Grow Your YouTube Channel Faster 2023 (Advanced) StepByStep

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Get your own step-by-step, day-by-day plan of how to grow your YouTube channel fast. See what we did day-by-day to get faster growth. I’ll share analytics so you can see how a YouTube creator grows their channel
I’ve had my own vlog YouTube channels I grew from scratch in 2018, 2021 and 2022 (important because what worked years ago on YouTube doesn’t always work now). I work with dozens of companies and manage other YouTube channels so every day I see what is working, what isn’t and how to grow faster on channels in all niches, mistakes (we all make them), wins and losses.
It’s not often you get to see inside analytics of channels, come and check it out. We’ll look at both the niche of vlogging and in to other channels too, to see what’s needed from how often you should upload when you launch, video length (more ads, more money, more shares), understanding YouTube as a business so you can manipulate the algorithm and get more impressions by YouTube.
YouTube is not easy and it’s not quick, ask any creator. But with a solid plan and understanding more from research and studying other creators, you have the best chance of faster and more successful growth.
1Who I am, why me, what you'll get in this courseVideo lesson
Hello and welcome to this SPEED GROWTH course; the course where I show you step by step, day by day what I did to grow my channel to monetisation in just 4 weeks and to be earning over $2000 a month in just ad revenue in 3 months. Follow what I did and you can do it too!
I have a channel now I grow and test to pass on all the knowledge to you. I share my growth and earnings on screen in my YouTube analytics, see those analytics and what made me grow.
This is EXACTLY what you can expect in the upcoming sections of this course. See inside my analytics and I'll show you exactly how I grew so you can too.
First get through the first 2 sections all about YouTube and how it works. Then, we'll get in to the section where we make you a growth plan based on mine which you can tweak to fit your niche. A day-by-day, week-by-week plan on what's needed to really grow YouTube now!
3How This Course/Udemy WorksVideo lesson
Slow me down, change your resolution if you have slow internet and how to download the course resources!
4Private Group InvitationText lesson
5How I grew my YouTube channel fast in just 1 month (and then why I broke them)Video lesson
WARNING THIS IS A LOT OF INDEPTH INFORMATION! This will be broken down in later lectures, don't worry, this is just an overview.
In this course you get direct access to my analytics, I share EVERYTHING! You see what I (someone who grew a channel recently) did step by step, day by day so you can see what to do (and they we create you your own growth calendar later in the course; what you need to do day by day to emulate what I did).
This is not purely YouTube theory you can get anywhere, this is showing and sharing exactly what I did and showing you inside my YouTube analytics.
6You don't have to be great in front of camera to grow on youtubeVideo lesson
It's everyones biggest fear and the most common question I get asked about - presenting on YouTube. Here I will show you real-world examples of successful channels that have worked without a "professional" presenting style and how you don't actually need that for YouTube.
Some channels succeed without any presenting at all and I will show you those (depends on the channel type you want to create). You can easily get better at it and edit to help you seem more natural on camera - I'll explain all!
7You don't have to be able to film or edit to be successful on youtubeVideo lesson
Don't worry about having little or no experience filming or editing before you start. This is YouTube, not TV. I'll show you real examples on YouTube of how actually NOT being too professional can help your channel grow and create a 'real' quality that people are searching for on YouTube. I'll show you how I and some of the biggest creators on the platform do this and how you can too.
8Get Real - what to REALLY expect with YouTube growthVideo lesson
It's time someone got real with you! The likelihood is you wont be Mr Beast and have millions of subscriber s in 1 year... it took him 7 years to get there. I can show you exactly what I did you get to monetised and able to support myself financially with a YouTube channel in just several months and how you can too. But you don't need millions of subscribers to do this. You'll see my earnings with just 5000 subs and how its views and location of those views that matter, not subscriber count.
91-on1 CoachingVideo lesson
If you'd like any further, direct information about your channel and growing YouTube, you can book me directly for a 1 on 1 chat!
