Easy YouTube Google Ads - Marketing and Advertising Traffic
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Hello and welcome to the Easy YouTube Ads Academy!
I created this course because running ads can be extremely stressful, frustrating and discouraging if you are not careful.
I bet no one lay it out for you as clear as this before but these are the steps you need to take… when running a YouTube ad campaign.
Step 1, you have to create a Google Ads Account and a new YouTube Channel. You want to create a separate channel specifically to run ads so as not to effect the organic reach of your regular channel.
Step 2, you have to do research on the different keywords, placement, and topics you want to target for… that is related to your products and brand.
Step 3, it’s time to create your video Ad! Most people do this before they do research and that’s a mistake because your ad, needs to be filled with keywords that resonates with your potential customers. And you figure what those keywords are during your research.
Step 4, is to create the Landing Page design that you will be sending the traffic to once you start running the ads. The website design needs to reflect the actual video ad that people are seeing.
Step 5 is to setup tracking tags so that every click, every visitor, and every conversion is recorded in your google ads account, to keep your data accurate and for future re-marketing campaigns.
Step 6, is to finally setup your ad campaign! It’s an exciting step but also the most stressful because there are tons of variables to consider, such as what should your starting budget be? Which countries have higher conversion rates and which should you target? Where should you exclude your video ads from being seen? Which devices should you target and are they all created equal? What frequenting capping should you use to make sure your ads don’t burn out that fast? Which demographic should you target to get the maximum bang for your buck? What’s the best Cost Per View to start off with and more.
Step 7, is to look at all the data and optimize your campaigns… which is just a fancy word for ditching losers and scaling winners.
This is what confuses the most people because just look at all the data. How do you know what to look for? How do you arrange the columns of data so that you are looking at only the stats that matter? How do you compare the view rate with the Click through Rates to decide if an ad is working or not? How do you determine which video, which keyword, which placement ads to keep pouring money into and which ads to cut off right away?
Running ads is almost like betting on horse racing. Each horse is your campaign. Which one should to cut from the team and which one should you continue to invest in and let them run to continue to make you money?
There’s like a million questions right? And the people who have figured it out have an unfair advantage over their competitors. They can afford to continue running ads and grow their business while their competitors is forgotten. In business, if you don’t have a constant supply of traffic… your business will die and be forgotten.
If all this sounds discouraging to you. Don’t worry. I was sitting in your extract seat years ago. I know what it feels like to run ads for the first time that’s why I will hold your hand and guide you step by step.
My goal is to decrease your cost, increase your views, clicks, and conversions. Because if you can do that, you will be able to reach that sweet spot, that spot where if you spend $1 in ads you get $2 or more back. And if you can get to that point, you would run ads nonstop and build your business and turn it into an empire.
But it all starts with understanding how running ads work, that’s why I created this introduction week for you. It will explain the simple math’s behind running ads, the difference between Facebook vs. Google Advertising, The different types of YouTube Ad formats and which one to use for your business, the 13 biggest YouTube ad mistakes that are costing beginners a fortune when running ads the first time, and finally, a review over the steps of Running YouTube ads so that you make sure to do it right the first time. Because every dollar counts.
1WEEK 1 - START HERE !Video lesson
2Top Secret way to get YouTube Ads done in seconds with AIVideo lesson
3Free Access to my YouTube Ads Script GPT!Text lesson
4Paid Ads – Why MOST people FAILVideo lesson
5Simple Math of Paid AdsVideo lesson
6Facebook Vs. Google AdvertisingVideo lesson
7YouTube Ad Formats - What Google Didn’t Tell YouVideo lesson
Facebook Ads Vs Youtube ads
Facebook is like the community center
while youtube is like a library. You don't go to the libary to hang out with your friends. You can but that's not the main reason why you go to the libary. Who do you go? you go to search and learn information.
Different types of ads on youtube:
Skippable In-Stream Ads - Play when viewer watches a video and they have the option to skip after 5 seconds
6 Second non skippable Bumper Ads
Non-skippable in stream ads
Outstream ads - plays on websites and apps outside of yotube
Discovery ads - shows up when someone searches for a video. You get charged when someone clicks. THese ads are effective if you are trying to get more subscribers to your yotube channel.
