5 Steps to Overcome Social Anxiety - Treatment Plan
- Description
- Curriculum
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If you want to overcome social anxiety so that you can speak to people comfortably and experience satisfaction in relationships, this course will help you understand the concepts of social anxiety, how & when it triggers, self-help exercises to manage the anxiety, create a fool-proof plan to develop confidence, and much more in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.
After completing this course you will be able to feel less self-conscious, you won’t need to avoid social situations that make you feel nervous, you will be able to talk without feeling the physical symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, sweats, etc.
If you find yourself avoid life due to fear of embarrassment, awkwardness, or going blank, this course is for you. In this course, I deliver psychotherapy based exercise to help you manage all the symptoms of social anxiety in a simple way. This course will increase the skills and tactfulness required to freely enjoy social life. So Enroll in this course and I will see you inside!
This course is created by Aman Varma Psychologist
There could be different reasons why you have social anxiety. We will uncover these in this course and set up a plan where you can once again go out and start easily talking with people and develop genuine relationships. We will develop confidence again using the templates shared in this course.
3What is Social Anxiety?Video lesson
In this section we will look at social anxiety symptoms & triggers according to the definition in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
4Symptoms and Diagnosis of Social AnxietyText lesson
5Identifying Triggers of Social AnxietyVideo lesson
6Behaviours in Safety ModeVideo lesson
What are safety mode behaviours and how they stop from overcoming social anxiety
7Different types of Safety BehavioursVideo lesson
What are various types safety mode behaviours and how they stop from overcoming social anxiety
8Understanding MindfulnessVideo lesson
How mindfulness is useful in overcoming Social Anxiety
9Three Aspects of MindfulnessText lesson
To overcome Social Anxiety by developing various coping skills of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
10Guided Mindfulness Breathing ExerciseVideo lesson
To overcome Social Anxiety by developing various coping skills of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
11Mindfulness Breathing 2Video lesson
To overcome Social Anxiety by developing various coping skills of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
12Focusing on single minuteVideo lesson
To overcome Social Anxiety by developing various coping skills of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
13Focusing on single objectVideo lesson
To overcome Social Anxiety by developing various coping skills of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
14Guided Focusing on Single ObjectVideo lesson
To overcome Social Anxiety by developing various coping skills of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
15Band of lightVideo lesson
To overcome Social Anxiety by developing various coping skills of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
16Inner outer meditationVideo lesson
To overcome Social Anxiety by developing various coping skills of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
17Record 3 Minutes of your thoughtsVideo lesson
To overcome Social Anxiety by developing various coping skills of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
18Describing your emotionsVideo lesson
To overcome Social Anxiety by developing various coping skills of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
19Paying Mindful Attention to Your Body in StillnessVideo lesson
In Acceptance and commitment therapy this is called Acceptance of bodily sensations. In Buddhism this is called Vipassana meditation. In mainstream culture this is called as Body Scan meditation
20Strengthening your ABSVideo lesson
To overcome Social Anxiety by developing various coping skills of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
21Acceptance of AnxietyVideo lesson
To overcome Social Anxiety by developing various coping skills of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
22Words of AcceptanceText lesson
To overcome Social Anxiety by developing various coping skills of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
23Exploring AcceptanceText lesson
24CBT Relaxation ExercisesVideo lesson
To overcome Social Anxiety by developing various coping skills of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
25Managing AnxietyVideo lesson
To overcome Social Anxiety by developing various coping skills of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
26Abdominal BreathingVideo lesson
To overcome Social Anxiety by developing various coping skills of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
27Progressive Muscle RelaxationVideo lesson
To overcome Social Anxiety by developing various coping skills of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
28Relaxation without TensionVideo lesson
To overcome Social Anxiety by developing various coping skills of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
29Cue Controlled RelaxationVideo lesson
To overcome Social Anxiety by developing various coping skills of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
30Section OverviewVideo lesson
To overcome Social Anxiety by developing various coping skills of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
31The compass metaphorText lesson
32Uncovering your Values and GoalsVideo lesson
Second most important key of acceptance and commitment therapy is reconnecting with your values.
33IntroductionVideo lesson
To overcome Social Anxiety by developing various coping skills of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
34What is Cognitive DefusionVideo lesson
To overcome Social Anxiety by developing various coping skills of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
35Self as ContextVideo lesson
To overcome Social Anxiety by developing various coping skills of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
36Anxious ThoughtsVideo lesson
Acceptance and commitment therapy techniques applied in real life. After watching the videos or reading the articles practice the ACT techniques for a few minutes and than proceed further with the next technique.
37The Thought ThatVideo lesson
Acceptance and commitment therapy techniques applied in real life. After watching the videos or reading the articles practice the ACT techniques for a few minutes and than proceed further with the next technique.
38Labeling your thoughtsVideo lesson
Acceptance and commitment therapy techniques applied in real life. After watching the videos or reading the articles practice the ACT techniques for a few minutes and than proceed further with the next technique.
39Ditching the meaning of thoughtsVideo lesson
Acceptance and commitment therapy techniques applied in real life. After watching the videos or reading the articles practice the ACT techniques for a few minutes and than proceed further with the next technique.
40Waterfall MetaphoreVideo lesson
Acceptance and commitment therapy techniques applied in real life. After watching the videos or reading the articles practice the ACT techniques for a few minutes and than proceed further with the next technique.