10How youtube works - the 2023 algorithmVideo lesson
There is so much online about the YouTUbe algorithm, and the truth is no one knows 100% what it is, and it more than likely consists of multiple algorithms like instagram does. It's personal. If I search "blue hat" in YouTube and you do, we'd get some different results. Yes, it's still watch time over click-through-rate (all explained) but it's more than just that! It's also how much money is possible to be made (number of ads with video length) that will affect YouTube sharing your content too. I have tested this with different thumbnails, titles, video length, number of ads... see my results here.
11Youtube is a business remember (an ad-display network)... therefore we should...Video lesson
NO ONE TALKS ABOUT THIS! Making a video that appeals to viewers is half the battle. How many times have you seen a video that was great but it has low views? It should do great, but it doesn't...
Making a video that is appealing to viewers is part of what's needed; the other part is making a video that YouTube want. If YouTube want you video, they'll share it, they have the power to give it impressions and then it will get views. But what is it YouTube wants... they're a business, they want to make money (show ads). So, how can we make sure we give YouTube videos they can make money from?...
12Your niche & how important it is in 2023 not to strayVideo lesson
Making a channel and uploading a bit of something, a vid about something else, something different is one of the most damaging things you can do for a channel. I have tested this, I show you in this lecture. I have a travel channel and I uploaded a video about the cameras I film with... it had a huge affect on views and damage to the channel. See what happened and understand why it's so important to have as tight a niche as possible (give the subscribers what they subscribed for!).
13Video length for the algorithm (and how this changes with channel age)Video lesson
Quite simply, if an 8 minute video got 100% watch time and a 30 minute video got 50%, the 50% watch time video still got viewers to watch 15 minutes, more than the 8minute video at 100%. Also, it means more like 5 ads can play in that video, not the 2/3 in the 8 minute video. If YouTube can play more ads, make more money and it keeps a viewer on YouTube for longer... which video y=would they rather promote and give impressions to? I'll show you the answer here from my testing.
14Topic is king in 2023... but only justVideo lesson
No matter what, no one is clicking an uninteresting topic. But there is a slight difference between Topic and "packaging". Your topic maybe be one thing, what the video is about over all, but dressing your topic correctly to appeal to more people is what's needed
15Titles and thumbnails to grow quick when you first start (& then when to change)Video lesson
Here we'll look at when I have changed Thumbnails and Titles and seen a huge spike in a videos success. What made that title attractive, what are the tips and tricks and what's needed this year that works now and what do we see on YouTube that would no longer be as affective on the platform as time moves on
16How much is too much content? How much to launch... reallyVideo lesson
The big question. It's no secret and I explain how and why a lot of content is needed initially to let YouTube understand who to share you with. But how much content is needed, for how long and when can you start to make less videos and be just as successful
17Video structure to grow fastVideo lesson
Let me show you all the videos that did well for me and their simple structure. We'll also look at some other channels and how the structure of a video and keeping that throughout your channel is key to constant growth. This can actually be a very simple way to grow and it makes it so much easier for you to produce content
18After launch follow the stats... always; here's what to look forVideo lesson
The analytics is giving you ALL the answers for what you need to grow. Let me show you how to understand them, what I look for and how I use hat data to keep making videos that hit and get you growth.
19Don't stray away from niche - here's your planVideo lesson
I tested this... it was a disaster, see my results. Once you have a niche, keep to that, the tighter the better. If a subscriber came for one type of video and subscribed, if you then put out a different type of video that flops (because it's not what they subscribed for) this can have a really negative affect of your channels CTR and impressions given.
20Plan launch videos & research competitorsVideo lesson
It can be a daunting concept... "what do I make my videos about, and what will get the most clicks". You HAVE to launch right. Learn here what I did to find what to make videos about for my niche and how you can develop a plan to get a strong video list to follow too.
21Your practice video and use it as a template (exactly what to do)Video lesson
This step will help you not only technically learn your creative software and hardware but also to get a better understanding of how to film faster and with purpose so you can edit faster and ultimately create more.