Overlay ads -
Ad sequence - order of your ads depending on if a person skipped or viewed the first ad in the sequence.
For the sake of simplicity. I will be focusing on skippable in stream ads in this course because you get the most bang for your buck. It is still the most popular and highest converting ad simply because the targeting is so focused with your ads playing at the right place and the right time. As I said before youtube ad's strength lies in the audience's viewer intent. So that's why skippable in strem ad
813 Biggest Youtube Ad Mistakes and Consequences Part 1 of 2Video lesson
Use your current Youtube Account to run ads.
Using Google's machine learning to make decisions for you before you are ready.
Create the ad and then do research where to target
Have only 1 google ads account promoting all different kinds of products
Have 1 or 2 campaigns with many ad groups targeting everything
Have only 1 video ad
No frequency capping of ads so the same person is bombarded with your ads over and over
No exclusion of ads so that people who have bought your product still see your ads
Targeting all devices in one campaign
Not excluding negative keywords like "FREE" or photography when you are trying to sell video camera.
Always going for the sale and not for the lead
Not scripting your ad according to the running time
Feeling like breaking even is a failure. - it's like gambling. if you don't win you feel you failed. but if you don't lose you have won.
Quitting in the beginning because you are not getting an ROI - your ads are going to fail in the beginning. And that's okay because you are allowing google to learn.
913 Biggest Youtube Ad Mistakes and Consequences Part 2 of 2Video lesson
1016X your Business LIVE with AI this weekVideo lesson
11Steps of Running YouTube Ads CorrectlyVideo lesson
Google Ads Account and YouTube Channel Setup
Video Ads creation
Landing Page Design
Tracking Tags Setup
Campaign set up
Campaign Optimization - Ditching losers and scaling winners
12WEEK 2 - The Bare EssentialsVideo lesson
13New Google and YouTube Accounts SetupVideo lesson
User interfaces may change from what you see in the tutorials, but the process remains the same.
14Google Ads Account SetupVideo lesson
also link your personal youtube channel to your google ads so we can create that audience later
15Linking Google Ads to YouTube ChannelsVideo lesson
16WEEK 3 - Just What Are We Researching?Video lesson
when you learn about ads, people constantly tell you about remarkeing campaing make themn so much money. but can't start with that. .... so it makes no sense to look at these targeting.
The top 3 best ways to start is.
178 Types of Targeting OptionsVideo lesson
Reasearch is all about researching the different targeting where we want to run our ads. There are 8 main targeting options and it increases in complicity. Since this is a easy youtube ads course, We will start with only the 3 most popular and effective targeting. these are the recommend ones to get started it's easy to get started with it without needing a lot of data or experience to make them work.
But I will still cover all the tarketing that youtube currently has on their platform so you can get an idea how complicated it can be if you wanted
Keywords - people types in a keyword in youtube or google. Google tracks that and allow us to target people who recently type in that keyword. Google calls this a "session" And a session for google is in general around 40 minutes. becuase the average person stays on yotuube for about 40 minutes. So within 40 minutes of typing in a certain keyword, we can target this person and show our ads to him or her on youtube.
Placement - pinpoint exactly where we want our ad to run in front of. traditional advertising where you pay a tv station to play your ad before a major televized event. Like the red carpet event before the oscars or the superbowl. have you ever noticed that the majority of commercials shown during the red carpet events targets women? Why? because women makes up a majority of the population of people interested in fashion, makeup and glamor. and that is what the red carpet pre oscar show is all about. have you noticed how theres lot of commercials about beer, girls, targeting men during the superbowl? Because the majority of people watching the superbowl is men. Placement targeting is even more lazer focused. It's like you saying, there is a video about fashion tutorials. I want to put my fall fashion ad infront of who ever wants to see this video. and you saying, there is a video about american football tutorials I want to put my football course in front of whoever wants to see this video.
Topics - are like facebook interest tarketing. which is targeting people based on the topics that they are interested in. If a person watch a video about a certain topic, you can run your ad in front of those people.
