Comprehensive UK Personal Finance Training
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- Curriculum
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Welcome to the Comprehensive UK Personal Finance Training course. I believe this is the only comprehensive course covering personal finance in the UK. In this course you will learn everything you need to know about UK personal finance. I have avoided prescriptions that are normally seen on other materials since I understand every situation is different. In this course I will take you through the basics of personal finance and cover things in detail as they apply to the UK. This course is based on my wide UK financial services experience and my personal investing knowledge. I am sure once you have done the course you will be equipped to make your own financial decisions such as investing, pensions, retirement planning, estates planning, budgeting, managing borrowings and many more other things.
I have used real life examples as they apply to the UK. I avoided making this course broad so that if you are in the UK you will derive the most value. I have also added some key things such as childcare schemes, home purchase schemes, a comprehensive overview of the UK tax system, how to protect yourself from fraud. I hope you will derive a lot of value from taking on this course.
Course Structure
I will start by giving you an introduction to investing, and various types of investment products, before moving to pension products. In pensions, I will explain to you the various types of pensions such as workplace, private, government and public sector pension schemes. I will show you how to hold the investments and how to manage them. In the next sections I will talk about investment strategies, debt management & credit ratings. Will the give you an overview of the UK tax system and how to manage your taxes. Afterwards I will take you through the government schemes for home buying and childcare support. I have also included a section for Sharia Financing if it applies to you, or you would like to learn more about it. I have another section on protecting your wealth from fraud, then lastly I share with you some useful personal finance materials, books, magazines and podcasts.
5IntroductionVideo lesson
This is the introduction to the section. This section is detailed and will set the theme for the whole course. Take your time as you go through the material. I have tried to explain things concisely without making things too long. You can use other external resources to gain main information if you would like.
6Overview of section & why you need moneyVideo lesson
7Why should you invest?Video lesson
8Time Value of Money PrincipleVideo lesson
This covers the key principle of investing that £1 today is worth more than £1 next year. I have given some simple examples to make things simple.
9How does stock markets work?Video lesson
I have given a broad explanation of how stock markets work and all the parties involved. This is for your awareness purposes only and you don't need to memorise these things.
10Understanding Present Values, Future Values & Opportunity costsVideo lesson
Building on the time value of money principle, here I have explained the main financial terms including the opportunity costs.
11EXAMPLE - Simple Calculation of Investment returnsVideo lesson
Here I will show you how an investment return or profit is calculated through 3 simple examples. You invest for better returns so it is important for you to understand how returns are calculated.
12Relative ReturnsVideo lesson
I have explained how you can determine whether the return or profit you got is enough. You do this by comparing it to relative returns which are usually stock market indices.
13Stock Market IndicesVideo lesson
Here I example stock market indices, how they are formed and what they do. Stock market indices are commonly used as relative returns i.e. for comparing product returns to them.
14Different categories of investorsVideo lesson
In this video I explain the different classifications of clients by the Financial Conduct Authority and what this means for you. Depending on your classification this limits the financial products that you can access.
15Quick introduction to investment productsVideo lesson
This is a quick introduction to the investment products that are following.
161. Cash SavingsVideo lesson
In this video I explain cash savings, how to find better deals, the advantages & disadvantages of holding cash savings.
172. Bonds - Government & Corporate bondsVideo lesson
In this video I explain what are bonds, the two categories of corporate & government. I also explain how bonds work and take you through a couple of examples. I have also explained the reasons for holding bonds, and where to buy them.
183. Equities - Quick introductionVideo lesson
In this video and the next videos I have explained equities, stocks or shares what they are and how to buy them. I also provided a simple example of the forming of companies, trading and listing. I have also explained key accounting terms. In doing this I used a simple grocery example and Tesco financial statements
193. Equities - Grocery Example - Year 1Video lesson
I have used a simple grocery example in explaining key accounting concepts that will be useful when evaluating a potential investment.
203. Equities - Grocery Example - Year 2Video lesson
I have used a simple grocery example in explaining key accounting concepts that will be useful when evaluating a potential investment.
213. Equities - Grocery Example - Year 3Video lesson
I have used a simple grocery example in explaining key accounting concepts that will be useful when evaluating a potential investment.
