Easy Facebook Ads - Marketing Advertising Traffic
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Welcome to the easy Facebook ads academy, let me show you how to run ads the easy way!
I hate courses that are 10 hours long or even 30 hours long. You don’t need a long course. It will only slow you down and you will start procrastinating. My goal in this course is to get your ads up and running in a week or less. Here, check this out.
I basically condensed years of not only my own Facebook Ads experience but also the experience I had working with my clients and students down to this short and intensive course.
Let me show you what I mean.
If you have never run ads before… don’t worry, start at Week 1. This week.
I will explain the psychology of the users on Facebook and how Facebook Ads are different than YouTube Ads.
This will immediately get you up to speed on what will work and what won’t work when running ads on the platform.
We will literally spend minutes, not hours setting up your Facebook page and your ads manager ready to run ads.
If you are intimidated by the complicated looking dashboard of the ads manager, don’t be. I will do a fun Facebook Ads manager and explain the bare essentials, the only things that you need to know, to run ads.
Because this is the Easy Facebook Ads academy, we are going to run ads the easy way. I will explain how to structure your campaigns in a way that will prevent any complications from ever happening. That’s how easy it will be.
If you are not sure what kinds of ads to create and how to create it, then start at week 2.
I call it the creative week. We’ll be creating your lead magnet, landing page, thank you page, and the ad all in a few days.
But first, we will talk about how to avoid getting our ads rejected by the Facebook ad cop. The Facebook algorithm. It’s like a robot that is programed to seek out and reject ads based on certain parameters. Once you know what its looking for you will be able to fly under its radar.
Then we’ll complete your 4 step customer pathway. So that your ad will get clicks, and those clicks will turn into leads and those leads will eventually turn into sales.
If you already have your ads created and need a refresher on how to setup your campaigns the correct way then start at week 3.
I will hold your hand and show you how to setup up everything step by step. How to install the Facebook Pixel, how to structure your campaign the easy way, and then show you with over the shoulder walk through tutorials how to setup your campaign, ad set, and ad. So all you need to do is to follow along.
You will also learn the targeting options secret that my clients and I use to instantly find your ideal customers. We call it the 3 flavor ice cream targeting strategy and it will help you find people who are actually sincere about your niche and are the most likely to interact and buy
And finally, if your ad is already running and you are having a trouble figuring out if it’s a winner or loser, than start at week 4.
I will make data analysis simple, help you arrange your columns of data, show you what data points to look for and solutions to fix ads that are not performing as well as you would like.
Then we will finish up with some advanced copy writing secrets, advanced targeting secrets, and even an email marketing mini-course so that you not only increase the quality of leads coming into your business but also start converting them into paying customers.
And because the marketplace is always changing and the IOS update is always changing, I will be updating this course with new episodes even new strategies and tactics accordingly.
How does that sound?
See, I told you it was going to be an Adventure didn’t I.
So pick a week and let’s get started.
Let’s get your ads up and running ASAP so that your business will grow asap.
After all, money love speed and there’s not a moment to lose. Let’s get started.
I’ll see you in the next episode.
1WEEK 1 - START HERE!Video lesson
2Top Secret way to get Facebook Ads done in seconds with AIVideo lesson
3Free Access to my Facebook Ads Copy GPT!Text lesson
4When to Run Facebook Ads Vs YouTube AdsVideo lesson
5Easy Facebook Page SetupVideo lesson
In order to run facebook ads, you will need a facebook account and a facebook Page. I am not psychic, but I have a feeling that you already have a facebook profile. So I'm not going to talk about setting up a facebook account. But you might not have a facebook page so I will show you how to quickly setup a facebook page.
having a facebook page is necessary because when you create an ad in the future, the ad will show which page this ad is from.
Profile picture use a face
use a girls face
cover photo dimensions
eventually you will have a specific page dedicated to a best selling product from your business. For now. we will just use the new page you set up to run your first ads.
Just to give you an idea of what I do for my business. Here are the top 3 pages I use to run facebook ads.
And finally we arrived at the page that I just created.
darkmode for pages so it's easier on the eyes and looks cooler.
I think of myself in the bat cave
remember, running ads should be fun. You are promoting products you love, your business, and your personality. If you are not having fun. I can guranntee you your visitors will not like your ads. So remember to be in a good mood when you are creating and running ads.
facebook page boost explination. you need boost for anyone that follows you to see your post. but people who follows you are warm traffic so it's worth it to have your post or your ad show up on their feed. the more they see you, the more familar that are with you and your products and the more likeyl they will buy or interact with your ad
6Easy Facebook Ads Manager SetupVideo lesson
Facebook makes it easier to run ads. That is why they have a promote system and a boost system on their facebook page.
you see, you can easily promote a page.
and once you publish a post on the page, you can easily boost it to have more people see it.
