Learn to Hear the Dissonances of Equal Temperament
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
Have you ever wondered about the underlying structure of music? The mysterious musical elements at the the heart of music and the mechanisms responsible for the entire curriculum of formal music theory?
This transformative course invites you on a life-changing musical journey into the heart of music, unraveling the mysteries of equal temperament — the single tuning adopted as standard in the West. No prior knowledge of formal music theory or musical skills is needed, just an open mind and a love for music.
Discover the intricate world of music, acoustics and anatomy without getting lost in complex terminology. From mastering aural discrimination to exploring the foundations of equal temperament, this course empowers you to identify and interpret mistunings, fostering a unique skill set in understanding and recognizing both consonance and dissonance.
What exactly will we study in this course?
- A novel method of visually representing musical tones.
- The physical phenomena taking place when sounding musical tones simultaneously.
- How certain harmonic tones are approximated in 3 different Equal Temperaments: 12-ET, the standard, and 2 other microtonal ET’s.
- Consonance and dissonance of different versions of the same tone.
- Variants of the same symbols: differently tuned tones, which in cultural practice bare the same name and are notated the same way.
What we are not concerned with in this course?
- The historical battles of the “Tuning Wars”, as named by historians.
- Equal Temperament vs. Just Intonation
- Concert Pitch: 432Hz vs. 440Hz
- Consonance and dissonance of tones in a given scale.
Most important, we’re going to answer questions, like „what”, „where”, „how”, „which”, „when” and „why” we hear what we hear.
1Acoustic Irregularities in the Form of Roughness (with Introduction)Video lesson
Introduction: Get to know Bo Constantinsen and everything about his course “Learn to Hear the Dissonances of Equal Temperament”. Includes a presentation of the following 6 lectures and an important note on the concepts of consonance and dissonance.
Chapter 1: Focus on hearing the acoustic irregularities (in the form of roughness) responsible for the sensations of dissonance, while getting acquainted with tools like the sonic number line where What You See İs How You Hear™, for the purpose of introducing 3 different equal temperaments and the key notion of equal sonic distances.
2Acoustic IrregularitiesText lesson
5Misalignments between the Sounds within Mixed SoundsVideo lesson
Continue the exploration of structural components of sounds, by introducing simultaneously sounded tones while observing the alignments — respectively misalignments — of their inner sounds, when they get mixed.
6MisalignmentsText lesson
7Near-Frequency Beatings (Variations in Amplitude)Video lesson
Observe a speaker movement analogy and understand how many types of movement can be translated into a graph, for the purpose of explaining visually the acoustic phenomena responsible for the generation of perceived dissonance: the variations in amplitude called near-frequency beatings.
8BeatingsText lesson
9Specific Range of Acoustic RoughnessVideo lesson
Study the specific ranges where acoustic beats are perceived as rough in various degrees, by showing how, for fixed sonic distances, pitch range affects the frequency of beatings and thus the sensation of dissonance. Learn through examples how beatings are responsible for musical tension and relaxation by smooth sonic travel across the musical scale, while mapping the beating effect inside the specific ranges of acoustic roughness.
10Specific RangeText lesson