Diploma In Concrete Technology l Be a Concrete Technologist
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Syllabus of the Course
Module-1 Concrete Ingredients Cement
Concrete Ingredients Cement –
Cement manufacturing process, steps to reduce carbon footprint, chemical composition and their importance, hydration of cement, types of cement. Testing of cement. Fine aggregate: Functions, requirement, Alternatives to River sand, M-sand introduction and manufacturing. Coarse aggregate: Importance of size, shape and texture. Grading and blending of aggregate. Testing on aggregate, requirement. Recycled aggregates Water – qualities of water. Chemical admixtures – plasticize-rs, accelerators, retarders and air entertaining agents. Mineral admixtures – Pozzolanic and cementitious materials, Fly ash, GGBS, silica fumes, Meta kaolin and rice husk-ash.
2. Module-2 Fresh Concrete Workability
Fresh Concrete Workability-
factors affecting work ability. Measurement of work ability–slump, Compaction factor and Vee-Bee Consistometer tests, flow tests. Segregation and bleeding. Process of manufacturing of concrete- Batching, Mixing, Transporting, Placing and Compaction. Curing – Methods of curing – Water curing, membrane curing, steam curing, accelerated curing, self- curing. Good and Bad practices of making and using fresh concrete and Effect of heat of hydration during mass concreting at project sites.
3. Module-3 Concrete Mix Proportioning
Concrete Mix Proportioning
Concept of Mix Design with and without admixtures, variables in proportioning and Exposure conditions, Selection criteria of ingredients used for mix design, Procedure of mix proportioning. Numerical Examples of Mix Proportioning using IS-10262:2019.
Concrete Technology
Concrete is a construction material composed of cement, fine aggregates (sand) and coarse aggregates mixed with water which hardens with time. Portland cement is the commonly used type of cement for production of concrete. Concrete technology deals with study of properties of concrete and its practical applications.
The main items we’ll focus on in this course are:
Cement – Types & Roles of Different Ingredients
Manufacturing of Cement – Dry & Wet Process
The influence of admixtures and aggregates
Properties of fresh and hardened concrete
Work ability, settlement, bleeding and Segregation
Production of Concrete
3Dry Process of cement ManufacturingVideo lesson
4Wet process of Cement ManufacturingVideo lesson
5Bouges Compounds - The real Ingredients of CementVideo lesson
6Importance of Bouges Compounds & their SignificanceVideo lesson
7Pozzolona - A Friend of CementVideo lesson
8How Much Water Does Cement Require ?Video lesson
9Field Test of Cement - Quick Tests to Check Quality of CementVideo lesson
10Fineness Test on Cement - Outdated TestVideo lesson
11Consistency Test on Cement - The Gate Way to Other TestVideo lesson
12Initial & Final Setting Time Test On CementVideo lesson
13Compressive Test On Cement Mortar - The Real Test on Cement MortarVideo lesson
17What is Mortar ? Importance of Adding Sand in Mortar !!Video lesson
18Why Stone Buildings Are Not used in 21st Century !!!Video lesson
19How Aggrgtes are Classified Based on Origin, Size & ShapeVideo lesson
20Grading of Aggragtes - Why Grading has to be Done ?Video lesson
21Fineness Modulus of Aggregates - What is the Size of Aggregate ?Video lesson
22Seive Analysis of Fine & Coarse AggregateVideo lesson
23Elongation & Flakiness Index Test on AggreagteVideo lesson
24Aggregate Crushing value TestVideo lesson
25Aggregate Impact value TestVideo lesson
26Aggregate Abrasion value TestVideo lesson
52Types of Mixing & Hand Mixing ProcedureVideo lesson
53Machine Mixing & its TypesVideo lesson
54Tilting & Non Tilting Type MixersVideo lesson
55Reversing Drum, Pan Mixers & Continous MixersVideo lesson
56Transportation of concreteVideo lesson
57Placing of ConcreteVideo lesson
58Compaction of Concrete - Hand Compaction & its TypesVideo lesson
59Types of Vibrators- Needle + Form vibratorsVideo lesson
60Types of Vibrators- Surface + Table VibratorsVideo lesson
61Finishing of Concrete Surface - Screeding, Floating & TrowellingVideo lesson