Website re-marketing - are ways to run ads to people who visited your website but for some reason backout out and didn't purchase or download any free content that you were offering them. You can create an audience who has interacted with your website a certain way and then run ads to these people again to remind them or convince them to take action. Doing this is a bit more complicated to setup and obviously requires you to have data of people who have landed on your webiste. Youtube requires that you have at least 1000 members in that audience before you can run ads to these people. That's why in the beginning we will not be doing these types of targeting.
Video re-marketing - are ways for us to run ads to people who watched your video on your yotuube channel either as an ad or an organic search. If someone liked subscribed, or just watched one of our videos, you can target that person with an ad that's relevant to the video that they watched.
In Market audience- Google keeps track of what people are doing online and they know what people are interested in. So if you have recently been looking for airline tickets, they are guessing that you are going to be traveling soon. If you have been searching for bridal tutorials, they are guessing that you are going to be married soon. And if you have been searching for making money online videos, they are guessing that you have just started your own business. See how this works? based on people searches, google can also create an audience for you of people at a certain stage in their life. Traveling soon, getting married soon, about to have a baby soon, and starting a business soon are all turning points in someone's life that you can take advantage of to make money. And you can target these people with your products.
Similar audiences - Based on the different people who have interacted with your ad and landed on your website, and took action. Google is smart enough to recognize those types of behavior and find other people who are likely to behave the same. For example if sally saw your ad and bought your shoes the first time they visited your wesbite. Google can go through their records and say something like "hey we also know people like sally... who loves shoes and tend to make purchases fairly quickly. we can create a list of people just like sally and you can target your ads to them. This is similar to facebook's look alike audience. Except on Google, they call them similar audiences.
Affinity audiences - are similar to in market audience with the exception of duration. In market audience's interest is limited. If you are searching for an airline tickets. You are only interested for about a week. You will no longer be interested after you purchase your ticekts. That's in market audience. But Affinity audiences on the other hand targets people who interests are long term. Such as a person who travels all the time and is always buying airline tickets. A long standing interest.
These are the main targeting that google ads offers and as you can see, it can get really complicated. You can create custom affinity audiences, custom similar audiences, and custom this and that and get really sucked in to all of these tarketing. That is not the goal of this course. Remember my job is to get you setup with the basics and help you find success as soon as posisble. because none of these advanced targeting methods matters if you are not able to find success in the simple methods of targeting. If you don't have at least 1000 people visitng your website from seeing your ads, you can't run website re- marketing yet.
Same thing with Smiliar audiences, if you don't have that many conversions and optins and sales yet, then learning about similar audiences will be a waste of time for you. You can see why right?
This is why I like to focus on Keywords, Placements, and Topics targeting in this course. SO that you are not distracted by the things that don't matter to your business at this moment.
183 Main Targeting Options We Will Be Using and WhyVideo lesson
19Keywords Research Overview and Tools to get the Job doneVideo lesson
20Keywords Research Walkthrough TutorialVideo lesson
21Placements Research Walkthrough TutorialVideo lesson
22Topics Research Walkthrough TutorialVideo lesson
make sure budget is set to daily so you can see the estimated impressions
1 just searching one by one peeling through this onion layer one by one. If you did that it would be like pealing a real onion and you would cry because it's really time consuming.
2 Type the keyword in and look through the list of suggestions. As you select through each of the option, keep an eye on the estimated impressions.
3 Now we can try another srategy which is entering a website URL to help find topics related to your business. You can enter your own website. As your own website probably is loaded with keywords that's related to your business. So try that first. Once you tested your own website you can try this. Go on google and since in this scenerio we are selling video cameras, we will type in top 10 video cameras or best video cameras. What we are doing is trying to find a website that is filled with relevant and trendy video camera informations. This looks like a good choice. We click on it and wow look, all this video camera info. absolutely filled with a mountain of keywords that's related to video cameras. So we grab this url and go back to google ads and place it in the topics search field. and we see DSL camera. I can understand why google feels that You may or may not want to add this because
4 audience manager, type in the different keywords of the
Our goal is narrow our searches down to 2 or 3 topics. Because we are not running a campaign yet, write down the topics, the sub topics, the sub sub topics in the excel sheet so that when you are ready to run the campaign you can find them easily.