22Familiarise yourself with filming and editing before you start (keep it simple)Video lesson
Here's a hack I used to get better at editing fast. You don't need to create a Hollywood movie every time, this is YouTube... see what I mean here
23What I did step-by-step to grow (see what I did on my channel)Video lesson
See what I did step by step, day by day and week by week to get monitised in just 19 days and continue to grow. See my mistakes and my wins so you can follow this plan and grow even faster! See my analytics, I share all!
24Daily for 1 month minimum... the video formula to enable you to do this & proofVideo lesson
Needing to make a lot of content early on is a scary thing, but don't worry. Follow this video structure plan and it'll make it easier and faster to create the video content you NEED to grow
25How I was monitized in 1 month (then youtube will share you more) here's howVideo lesson
Getting to this point is crucial. You'll see in my stats that the day I was monitised; how YouTube then took over and gave my content more views (as they were now making more money from my videos). This is how you grow!
26What now?.. how to keep growing after the first month/monitizationVideo lesson
See my analytics and whats needed after you are monitized. How should you now change your videos to ensure continued growth
27Transitioning: now make less video but with more results; here's howVideo lesson
I discovered that YouTube loves these types of videos. It's more profitable for me to make these kinds of videos and less often than the pre monitised type and more often... but this will only work after you are monitised.
28Going against the grain (if you just want to grow and not make money do this...)Video lesson
If you are not making YouTube to make money and you just want to grow subscribers... do this
29The step by step calendar - what to upload & when, to grow fastVideo lesson
Here it is! Now you have seen how I did it, here is your day by day calendar plan on how you can grow as fast - faster than I did. You will be able to fill this out with videos and dates to produce and edit these, have a 2-3 month plan and understand how you will be able to do this and see the expected growth. A fail-proof plan for you STEP BY STEP!
30Your step by step calendarVideo lesson
Understand more fully how to tweak the calendar for you exact niche and circumstance. A full plan for launch and fast growth!
31Depending on your channel niche; how fast will you grow & how much will you earnVideo lesson
Depending what you make videos about will affect your CPM and RPM. This means if you appeal to a USA audience and in the beauty niche, your earnings will be different to someone creating travel videos in Thailand. Your audience and niche will affect how much you will earn and growth.
32Don't compare to others (this is why you can't trust looking the big YouTubers)Video lesson
Actually... looking at old videos on YouTube and comparing their growth to today is like looking at athlete stars from 150 years ago and thinking they're a lot slower than today's athletes. The platform is very different now, viewers behaviour is different. I have tested this platform in 2019 and throughout until today. What worked then does not work now and growth is very different.
33Where you make videos and who will watch will make a difference!Video lesson
Make the best videos for YOU. Who you appeal to based on who you are is key. Don't try to fit another type or niche, authenticity is key
34Secrets to grow faster I've learnt having my own channelsVideo lesson
Get inside my analytics and what I have learnt using my channel to test all theories... what REALLY works on YouTube. No guessing, I tested it all
35If I could do it again what would i do differently (so you can grow much faster)Video lesson
What are the mistakes I made and if I could do it now, what would I do... so you can do it and grow faster.
36Welcome to The YouTube Academy SectionVideo lesson
Welcome to the bonus section of the course where we'll go through the entire upload process for YouTube.
This is everything from how to upload step by step, how to add video, endscreens, cards, where to write your titles and so much more.
Follow along so you don't miss any (crucial) steps in the upload process
37How YouTube (and you) Makes MoneyVideo lesson
Understand and learn how YouTube makes money and so how you can too from being part of the partner program after monetization
38The YouTube AlgorithmVideo lesson
What is it that really dictates if a video does well? Some amazing videos never get seen and some amateur videos go viral. How does the algorithm work?
39Planning Your Channel - An IntroductionVideo lesson
Planning your channel is one of the most crucial steps. Without this it's impossible to go on to research, learn from others in your niche and keep a solid brand throughout your channel.
40What Should Your Channel be About?Video lesson
Let's use the sheet to work out exactly what your channel should be about
41Your BrandingVideo lesson
Set the tone, get your branding on point and make it easy for every decision you have in the creation of your content.
42Your Video StyleVideo lesson
Your style needs to stay consistent and on brand to keep existing and new viewers coming back time and time again and to have a solid brand for future outreach for potential sponsorship.