223. Equities - Grocery Example - Other Accounting TransactionsVideo lesson
In this video I explain the other key accounting transactions to be on the look out for on the financial statements
233. Equities - Grocery Example - Registering a company & listingVideo lesson
243. Equities - TESCO CASE STUDY - IntroductionVideo lesson
253. Equities - Quantitative Analysis of companiesVideo lesson
263. Equities - Qualitative Analysis of companiesVideo lesson
273. Equities - Other Investment ConsiderationsVideo lesson
283. Equities - Understanding company sectorsVideo lesson
293. Equities - Understanding Corporate EventsVideo lesson
30Investment Funds - IntroductionVideo lesson
314. Investment Trusts - What is It?Video lesson
324. Investment Trusts - LIVE EXAMPLEVideo lesson
334. Investment Trusts - Choosing a fund to investVideo lesson
345. Unit TrustsVideo lesson
356. Open Ended Investment Companies (OEICs)Video lesson
367. Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)Video lesson
378. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)Video lesson
38OTHER HIGH RISK ASSETS - IntroductionVideo lesson
39HIGH RISK - Contract for Differences (CFDs)Video lesson
40HIGH RISK - Spread BettingVideo lesson
41HIGH RISK - Foreign Currency (FX) TradingVideo lesson
42HIGH RISK - CommoditiesVideo lesson
43HIGH RISK - (PLEASE AVOID) - Binary OptionsVideo lesson
44HIGH RISK - CryptocurrenciesVideo lesson
45How the FCA & BoE Ensures your assets are safeVideo lesson
46Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)Video lesson
47Resolving Issues with your providerVideo lesson
49Last wordsVideo lesson
50Introduction to sectionVideo lesson
51What is a pensions?Video lesson
52Workplace Pensions - Defined Benefit pension schemesVideo lesson
53Workplace Pensions - IntroductionVideo lesson
54Workplace Pensions - In practiseVideo lesson
55Workplace Pensions - Important Things to DoVideo lesson
56Workplace Pensions - Changing EmployersVideo lesson
57Personal Pensions - SIPP - Self Invested Pension PlansVideo lesson
58GPP & Small administered pension schemesVideo lesson
59Pension Tax reliefs & AllowancesVideo lesson
60Taking your pension - SIPP & Occupational Pensions OnlyVideo lesson
61Public Sector Pension SchemesVideo lesson
62State Pension SchemesVideo lesson
63Planning for your retirementVideo lesson
64Where to Get FREE HELP on PensionsVideo lesson
65Mini - Frequently Asked Questions on PensionsVideo lesson
66Investment Account Opening IllustrationVideo lesson
67Last wordsVideo lesson
68Introduction to tax and non-tax wrappersVideo lesson
69Overview of 4 Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs)Video lesson
70Cash ISAsVideo lesson
71Stocks and shares ISAVideo lesson
72Lifetime Individual Savings Account (LISA)Video lesson
73Innovative Finance ISAVideo lesson
74General Investment Account (GIA)Video lesson
75Self Invested Pension Plan (SIPP)Video lesson
76Junior ISAVideo lesson
77Simple Investment Options - Robo-advisorsVideo lesson
78Simple Investment Options - Pre-made Investment ModelsVideo lesson
79Important Considerations when choosing an investment providerVideo lesson
80Transferring ISAs, JISAs, LISAs & SIPPs between providersVideo lesson
81What happens to wrappers when you move abroadVideo lesson
82What happens to ISAs when you dieVideo lesson
83Last wordsVideo lesson
84Introduction on buying goldVideo lesson
85Overview of gold, advantages & disadvantages to owning goldVideo lesson
86How gold is measuredVideo lesson
87How and where to buy goldVideo lesson
In this video I explain how and where to buy gold in the UK. You can download a listing of gold sellers in the UK here.
88Storing your goldVideo lesson
89Other indirect ways of holding physical goldVideo lesson
This video explains other ways to hold gold instead of the physical gold itself such as Exchange Traded Funds & gold miners. I have also given examples of ETFs and gold miners.
90Other alternative precious metalsVideo lesson
91Last wordsVideo lesson