23WEEK 4 - Welcome to Jun's Film SchoolVideo lesson
24Why Your Ads ARE NOT for everyoneVideo lesson
Facebook: considers 3 secs a view. Considers 20 secs engagement
Youtube: considers 30 seconds a view. 150 secs engagement.
that's why youtube charge you for after 30 seconds.
you can't game the system by making a 29 seconds ad. You will still get charged if someone watches the entire 29 ad.
Facebook video ads have supporting text. So if the video is not great, they might still get some engagement because of the text around the video explaining the video.
Youtube video ads have no supporting text. So Youtube video ads require the video iteself to catch people's attention to stop, listen, and act.
That's why the way we create video ads on youtube is different than on Facebook.
Good video stick in people's minds. Bad video also sticks in people's minds. That's because impactful video is absorbed into people's memory.
Every time I visit my mom and bring out a bud wiser. my mom would immediately joke frogs drinking beer. and then about butt wiper. She does this everytime I drink beer that it gets annoying but hey bud wiser made an impression on her. And that is what you should be doing with your videos too.
25Ad Judges OrientationVideo lesson
you can't game the system by making a 29 seconds ad. You will still get charged if someone watches the entire 29 ad.
26Health Niche Ads examplesVideo lesson
27Wealth Niche Ads examplesVideo lesson
28Relationships Niche Ads examplesVideo lesson
29Miscellaneous Ads examplesVideo lesson
304 Ad Templates and ExamplesVideo lesson
31KEEP your Ads UNLISTEDVideo lesson
32WEEK 5 - Landing Pages Vs. WebsitesVideo lesson
This is going to be one of the shortest weeks we ever been on. And it, it's going to be a super important week.
Most will wonder, wait a win Jun, how can you tell us this is going to be a super improtant week and yet not speed much time on it?
Because simple is better.
I just said the most powerful phrase to help you make money.
You don't believe me right now. So give me a few minutes to prove it to you okay?
Admitter and reciver. Ad is the emitter, it sends traffic to your LP. LP is the reciever. Also difference between website and landing page. landing page is a funnel. website is general. Like IMDB, Amazon, like a home base that links to a dozen other locations. Talks about your bsuiness , your hobbies, and maybe even your pets. But Lp? omg it's only 1 thing. THe purpose of LP is super focused. Nota word is wasted on the lp because of copywriting.
Do you know what was one of the biggest secret that I learn about selling products online? It's how simple a LP should be.
If you think LP is a regular website, you would probabbly spend the next year trying to figure out why no one cares about your products and why no one sticks around on your website to find out more. That's how important this secret is. You can spend litterally, months and years, changing the colors, the fonts, the photos, the videos, the words, the animations on your website. But if you don't focus on this what I am am about to tell you, you will be working on your website indfintely never reaching your true potential.
If it sounds like I am making a big deal about this you are right. Becaus it is a big deal! Doing this one thing will instantly increase the conversion rate of traffic that oyu are paying for to land on your landing page.
This episode is the only episode in which I am willing to play a drinking game with you. Every time I say the word Easy, you must take a drink. Okay? Okay.
Because everthing we do in this course is supposed to be easy. If you feel it is getting complicated. Stop. You are doing too much. Everything is supposed to be easy. Because if you make things complicated, you will not get the results you want. And I will be out of a job because my job is to make it easy for you. Okay?
Okay. You just owe me three shots. Because I easy 3 times in the previous paragraph.
Okay. I am going to show you how easy it is to get your landing page off the ground and ready for paid traffic to recieve it.
33Landing Page Compliance and DesignVideo lesson
now you know the copywriting words that you need on your landing page. the headline that will catch people's attention and the curoisty that you must sitr in order to get people to opt in. THere is just 2 more things that I wanted to remind you before we can start connceting your landing page with google ads so that everything will be tracked.
What are those 2 things that I have to remind you?
need private policy, terms and conditions, and contact us. Needs to look presentable. make your landing page look like your ad, or what your ad promised. Visually it needs to match so that in a split second of landing on your landing page from clicking an ad, people know that they landed on the right page and don't back out.
