Laws of Persuasion & Influence and How to use them
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Persuasion can be a powerful force that affects the decisions and actions that people take. It is a process in which one person or entity tries to influence another person or group of people to change their beliefs or behaviours. It is distinct from coercion, in that the people receiving the message have a choice about whether to act on it
Persuasive messages are symbolic (using words, images, and sounds) and may be transmitted verbally or nonverbally, via media or face-to-face communication. Persuasion may be overt or subtle. Understanding how it works can help you become more aware of how you are influenced by persuasive messages
How can you change someone’s mind? And how are you swayed by others? Persuasion refers to the influence people have on one another—changing someone’s beliefs, decisions, or actions through reasoning or request
Choosing the right principle for persuasion depends on the context. In a corporate context, a brand hoping to boost sales may leverage the authority principle by securing an expert’s endorsement. In a social context, an individual may deepen a relationship by inviting an acquaintance to a birthday party; due to the reciprocity principle, the acquaintance may then return the favour another time
You will learn:
Psychology of Persuasion & Influence
Understanding Deception & Manipulation
How to use Cognitive Biases in real life
How to improve communication skills
How to become influential and persuasive
Persuasion Hacks based on Psychology of Thinking Errors
How to read Minds (Somewhat)
How to control Minds (Somewhat)
Robert Cialdini principles of persuasion
Effective Communication Techniques from Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP
How to convince people easily
Words that Persuade and Influence
1IntroductionVideo lesson
Welcome to the Top Udemy course on Psychology of Persuasion & Influence. We will learn a lot of persuasion psychology, persuasion techniques that you can use in sales, communication, leadership and generally to get your way in life.
2AnnouncementVideo lesson
3Overview of Persuasion, Influence, Seduction, Deception & ManipulationVideo lesson
In this lecture I will tell you the difference between Persuasion, Influence, Seduction, Deception & Manipulation.
4Stronger frame leads to better persuasionVideo lesson
This is unusual. Something you will not find on the internet. I will show you how to use persuasion like a viking. It is important to know your weapons before you use it.
5Filter test for successful persuasionVideo lesson
There is a concept of pre-suasion. Meaning do somethings (making others vulnerable to) your persuasion spells.
6Handling judgement is importantVideo lesson
There is a concept of pre-suasion. Meaning do somethings (making others vulnerable to) your persuasion spells.
7The Labelling EffectVideo lesson
In this lecture you will learn How to Use Psychology of Cognitive Biases to Persuade & Influence
8The Hot cognition TestVideo lesson
In this section you will learn How to Use Psychology of Cognitive Biases for Persuasion & Influence
9Availability Overweight BiasVideo lesson
In this section you will learn How to Use Psychology of Cognitive Biases for Persuasion & Influence
10Appeal to interestVideo lesson
In this section you will learn How to Use Psychology of Cognitive Biases for Persuasion & Influence
11Reason Respecting TendencyVideo lesson
In this section you will learn How to Use Psychology of Cognitive Biases for Persuasion & Influence
12Anchoring BiasVideo lesson
In this section you will learn How to Use Psychology of Cognitive Biases for Persuasion & Influence
13Choice OverloadVideo lesson
In this section you will learn How to Use Psychology of Cognitive Biases for Persuasion & Influence
14The Halo EffectVideo lesson
In this section you will learn How to Use Psychology of Cognitive Biases for Persuasion & Influence
15Celebrity Author StatusVideo lesson
In this section you will learn How to Use Psychology of Cognitive Biases for Persuasion & Influence
16Authority Reframing BiasVideo lesson
In this section you will learn How to Use Psychology of Cognitive Biases for Persuasion & Influence
17Put Sugar in the BurgerVideo lesson
In this section you will learn How to Use Psychology of Cognitive Biases for Persuasion & Influence
18Persuasion in IsolationVideo lesson
In this section you will learn How to Use Psychology of Cognitive Biases for Persuasion & Influence
19Self Deception IntroductionVideo lesson
In this lecture you will learn Self Deception. How you persuade yourself, how you influence your own behavior, How you fool yourself.
20What is Self Deceit?Video lesson
In this lecture you will learn Self Deception. How you persuade yourself, how you influence your own behavior, How you fool yourself.
21Assessment of Self DeceptionVideo lesson
In this lecture you will learn Self Deception. How you persuade yourself, how you influence your own behavior, How you fool yourself.
22Self Deception - ResourceText lesson
In this lecture you will learn Self Deception. How you persuade yourself, how you influence your own behavior, How you fool yourself.
23Caffeine drinkers more influencedVideo lesson
Learn the famous Reciprocity Technique. This Technique Comes from Robert Cialdini's Book Influence.
Psychology Persuasion & Influence Techniques to improve your communication and get your way through life.
24Ridiculous and then RealVideo lesson
Learn the famous Rejection-then-retreat Technique which uses Contrast Principle. This Technique Comes from Robert Cialdini's Book Influence.
Psychology Persuasion & Influence Techniques to improve your communication and get your way through life.
25Filled Stomach is easier to convinceVideo lesson
Psychology Persuasion & Influence Techniques to improve your communication and get your way through life.
26Convincing through storiesVideo lesson
Psychology Persuasion & Influence Techniques to improve your communication and get your way through life.
27Ask for commitment in publicVideo lesson
Psychology Persuasion & Influence Techniques to improve your communication and get your way through life.
28Vaccum of silenceVideo lesson
Psychology Persuasion & Influence Techniques to improve your communication and get your way through life.
29The law of LikeabilityVideo lesson
Psychology Persuasion & Influence Techniques to improve your communication and get your way through life.
30Subconsciously building trustVideo lesson
Psychology Persuasion & Influence Techniques to improve your communication and get your way through life.
31Choice Framed RequestsVideo lesson
Psychology Persuasion & Influence Techniques to improve your communication and get your way through life.
32Radical Self HonestyVideo lesson
Psychology Persuasion & Influence Techniques to improve your communication and get your way through life.
33Appear Confident in Your PersuasionVideo lesson
There is a concept of pre-suasion. Meaning do somethings (making others vulnerable to) your persuasion spells.