Personal Productivity & Life Planning
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Welcome to course: Personal Productivity
Course provided by MTF Institute
Personal productivity is a crucial skill set for individuals seeking career success and personal happiness in today’s fast-paced and demanding world. This comprehensive course on Personal Productivity is designed to provide participants with the necessary tools, strategies, and mindset to optimize their management skills, enhance leadership abilities, and achieve personal and professional goals. By focusing on key topics such as time management, goal setting, and self-development, this course empowers individuals to cultivate a productive and fulfilling life.
Introduction to Personal Productivity
In this module, participants will be introduced to the concept of personal productivity and its significance in their career and overall happiness. They will explore various theories and models related to productivity enhancement, setting the stage for a comprehensive understanding of the course. Key topics include:
The Ying Yang Concept
Understanding the delicate balance between work and personal life is essential for achieving sustainable productivity and maintaining a healthy well-being. Participants will learn strategies to strike a harmonious equilibrium between professional responsibilities and personal fulfillment.
Balance Wheel
The Lecture Balance Wheel is a powerful tool for evaluating and assessing various dimensions of life, such as health, relationships, career, finances, personal growth, and leisure. Participants will learn how to utilize this tool to identify areas that require attention and create a balanced and fulfilling life.
Productivity Pyramid
The Productivity Pyramid provides a structured approach to personal productivity, enabling individuals to prioritize tasks and focus their efforts on high-value activities. T
Understanding one’s core values is crucial for aligning personal and professional goals and making decisions that are in harmony with one’s true self. Participants will explore their values and learn how to incorporate them into their daily lives to enhance motivation, drive, and overall productivity.
Values Detaily
Delving deeper into the concept of values, participants will learn how to define their values in detail. By understanding their values at a granular level, individuals can make intentional choices that are in line with their authentic selves, leading to increased satisfaction and productivity.
Understanding Burnout
Burnout is a prevalent issue in today’s high-pressure work environments, and it can significantly impact both career progression and personal well-being. This module will delve into the causes and symptoms of burnout, as well as strategies to prevent and overcome it. Key topics include:
7 Reasons for Burnout
Participants will gain insights into the seven common causes of burnout, such as excessive workload, lack of control, insufficient support, and conflicting values. Understanding these factors is crucial for identifying and mitigating burnout risks.
Burnout Syndrome
Participants will explore the physical, emotional, and psychological effects of burnout syndrome. They will learn to recognize the warning signs and implement effective strategies to restore well-being and productivity.
Navigating VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity)
In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, individuals need to be equipped with the skills and mindset to navigate VUCA situations effectively. This module will provide participants with the necessary tools to thrive amidst volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity.
VUCA Concept
Participants will understand the VUCA framework and its implications in personal and professional contexts. They will learn strategies to manage ambiguity, embrace change, and make informed decisions in dynamic environments.
Henry Ford Theory
Henry Ford’s Theory of Productivity emphasizes the importance of efficient processes and time management. Participants will explore Ford’s principles and learn how to streamline their workflow, eliminate wasteful activities, and maximize productivity.
Flexibility and Adaptability
In an ever-changing world, being flexible and adaptable is vital for personal and professional growth. This module will focus on developing the mindset and skills necessary to embrace change and thrive in diverse environments.
Developing Flexibility
Participants will learn techniques to develop adaptability, resilience, and agility. They will explore strategies for embracing change, overcoming resistance, and seeking opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Practical Tasks
Throughout the course, participants will engage in five practical tasks aimed at applying the concepts learned. These tasks will challenge participants to integrate productivity techniques into their daily lives, providing opportunities for reflection, feedback, and improvement.
Importance of Learning and Training Personal Productivity for Career and Happiness:
Learning and training personal productivity skills are of paramount importance for individuals seeking career success and personal happiness. Here’s why:
Career Success:
Effective time management, goal setting, and self-management skills are fundamental to career advancement and productivity. By learning to prioritize tasks, set clear goals, and manage their time efficiently, individuals can maximize their productivity and achieve professional success. Additionally, developing strong management skills and leadership qualities through personal productivity training allows individuals to effectively lead teams, solve problems, and drive organizational success.
Personal Happiness:
Personal productivity training goes beyond professional success and extends to personal fulfillment and happiness. By optimizing their time and resources, individuals can create a better work-life balance, nurturing their relationships, pursuing personal passions, and prioritizing self-care. Personal productivity skills also foster a positive mindset, resilience, and adaptability, enabling individuals to navigate challenges, manage stress, and maintain overall well-being.
By equipping themselves with management skills, leadership qualities, and a strong foundation in personal productivity, individuals can unlock their full potential, achieve their goals, and lead fulfilling lives. This course serves as a transformative journey towards personal and professional growth, combining the principles of time management, goal setting, and self-development with the principles of happiness, positive psychology, and mindset optimization.
3Introduction to Personal ProductivityVideo lesson
Dear course listeners,
I welcome you to the online course "Modern Productivity".
Today we will dive into this important topic to understand how life balance and behavioral flexibility affect our performance.
My name is Saltanat and I will be your personal trainer for this course.
