success - The Minimalist PlanVideo lesson
We’ve already covered most of this and this is the absolutely MINIMUM I recommend you do for your follow-up strategy. So let’s just review.
Go networking and get contact information
Take QUICK notes on each business card – where you met, a memorable trait.
Enter that contact info into a Spreadsheet or CRM for tracking purposes
Initiate an autoresponder email campaign to keep in touch with them.
Connect with them via Social Media
Pick up the phone and call them for a follow-up conversation – most people NEVER do this.
If the follow-up call goes well, schedule a follow-up meeting over a cup of coffee
This entire plan should be done in 30 days or less. In fact, I will usually have all this done within 2 weeks.
3TextingVideo lesson
In addition to the Minimalist plan, send them an SMS. In today’s world, many people – myself included, will not pick up their phone if they don’t know who’s calling them. They’ll answer a text if you tell them who you are though. So call them and send them an SMS text message.
4Extend your autoresponder message campaignVideo lesson
How often should you email someone? How much is too much? How much is too little?
I know, I know, I know… you don’t want to be invasive, obtrusive, annoying, so you only want to email people like once a month and well, that’s just not enough. How about twice a month? Nope. Once a week? Well, that’s what most people are comfortable with.
Here’s the truth though… studies by big box retailers like WalMart, Target, and one of the fastest growing companies ever… Groupon… have shown that sending daily emails increases sales. Of course those emails have to be relevant and applicable to that person or you’ll just annoy them. Groupon is famous for hiring comedy writers to write the emails they send out to their customers. When asked about the secret to their success, the CEO said that one of the factors was that any time they needed more money, they would just send more emails with more offers. If a product didn’t work, they’d send out an email with a different offer instead.
MONTHLY updates are great if you have a newsletter
So here’s the final answer… send out as many as you can AS LONG AS they are relevant and can capture your client’s interest. Otherwise you’re just spamming them and they’ll unsubscribe
5“Hello? Is it me you’re looking for?” Part OneVideo lesson
Calling someone is like dating isn’t it? Here’s the thing though, in today’s world of the internet, some people have forgotten the power of picking up the phone and having a conversation. Believe it or not, most people want to talk, so don’t be afraid to call someone.
Initially, your goal is to do a follow-up call in the minimalist plan and set up an in-person (or in today’s world, online in-person via Zoom, MS Teams, Google Meet, or GotoMeeting, etc) get together to get to know each other’s business better. Depending upon your two schedules, this may take a week or it may take 30 days.
The best way to do this is to give them an assumptive close or even better, send them to your online appointment booking calendar while you’re on the phone with them.
I’m not going to go into this and some popular services include:
Follow-up calls
Here’s where you can stand out. After your initial call and follow-up meeting, you should have some personal information on this person. Find out some important dates and times if possible. And when those times come about, call them.
Birthdays (you can get this via Facebook)
Wedding anniversaries
Work anniversaries (you can get this via LinkedIn)
Graduations, etc.
In addition to the special dates
After the first 30 days, call them monthly for 2 months.
After 90 days, call them quarterly for a year.
After a year, call them annually.
6“Hello? Is it me you’re looking for?” Part TwoVideo lesson
7Postcards from the EdgeVideo lesson
If you really want to stand out, send a postcard greeting to everyone you meet after an event (that you want to stay connected with).
Handwritten cards are better than auto-generated ones.
I have a client that has a stack of customized post cards on his desk and he spends an hour or two after each networking event to send a special personalized note to each person. It’s a fantastic way to stand out and it gives them an excuse to follow-up with a phone call.
Use a service to do this if needed
Unlimited (just pay postage) for $49/mo.
When to send?
Again, right after you meet someone, on special dates, and on holidays! People love getting cards!