I'll say this once so please be careful.
Running ads from your facebook page is ONLY okay if you are trying to get more followers toyour page, drive a little traffic to your other socila media accounts like youtube, trying to get subscribers on youtube. then that's okay to start.
But if you are trying to get leads, or sell products and services. Do not use the facebook page to do that. It is does not provide you with enough tools to really target your customers.
It's like driving a 8 cyliner sports car and only using 4 of the cyliners. And complaining why the car isn't performing well.
The best way to maximize your results and get the most out of running facebook ads is to use their Ads manager. That's using all 8 of their cyliners.
But a lot of people don't want to do that because the dashboard looks complicated. But don't worry, i will explain everything to you in future episodes so that you will fully be confident and comfortable here.
So let's setup your facebook ads manager.
7Fun Facebook Ads Manager TourVideo lesson
8Your Movie Studio - Easy Ad Campaign StructureVideo lesson
94 Step Customer PathwayVideo lesson
10The Power of the Facebook PixelVideo lesson
1116X your Business LIVE with AI this weekVideo lesson
12WEEK 2 - Easy Ad CreationVideo lesson
13How to Build you personal Copywriting GPT TutorialVideo lesson
14Beware The Facebook Ad CopVideo lesson
15Step 1 - Creating Your Quick Lead MagnetVideo lesson
16Create your Lead MagnetText lesson
17Step 2 - Creating Your Thank you PageVideo lesson
18Create Your Thank You PageText lesson
19Step 3 - Creating Your Landing PageVideo lesson
terms and conditions, privacy policy, and contact us.
20Create your Landing PageText lesson
21Step 4 - Create Photo? Carousel? Video Ad?Video lesson
22Step 4 - MAKE THEM PAUSE - Ad Visual Design SecretsVideo lesson
People are scrolling through their feed interacting with their community. And you have to jump out of no where, capture their attention long enough to deliver your message.
So our goal is to make them pause
So what is the visual that you will use to capture their attention?
Face - where are we running our ad? Facebook. So what's the most attention grabbing thing on Facebook? Faces! pun intended. People scrolling on their feed will see a face and they will take a moment to ask themselves if they know this person.
negative space
minimal text (used to be 20%) - use text to capture attention, not overwhelm with information
Native (don't use stock images)
Now that we have people pausing to look at our ad, how do we get them to click? That's what the copywriting is for....
23Step 4 - MAKE THEM CLICK - Ad Copywriting SecretsVideo lesson
Remind them that they have a problem that you can solve. Remind them of their interest that you can satisfty.... and remind them...that they have a desire that you can fullfill.
i used to give tons of examples. And when we did live trainings I realized that my students were overwhelmeed and don't know what chocies to make. In the episode before last I give you 2 wordings choices for your ad, in the last epsiode I gvie you a choice of a photo and a video ad and recommended to try the photo first. Now I am going to give you 5 more ad suggestions. ad copywriting to get you started.
If I add anymroe you will be paraylzed by all the options and hesitate. That will be going against the goal of this course.
I will give you more ad ideas in the future. buy right now we got to get you ready to run ads.
the key to creating a good facebook ad is to understand that it's all interest based targeting. Not youtube.... that's why what you want to do is to remind them that they have a problem and how you can help them solve it right now at this moment instantly. that's why we are giving them lead magnet that will quickly statisfy their desire. a desire that tehy have forgotten that they have. you see how this works?
What is my prospect’s motivation for clicking this button? Desire
What is my prospect going to get when (s)he clicks this button? fullfillment
Answering those two questions will give you a much more specific and effective direction for your CTA — and hopefully lead to more conversions.
2 let desire adn fulliment motivate the art. the facebook news feed is messy. So your ad design should be simple. simple and clear. it will draw more eyes to it. don't use amateur photography or stock photos. simple and colorful animation can work well.
3 Headline don't get it cut off.
Ready to get your marketing organized? hinting that the only thing preventing that outcome is your hesitation.
______makes ______ easy so can stay focused_______
If you want_____ you'll need this______
Ever wish _______ was just a little less ________
You probably already _______ but do you ______?
You can_______ but how?
Join ___#___ and monetize your content with
4 consider using words like you, your in your ad copy to make it more personal and connect
you shouldn't need to....
why do this when you could do this.
Your time is valuable that's why...