34Tracking Tags OverviewVideo lesson
35Tracking Tags Installation WalkthroughVideo lesson
36Why You NEED an EASY Email SystemVideo lesson
there is one section of the course where I will show you just how to create a free lead manget that people actually want. Because if you don't have a good lead magnet no one will opt into your landing page and your paid traffic, your paid ads will be a waste.
however knowing that you need to do something is not enough. You actually have to do it and know what to say in your emails. How do you start building a business relationship with this stranger who shows interest in your products and services. How do you convice them to take a chance and buy from you?
37Your Most Important Online AssetVideo lesson
38The Email Algorithm - Top 3 Mistakes Beginners MakeVideo lesson
395 Parts Email Marketing SystemVideo lesson
40Advanced Warm Up Sequence SecretsVideo lesson
41WEEK 6 - Campaign Structure MADE EASY!Video lesson
42Creating 3 Audiences from your YouTube ChannelVideo lesson
The most effective ads with the highest conversion and cheapest cost is remarketing ads. Which is showing your ads to people who know who you are and what you do. Those are your warmest leads. And where can you find them? Google ads make finding them super easy.
So to start we will create 3 audiences. These will populate in a few days. That's why we are going to do this first.
Channel Visitors - 540 Days
YouTube Subscribers - 540 Days
YouTube Viewers - 540 Days
43Creating Remarketing Audiences for laterVideo lesson
the option to create a membership for 540 days is obviously depends on you. Later on when you do advanced retargeting, you might want to run an ad to people only within 7 days of interacting with your business. Like if you had a weekly sale, you can set up an ad campaign promoting a sale and target people who have interacted with your business in last 7 days. And days beyond 7, they will no longer be included in the list and will not see your weekly sale ad. Cool right?
Also want to create youtube video view as ad
44Campaign Structure ReminderVideo lesson
45What is a Speed Run?Video lesson
46Campaign Setup Fully Explained Part 1 of 2Video lesson
47Campaign Setup Fully Explained Part 2 of 2Video lesson
48Keywords Campaign Speed RunVideo lesson
negative keywords, exclusion audiences, and check devices
49Placements Campaign Speed RunVideo lesson
50Topics Campaign Speed RunVideo lesson
51WEEK 007 - Why You Are James Bond 007Video lesson
You are James bond Running ads is like gambling. You are putting in a bid hoping to win. If you don't know whta you are doing, you will defitnely defintely lost your bid. If you know what you are doing, you will not break even. And if you are really good. you make a profit.
The main difference between gabmlining in a casino and cambling by running ads is this.
In a casino everything is against you. In the long run you will lose. It's a mathamticall fact. All the odds are against you. Every time you play a hand, it's completely random. and the rules of the game always and I do mean always gives the house an advantage.
but running ads? it's still gambling. you are putting in a daily budget and hoping to win. What to know a secret? a secret that will compeltely shift your opiniion and sperspective of running ads?
In a casino game is a one time deal. You play, you lose, you go home. But running ads, you pla,y you lose, you collect data from the game you just lost, you analyze what's wrong and you return to run it again and this time your chances of winning doubles.
Do you know what I just told you?
If running ads was a casino game. If you lost a game yesterday, You can literally walk back into the casino, go back to the same dealer and ask him to play the exact same hand he or she delt you yesterday. The dealer would probably think you are crazy and call security to escort you out.
But when you run ads, the dealer will welcome your bid at the table again.
When you play a casino game it is completely random. the first time you play, the second time the 3rd time th tenth time the hundred time. It's completely random, always with a house advantage.
But when you run ads, the first time, yes it may feel a little random becuase you just started testing and collecting data. the second time you run ads, it's not random anymore beause you have learned from your mistakes and play better. The third time, you get even better and it get's less and less radom. in fact every move you make becomes more and more calulated. until you get so good at running ads that you feel like james bond.
You are probably thinking that I am trying to flatter you. No I am not. at this point of our youtube ad adventure You are beocming more and more like james Bond everyday. .
Because if you lose a game you can go back to the casino the next day and ask them to play the exact hand again and this time, learning form the mistakes you made before you play with a different strategy and do better?
Why is that?
The cards that come out of a deck is random. A dice that falls on the table is random. A ball that lands on a slot is random. A wheel that stops on the last spin is random.
But people?
The pschology of the people is not random.
Yes I know everyone is different with their own characteristics, biaises, and personality. But guess what? The genal psycology of people is the same.