43Finding & Planning What to Make Your Videos About & Production ScheduleVideo lesson
Find hot topics, trends or a passion when working out what to make your channel about.
44Setting Up Your YouTube Channel Step-By-Step - An IntroductionVideo lesson
Learn how to set up your channel step by step to make sure you're doing it correctly and if you're stuck, here's your answer
45How to Create a YouTube Channel (+ Gmail)Video lesson
Step one, lets get you a GMail account so you can set up your YouTube channel.
46Channel ArtVideo lesson
The main piece of branding for your channel, let's get this right and set the tone for your channel
47Channel descriptionVideo lesson
Let's make sure viewers and YouTube know what your channel is about and who to share your content with.
48Channel LayoutVideo lesson
Make your channel more appealing and easier for people to find your content with an optimized layout
49Channel TrailerVideo lesson
An often overlooked element for a channel, a trailer can really help turn a chance viewer into a subscriber
5016. Setting Up Monetization & CopyrightVideo lesson
You want to earn on YouTube?... here's how you set up monetization
51Finding Your Way Around YouTube Studio - DashboardVideo lesson
You need to know your way around the YouTube dashboard to understand how to set up your channel but also make changes and upload.
52Content (Your Videos)Video lesson
This is the area for your content and how you can make mass changes or access specific video analytics.
53CommentsVideo lesson
The dreaded comments. They're crucial, all engagement is good but learn how to filter these and how even negative comments are actually great for you channel.
54SubtitlesVideo lesson
Subtitles can help your exposure and audience growth. Set these up by waiting for the subtitles to be autogenerated by YouTube; then copy and duplicate and select the language you desire.
55SettingsVideo lesson
Understand the settings area inside YouTube
56TitlesVideo lesson
After thumbnails, perhaps the most important part of a video is titles. Use a title that ranks and get clicks
57Video DescriptionVideo lesson
An important part of your upload as it helps clarify for YouTube what your video is about and who they should give impressions to.
58TagsVideo lesson
tags are the metadata behind YouTube videos helping YouTube understand what your videos are about and so with whom to share them with.
59CardsVideo lesson
Cards are great to link to external products or to other content.. use them to help earn more and get more views.
60EndScreenVideo lesson
Use endscreens to keep a viewer watching your content and help with your channels over all watch-time.
61ThumbnailVideo lesson
Perhaps the most important part of your channel is the thumbnail. If no one clicks this, no one will even see your video. Let's get this right!
62Time of Day ReleaseVideo lesson
You want the optimum release time, a time when most of your audience are online. this will make sure the video gets an instant boost in engagement and help your video get more impressions by YouTube. here's how you know what time to release for your channel.
63Using Stock Footage and How (Free & Paid)Video lesson
Here's how to get great stock-footage, paid and free which can really add a level of professionalism to your videos.
64Getting Voiceovers & How to do this YourselfVideo lesson
If you need a voiceover for you videos, here's how you can get them free online or do them yourself quite simply.
65Getting Music - Copyright FreeVideo lesson
You must use copyright free music on your channel or all earnings from that video will go to the owner of the music and it may also affect the locations that video is available to view. here's how to get music for your videos.
66Getting Sound Effects For FreeVideo lesson
Here's how to get sound effects for free step by step
67Uploading a Video Step-by-StepVideo lesson
Step by step here is how you upload a video to YouTube. follow along so you don't miss a crucial step
68Earning on YouTube Outside of AdrevenueVideo lesson
It's not just adrevenue that is your only way to earn money on YouTube. I have used many other funnels from my videos - check out and see my top specific suggestions here.
69Your Production ScheduleVideo lesson
Scheduling your production time is crucial to great results. here's how I forwarded planned my content in order to have a steady release of videos
7038. Use Your Analytics to GrowVideo lesson
The answer to growth is ALWAYS inside your analytics after you have content uploaded. Learn how to recognize what went well in your analytics (so what you should keep doing to grow) and what didn't go well (so stop doing these things in order to grow).