Practical Kubernetes Guide
- Description
- Curriculum
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[This course is still in progress. More content will be added in the coming days]
This course will walk you through the different best practices to be successful with Kubernetes operations. It will guide you through the day 1 and day 2 operations on Kubernetes.
Kubernetes Cluster Scalability
Manual Pod Scalability
Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)
Manual Cluster Nodes Scalability
Cluster Autoscaler
Azure Virtual Node
Kubernetes DevOps (Github Actions, Azure DevOps)
Kubernetes Security (Azure Security Center, Pod Identity, Aqua, Kubesec)
Kubernetes Operators
Kubernetes Operations (Kured, Cluster Auditing, Uptime SLA)
Most of the content and best practices are applicable for any Kubernetes cluster. And Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is used for the practices that depends on the cluster implementation.
5IntroductionVideo lesson
6Kubenet (basic) network modeVideo lesson
7Azure CNI (advanced) network modeVideo lesson
8Kubenet vs Azure CNIVideo lesson
9Azure CNI Overlay modeVideo lesson
10Kubenet vs Azure CNI Overlay modeVideo lesson
11Bring Your Own (BYO) CNI pluginVideo lesson
12CIDR ranges overlapping considerationsVideo lesson
13Get Logs from API Server in AKSVideo lesson
14SSH into AKS nodeVideo lesson
Learn how to connect to KAS worker node using SSH for troubleshooting or maintenance tasks.
15Schedule Node Restarts with KuredVideo lesson
Learn how to schedule Kubernetes Node restarts/reboot using Kured. -
16Login to Kubernetes using kubeloginVideo lesson
24Secret Store CSI Driver for Azure Key VaultVideo lesson
25Securing AKS Secrets using Key VaultVideo lesson
Learn how to secure sensitive data like passwords in AKS.
This demo will help you to securely retrieve your encrypted passwords from Azure Key Vault. -
26Kubernetes Policy using OPA GatekeeperVideo lesson
Learn how to create Security Policies for Kubernetes using OPA Gatekeeper.
27Whitelist Container RegistriesVideo lesson
40CI/CD pipelines for Kubernetes explainedVideo lesson
41Basic YAML pipelines for KubernetesVideo lesson
42[Demo] Basic YAML pipelines for KubernetesVideo lesson
43Complete pipelines for KubernetesVideo lesson
44[Prez] Complete pipelines for KubernetesVideo lesson
45[Demo] Complete pipelines for KubernetesVideo lesson
71Autoscale Pods based on External Metrics using KedaVideo lesson
72[demo] Autoscale Pods based on External Metrics using KedaVideo lesson
73Use case of KEDA: Scaling Build Agents on KubernetesText lesson
74Scaling Build Agents on Kubernetes using KEDAVideo lesson
75[Demo] Scaling Build agents on Kubernetes using KEDAVideo lesson