Flutter Masterclass (Dart, APIs, Firebase & More) - 2024
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Get ready for a no-nonsense journey into Flutter app development. We’re not here to waste your time or inundate you with unnecessary details. We’ve walked the walk, published apps, and now we’re on a mission to teach you only what truly matters.
In this guide, we’ll strip away the fluff and focus on the practical, hands-on skills you need. No lengthy theoretical lectures or mind-numbing jargon—just the good stuff. From core concepts and widgets to state management and connecting with APIs, we’ve got your back.
Oh, and did we mention Firebase? Because who needs a convoluted explanation when you can dive straight into harnessing its power for your apps?
Get ready to cut through the noise and become a Flutter maestro.
No-nonsense, just knowledge that sticks!
Here’s a sneak peek at the knowledge you’ll acquire in this course:
Fundamental concepts of Dart & Flutter
In-depth understanding of Flutter Widgets
Effective state management techniques
Mastering animations within Flutter
Seamless integration with back-end through APIs
Harnessing the power of Firebase for advanced functionalities
Advanced topics in Flutter UI/UX design
Providers for State Management
Firebase Authentication, Firestore, FlutterFire and more
Real-world projects and hands-on applications of Flutter principles
So, buckle up! Get ready to cut through the noise and emerge as a Flutter maestro. Happy coding!
6Functions in DartVideo lesson
7Data types in DartVideo lesson
8Return types in DartVideo lesson
9OOP & Classes in dart (Constructors, Properties, Methods)Video lesson
10Inheritance in DartVideo lesson
11Dart Basics QuizQuiz
Lets check if you can answer these simple dart basics questions
12Create & RUN first flutter projectVideo lesson
13Fixing Errors throughout this course (Very, Very Important - Must be noted)Video lesson
14What we'll build (Hello Flutter intro)Video lesson
15Clone Hello Flutter App from GitHub on your deviceVideo lesson
16Start Working on Hello Flutter AppVideo lesson
17Understanding & using widgetsVideo lesson
18Quick way to remove all blue informational message about keeping constText lesson
19Hot Restart, Hot Reload, Hard restart & Custom WidgetVideo lesson
20Using Container WidgetVideo lesson
21Columns in FlutterVideo lesson
22Widgets basics, Wrapping & MoreVideo lesson
23Rows & Text StylingVideo lesson
24Loading images in FlutterVideo lesson
25Fonts In FlutterVideo lesson
26Refactoring / Splitting code into multiple filesVideo lesson
27Wrap upVideo lesson
28What We'll Build (Billionaire App Intro)Video lesson
29Clone Billionaire App from Github on your deviceVideo lesson
30Start new flutter project with dark modeVideo lesson
31Working with ButtonsVideo lesson
32Expanded, Flex & Button StylingVideo lesson
33StatefulWidgets & States in FlutterVideo lesson
34SharedPreferences (Saving data locally)Video lesson
35initState() in StatefulWidgetVideo lesson
36Child To Parent Communication in FlutterVideo lesson
37Parent to child communicationVideo lesson
38App Icons in Flutter & Wrap upVideo lesson
39What We'll Build (Todo App Intro)Video lesson
40Clone Todo App from Github on your deviceVideo lesson
41Start New Project in Light ModeVideo lesson
42Using Icons, Scaffold Actions, Drawer & MoreVideo lesson
43GestureDetector, InkWell & BottomSheetVideo lesson
44Text Field & TextEditingControllerVideo lesson
45Advanced Child to parent communication (Passing data)Video lesson
46Understanding Lists in DartVideo lesson
47ListView Builder & ListTileVideo lesson
48Manipulating data in ListVideo lesson
49Preserving List DataVideo lesson
50IF, Else statement in DARTVideo lesson
51Using AlertDialog and If Else Statement in todo AppVideo lesson
52Refactoring Functions & WidgetsVideo lesson
53Working on DrawerVideo lesson
54Rendering Widgets ConditionallyVideo lesson
55Dismissable WidgetVideo lesson
56Wrap Up & User Experience EhnancementVideo lesson
57What We'll Build (Bucket List App)Video lesson
58Clone Bucket List App from Github on your deviceVideo lesson
59Understanding API, Frontend, Backend, Database & REST APIText lesson
60Setup dummy API on FirebaseVideo lesson
61Postman & JSONVideo lesson
62Maps in DartVideo lesson
63Sending JSON data to serverVideo lesson
64Start Bucket List App with DIO for HTTP RequestsVideo lesson
65Asynchronous vs Synchronous Programming, Async, Await & Future in DARTVideo lesson
66Making first HTTP request from appVideo lesson
67Error handling in DART using TRY CATCHVideo lesson
68Using API data on AppVideo lesson
69Loading state Indicator & RefreshIndicatorVideo lesson
70Multi Screen Navigation (Named Routes & Material Page Route)Video lesson
71Passing data between screensVideo lesson
72Refactoring Widgets on same file: Working with Mini Custom WidgetsVideo lesson
73PopMenuButton, List Check & MoreVideo lesson
74Navigation back detection, Delete Request & MoreVideo lesson
75Updating data - PatchVideo lesson
76Understanding Data Filter from List using .where()Video lesson
77Filter Bucket List DataVideo lesson
78Add data to APIVideo lesson
79Forms in Flutter & Form ValidationVideo lesson
80Refactor & Wrapup Bucket ListVideo lesson
81What We'll Build (Fun Facts Intro & Source code)Video lesson
82Setup for Fun Facts AppVideo lesson
83Using PageView BuilderVideo lesson
84Dummy read only API through GitHubVideo lesson
85Why Global State Management? : The ProblemVideo lesson
86Using Provider for Global State ManagementVideo lesson
87Updating Global StateVideo lesson
88Preserving and loading data on app start + App WrapupVideo lesson