I am really interested and involved in understanding how to stay productive balancing through so many aspects of life.
And for me it is very important to be efficient and productive because I have several business-projects, office job and my own hobbies.
I have master degree in Social Science.
Specialist in the field of communications with 10 years of experience and more than 5 years in the educational field.
Now I work as educational leader at University and create educational programs for more than 200 students.
Also I teach working as professor of practice at 2 universities.
I am certified business trainer and methodologist and owner of several info-products about self-effectiveness.
I will share with you useful concepts and tips on how to stay productive in this course.
Please keep the focus on learning and do the practical tasks.
This is an important rule of efficiency - focus and attention.
In this course we have 2 parts:
● Part #1: How to Maintain Efficiency Through Balancing
● Part #2: How to save Adaptability and Flexibility in the Modern World
+Tasks in your personal workbook, which you can download.
4Ying Yang conceptVideo lesson
What associations do you have with the Yin-Yang symbol?
What do you think about when you look at this image?
The concept of yin and yang is a combination of two opposite and complementary principles.
In ancient Chinese philosophy, it is the balance of black and white, light and dark forces, soft and hard, past and future.
Similarly, our human goal is to exist in balance and harmony in our contradictory world.
The word "Tao" is translated from Chinese as "the way". From the concept of "Tao" arises the principle of yin-yang, where our entire life path is a balance between opposites.
The task of a person in this concept is to coordinate, balance all events in life and continue to move and change, listening to himself, his condition and what the time dictates.
In our modern world, we all face contradictions. Work continues at home online. At work, we often solve household problems.
Work-life balance, the balance between work and life - it's like the principle of yin-yang - you need to learn how to harmoniously combine these areas of life in order to move through life effectively. And achieve results both in personal life and at work.
In such a lifestyle, everything is harmoniously divided: permanent work, freelance projects, family, self-development, hobbies, recreation.
It is this harmonious separation that preserves physical and emotional health. Helps to properly distribute their forces and manage stress in our super-changing world. Taking care of yourself and being able to relax are important skills for the last several years according to the extreme changes and for the future.
5Balance WheelVideo lesson
Have you ever heard about the Balance Wheel coaching technique?
Coaches recommend doing this technique every three months to keep track of how you allocate your time and balance between different areas of your life.
We often use work time inefficiently, and then make up for it through the use of personal time.
Here are some rough calculations I will show you to get you to understand that only balancing leads to an effective life.
● There are only 168 hours in a week
● Of these, 56 go to sleep (112 left)
● 21 hours for breakfast, lunch and dinner (3 hours per day)
● The road to the office and back for 2 hours a day, total 10 hours if we have 5 working days per week
● Work - usually 40 hours a week - this is while maintaining real boundaries as 8 hours of office job every day
41 hours left for everything else
6Practical Task IVideo lesson
I suggest you now open your workbooks and fill out Exercise No. 1 “Wheel of Balance”.
But this is a non-standard Wheel.
You have two circles. One is a work day. The second is a day off. The second is a day off.
1 step.
Write in the wheel honestly what you do in your free time in the evening. It may even happen that you continue doing work tasks after 6 PM.
In the weekend wheel, spread out how you usually spend your weekends.
Fill in the fields "What do you devote time to".
2 step.
Analyze what kind of portrait of the day you have. Perhaps some of you will realize that you perfectly maintain the balance of life and work.
And someone will see that the time free from work is spent not quite qualitatively and in your favor.
In the column “What I would like to dedicate”, write down what you have long wanted to do, but have not done.
Rate from 1 to 3 how satisfied you are with the Work Life balance in your life, where:
● very dissatisfied
● a little imbalance
● well-balanced
So now you can see the portrait of the days you spent for job tasks and the rest time.
First step is always analyzing to understand the real situation to decide how to manage your efficiency/
Hope now you will carefully fulfill your calendar saving time for the important things.
7Productivity PyramidVideo lesson
Now I have one more question
Dear listeners, what do you think, what types of currency are the most expensive in life today?
This is a provocative question, because you can start answering about money.
And this is a question about a different kind of currency - energy and time.
We often think about money, forgetting about our life values / energy / time
So this is a real currency in our lives which we spent for living and they are very expensive providing us opportunities to earn money
We think about money every day. This is normal, money opens up a number of opportunities. However, we get money by investing the human currency - our resources.
We are all given a different supply of resources from birth. In some ways they are similar, in some ways they are different.
What is interesting is how differently we use these resources and what different results from life we get in return.
I offer you this formula of our resources, a kind of human currency.
This is a pyramid, at the heart of which each of us is given a certain time.
Given different levels of energy.
And the values that we independently can form for ourselves depending on our personality.
But the fact is that people can be on the 1st floor and not think about how to use their time.
On the 2nd floor, people are more effective: think about what tasks it is more efficient to invest time and energy in.
On the 3rd floor, people know their values and relate everything in life to their values
Unfortunately, not all people reach the level of values by living life unconsciously.
When we keep attention on balancing we have an effective life.
8Practical Task IIVideo lesson
Please note that for a quality standard of living, we need to turn the pyramid upside down.
Please pay attention to Task #2 and draw an inverted pyramid upside down.