Use google's example. Google makes their customers feel important.
use words like you, free, because, instantly, now, new
5 use CTA power words.
use words like now, today, start, sign up, register, try for free, see more images, is a lot more dynamic and action oriented than the passive learn more
sign up cta gets more conversion than learn more. because people press it with the intention to sign up not just o check it out and learn more.
bonus thing you can try use curiocity like the google ranking ad.
if you paied attention in our first episode you will notice that I secretly gave you a PDF of the top 10 pchological ads that make people click. I gve you that pdf without telling you. Now I want to remind you if you still want a little help, a little extra boost of insiration. you can down load this pdf and it will point in in the right rection.
Okay, I'll see you in the next episode where we will get read to run your ads
24Create Your AdText lesson
25WEEK 3 - Easy Ad Campaign SetupVideo lesson
26IOS 14 UpdateVideo lesson
After speaking with various Facebook representatives about this ios update
most affected are
advertisers targeting
customers who are using Apple i phones.
customers who installed your App software
the impact is delayed reporting, partial reporting, or inaccurate reporting. which is very vague. and facebook are making these statements for legal reasons. Basically they are telling you the possible impact on people's businesses so that they don't get sued.
(reporting limitations)
what you can do
Verify domain,
use 1 domain per pixel
8 events limitation per domain
prioritize the events
and if you are going to do re targeting, do it within the 180 days period for increased accuracy.
27BEST Facebook Pixel Plugin for WordpressVideo lesson
28Easy Facebook Pixel SetupVideo lesson
29Campaign Vs. Ad Sets Vs. Ads ReviewVideo lesson
30Easy Ad Campaign SetupVideo lesson
31Easy Ad Set SetupVideo lesson
32Easy Ad SetupVideo lesson
37Advanced Copywriting Secrets - Lower Lead CostsVideo lesson
I am going to make it super easy for you and just show you the top performing ads on Facebook that’s getting the highest CTRs and explain to you, just what ad copywriting secrets they are using and why people are clicking on them.
Remind them that they have a problem that you can solve. Remind them of their interest that you can satisfty.... and remind them...that they have a desire that you can fullfill.
i used to give tons of examples. And when we did live trainings I realized that my students were overwhelmeed and don't know what chocies to make. In the episode before last I give you 2 wordings choices for your ad, in the last epsiode I gvie you a choice of a photo and a video ad and recommended to try the photo first. Now I am going to give you 5 more ad suggestions. ad copywriting to get you started.
If I add anymroe you will be paraylzed by all the options and hesitate. That will be going against the goal of this course.
I will give you more ad ideas in the future. buy right now we got to get you ready to run ads.
the key to creating a good facebook ad is to understand that it's all interest based targeting. Not youtube.... that's why what you want to do is to remind them that they have a problem and how you can help them solve it right now at this moment instantly. that's why we are giving them lead magnet that will quickly statisfy their desire. a desire that tehy have forgotten that they have. you see how this works?
What is my prospect’s motivation for clicking this button? Desire
What is my prospect going to get when (s)he clicks this button? fullfillment
Answering those two questions will give you a much more specific and effective direction for your CTA — and hopefully lead to more conversions.
2 let desire adn fulliment motivate the art. the facebook news feed is messy. So your ad design should be simple. simple and clear. it will draw more eyes to it. don't use amateur photography or stock photos. simple and colorful animation can work well.
3 Headline don't get it cut off.
Ready to get your marketing organized? hinting that the only thing preventing that outcome is your hesitation.
______makes ______ easy so can stay focused_______
If you want_____ you'll need this______
Ever wish _______ was just a little less ________
You probably already _______ but do you ______?
You can_______ but how?
Join ___#___ and monetize your content with
4 consider using words like you, your in your ad copy to make it more personal and connect
you shouldn't need to....
why do this when you could do this.
Your time is valuable that's why...
Use google's example. Google makes their customers feel important.
use words like you, free, because, instantly, now, new
5 use CTA power words.
use words like now, today, start, sign up, register, try for free, see more images, is a lot more dynamic and action oriented than the passive learn more
sign up cta gets more conversion than learn more. because people press it with the intention to sign up not just o check it out and learn more.
bonus thing you can try use curiocity like the google ranking ad.
if you paied attention in our first episode you will notice that I secretly gave you a PDF of the top 10 pchological ads that make people click. I gve you that pdf without telling you. Now I want to remind you if you still want a little help, a little extra boost of insiration. you can down load this pdf and it will point in in the right rection.
Okay, I'll see you in the next episode where we will get read to run your ads
38Advanced High Converting Copywriting Template 1Text lesson
39Advanced High Converting Copywriting Template 2Text lesson
40Advanced Ads SetupVideo lesson
41Advanced Targeting Secrets - Lower Lead CostsVideo lesson
facebook page admins and includencers. And start the budget at the ad set level so you can see estimated results.
42How to Scale CorrectlyVideo lesson