We all desire the same things. We all want to be healthy, we want to be rich, we want good relationships. Our hopes and fears are similar.So if you continue to improve on your ad skills, it gets easier and easier to convince people to take action. Because you understand what motivates peopel. You are James Bond.
Here is the biggest secret that no one has ever told you about running ads.
you never really lose in running ads. You only lose if you stop. Because
most important thing I want to tell you is that nothing is wasted. Just people someone didn't click doesn't mean it was a waste. You can target them again. Just because someone didn't opt in doest mean it was wasted. you can target them again. Just because they didn't buy doesn't mean it was a waste because you have their email and you can follow up.
I counted cards with my grandpa and got kicked out of the casino. And the whole goal in the beginning of counting cards is to not lose money. and you do that by knowing basic black jack strategy and knowing when to bid high and bid low. If you do it flawlessly, you won't lose any money. And you build upon that skill so that you slowing start to win money.
For us running ads, we do something similar. To not lose money but actually make money requires doing 3 things correctly.
Research correctly. Creating an ad correctly, and targeting correctly. If you have done all 3... you chance for success doubles, tripples, and quadrubles.
Now, the last week of the course is to take all the data that google ads have collected. how many impressions, views, clicks, conversions. And start to stop what is not working and continue with what is working so that your ads will start to generate a good return in investment.
At this point you are spending money on ads and you are probably freaking out. Why?
Money is being spent and you are not getting an good return on Investment. Here is the turth, running ads is like avideo game. It's the wild west, it's completely unpredictable. you may get some good leads but in the beginning you will lose some money and I am going to tell you tht it's okay.
most important thing I want to tell you is that nothing is wasted. Just people someone didn't click doesn't mean it was a waste. You can target them again. Just because someone didn't opt in doest mean it was wasted. you can target them again. Just because they didn't buy doesn't mean it was a waste because you have their email and you can follow up.
So stop worriing that you are wasting money. No you are not. You are a business. you need to invest in it to make it grow. There is no free things in teh world.
Remember the maximum. it takes money to make money nothing comes freely. YOu have to invest in your company or it will never grow. If you are always scared of paying for ads, then you will never grow. It's as simple as that.
Okay, enough pep talk. Let's get down to business and manage our ads like a pro.
52Arranging your Columns of DataVideo lesson
533 Step Analysis ProcessVideo lesson
Look at it globally first. Campaign overview, then ad groups overview to see if each are getting impressions. Then campaign ad groups. then the actual targeting options. then videos.
54Troubleshooting Common Campaign ProblemsVideo lesson
Not getting much impressions - your budget is too low or your ad is too boring.
views - Your hook to boring. No one cares what you are saying in the first 5 seconds. You didn't capture their attention
clicks - you don't have a compelling reason to click or you did not ask for the click.
Benefit of clicking, missing out if not clicking, and just pure curiosity.
The only other time that you can get someone to click without specifically telling them the benefit of clicking is by curiosity.
Not many conversions - landing page problem. Not ad problem.
To not lose money but actually make money requires doing 3 things correctly.
Research correctly. Creating an ad correctly, and targeting correctly. If you have done all 3... you chance for success doubles, triples, and quadruples.
Now, the last week of the course is to take all the data that google ads have collected. how many impressions, views, clicks, conversions. And start to stop what is not working and continue with what is working so that your ads will start to generate a good return in investment.
55TOP SECRET For 007 eyes only [Advanced Campaign Analysis]Video lesson
I am not going to waste your time by telling you things that don't matter. you need to save the world, you need to save your campaigns and make it grow. SO I will just tell you the mimum, the bare essentials things you need to know. So you can quickly take action.
We don't want to anaylze your data all day. take action right now. to grow your business.
your mission is to optimize your campign. And my mission is to convince you to be careful and don't scale too soon.
Everyone wants to scale. to make more money but you don't know if your business right for scaling yet. You need 3 things to scale.
if these 3 things rae not strong. you will lose not only hundred but thosands of dollars because you scaled too early and you scaled the wrong campaings. the wrong ad groups. the wrong ad.
View rate
This is a bad view rate. This is a good view rate.
If your view rate is over 40% (percentage who watches pass 30secs) that just means your video ad is too entertaining. Too many people are watching without a sincere interest in your product but just like your ad. Make a clear hook a clear intro that filters out anyone who is not interested.
This is why I start most of my ads with some overlay text in the begging of the video. See? I was targeting anyone who was interested in learning how to learn email marketing the easy way. And i put those overay text on it right at the biegging of the video so that everyone who is not interested will skip and not waste my time and their time.
this is why more people who stays are more sincerely interested and more clicks and more quality clicks.
You don't want lots of engagement, you want only the right people with the right intention. Youtube ads is all about intention right? People are on youtube searching for things. There is intension. If you just entertain them, show something beautiful with a reason with the only intention of entertaining people. you will lose so much money in uncessary ad spend.
and CTR.
this is a bad ctr, this is a good ctr.
If your CTR is under 1% you can improve your ad. Have a more compelling reason to click.
Is your video ad very relevant to the keywords or placements that you are targeting?
If not, you will lose in ad spend. because it is too broad. This means that you made your video ad then did the research where you can advertise your ad. Not you did it backwards. Your ad should be very relevant to the keywords or placements that you are targeting. OMG your ad is filled with the exactkeywords you are targeting for. You actually say those words and display those words as overlay text.
My ebook ad give 2 testimonals before asking them to click. I simply switched it around, showed 1 testinmoal, ask them to click and then the second testminal. Then my CTR increased! Look remember I was getting about 0.5% ctr? with that one change look at the new ctr for running this new ad. Keep in mind we are aiming for 1% to 2%. to get a ctr of 3 or 5% is pure awesome sauce.
Never estimate the power of simply asking someone to click and asking them to click early on in your ads.
It's also important to look at the view rate and the ctr rate together to determine if the specific ad targeting is profitable or not.
3rd and final thing that will allow you to scale is this:
cost per conversions
is depending on you. small cost per conversion could totally be fine if you are giving away a ebook for free.
But if you have a high cost. giving away free things is hurting your business. You cannot afoored a high cost per conversions because you don't know if you can make the money back with profits yet. So don't take the ristk.
However if you have a high cost per conversion yet peope who signs up to your webinar and end of buying your 900 product. Like my client who sells pluming service. I taught her how to write simple sales emails using my email templates, and she get people who show up to the webinar and and the end pays her $900. in that case she can afford to have a high cost per conversion.
Make sure your Cost per conversions are acceptable
Now you can scale. scaling is super easy. it's simply paying gogole more money. to show it to more people. It's that simple.
Scaling is simple and easy. giving google money is easy. but you jsut want to make sure it's worth the risk. You don't want to lose unncessary money. You just won a hand and made a couple of thousand dollars. Are you going to place the next bit and bit it all away without making sure first?
obviously make sure that the CTR is strong, the View rate is not too high and you are getting a good cost per conversion
when you are increasing your budget. It goes without saying to do it slowly. from 5 to 10 to 15 to 20 to 25 to 30 and so on then to 100, 150 200 250. What may end up happening when you increase the budget is that keywords or placements that didn't get a chance to spend before start spending and they may not be good keywords and start to eat up your budget without a good return in clicks and conversions. So what is the solution? Take a few keywords a handful like 5 and create an entire new campaign targeting only those keywords. or placements, take 5 of your best performing placements and create a campaign with the exact same settings everything the same, and start with a small budget and slowly increase it.
increase cost per view, I call this the micro scale. it's minimum risk, but keep an eye one it. Look at your campaign at least once per 2 hours. Because there will be fast changes. if you put more money google will try to spend it as fast as possible. ...
56This is not Good Bye...Video lesson
do you rememmber these soda cans?
let's review what we have done.
so what's next?
Look at all the other advanced ad strategies that I have prepared for you. But I want you to stay focused and work on the basics first because none of this matters if you master
and if you didin't get a chance to take my email course yet, this will make sure you don't lose money but make money in the back end.
You need to make sure you have a simple yet effective system to contact your custoemrs and remind them to take action.
ad, landing page, email,
offer - RE - Viewed Landing Page
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(location should be all countries and territories) if you don't remember the location of your original targeting.
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Frequency capping of Impressions 15 per month.... Views 5 per week
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57Email Marketing TrailerVideo lesson