On the first floor, sharp angle down, sign "Values", 2nd floor "Energy", 3rd floor "Time"
Then the first floor will be our values that set the direction for investing our energy and allocating our time.
The wrong distribution of energy and time often leads to a state of imbalance. And then leads to burnout.
Therefore, when we turn to our personal values, it solves many issues with the distribution of time and energy.
If you understand that your value is education - lifelong learning will you really not devote your time and energy to self-development?
If it's the healthy body, you understand that you need to spent energy and time in the gym
And please return to our 1st task - do you have activities in your week which are devoted to your values? Or maybe everything that you do - it's just somehow spending your time and energy without realizing why you do this - what values you are chasing?
So, now we really need to discuss the topic about value.
9ValuesVideo lesson
Please, think about this question
How do you understand the word "Values"?
I want to introduce you to the definition of values according to the model of Viktor Frankl.
This is an Austrian psychiatrist, psychologist, philosopher and neurologist.
Former prisoner of the Nazi concentration camp.
Author of the direction of logotherapy (treatment by the search for meaning).
According to his model, we can discover this meaning of life in three different ways:
● by creating a work or doing a deed;
● by experiencing something or encountering someone
● by the attitude we take toward unavoidable suffering
10Values DetailyVideo lesson
The value of labor (work) and creativity
A major source of meaning is through the value of all that we create, achieve and accomplish.
The value of the activity that is useful to the world/society/company
Here it is important to answer the questions:
● What activity is valuable for me in general?
● What is the significance / value of what I do for me?
● What do I value in this activity?
The value of experiences
It is important to find something beautiful for yourself: admire nature, art, love another person / people:
● You need to answer the questions
● Communication with whom inspires me?
● What activities and processes inspire me, give me the strength to “get together” and move on?
● What do I like to do for the soul?
Frankl writes “Let us ask a mountain-climber who has beheld the alpine sunset and is so moved by the splendor of nature that he feels cold shudders running down his spine – let us ask him whether after such an experience his life can ever again seem wholly meaningless”.
That's why we really need to organize the life events which inspire us to feel the emotions and give us energy to move forward.
The value of attitude
Not everything is in our power. Life has limits and difficult experiences.
Determining the meaning in crisis / critical situations helps us not to freeze in a frozen state and move on in life.
Questions to yourself:
● What are my qualities that help me move forward, even when not everything is calm in life?
● What are my views and beliefs in life that give me the strength to cope with difficulties?
● How do I look at my life? What color are my lenses - the vision of life
Frankl argued that we always have the freedom to find meaning through meaningful attitudes even in apparently meaningless situations.
For example, an elderly, depressed patient who could not overcome the loss of his wife was helped by the following conversation with Frankl:
Frankl asked “What would have happened if you had died first, and your wife would have had to survive you.”
“Oh,” replied the patient, “for her this would have been terrible; how she would have suffered!”
Frankl continued, “You see such a suffering has been spared her; and it is you who have spared her this suffering; but now, you have to pay for it by surviving her and mourning her.”
The man said no word, but shook Frankl’s hand and calmly left his office.
11Practical Task IIIVideo lesson
I am asking you to do the Task #3 and answer the questions about you values according to Viktor Frankles model.
After fulfilling the chart please try to analyze how many time you spend for the really important values in your life.
And try to submit the tasks according to your values or try to change them in you calendar according to your values.
Understanding our values helps us balance our time and energy in both work and personal life.
So what new values have you discovered for yourself?
127 reasons of BurnoutVideo lesson
So we move another important topic - a burn out syndrome.
Have you ever experienced it?
If yes I understand you, I have had this experience in my life before I started to keep work life balance.
7 reasons to maintain balance in life
You get more done by investing energy in important areas of your life
You manage your time qualitatively by planning your time more thoughtfully
You save more energy because you manage time and do things that matter to you
You act according to your values because you know them and don't ignore them.
You feel fulfilled because you maintain work-life balance
You choose the best options for yourself because you rely on values
You are emotionally stable because you are satisfied with the quality of your life
13Burnout syndromeVideo lesson
Without using the Effective life model we can experience burnout syndrome.
In May 2019, World Health Organisation described the signs of burnout syndrome:
● feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion;
● increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to job;
● reduced professional efficacy
The term “emotional burnout” was first introduced by the American psychiatrist Herbert Freudenberger in 1974.
The syndrome is defined as a phenomenon caused by prolonged stress. This is a factor that can influence the development of diseases
Stress may be a part of our lives, but burnout can be prevented and managed.
The modern world inevitably creates conditions for burnout.
We spend 8-10 hours a day behind the screen, communicate less in person, using social networks and instant messengers for this, the flow of incoming information is constantly growing.
It is difficult for us to cope with such pressure. Burnout is a natural consequence of this.
14Practical Task IVVideo lesson
How do you think why I put the image of the battery here?
What kind of associations do you have according to the picture?
We are constantly charging the battery of our smartphones.
Do you agree that when we see 10% of the smartphone's charge, we begin to feel anxious. Especially if the charger is somewhere far away.
It is surprising that sometimes we are more attentive to the level of charge of smartphones than to our own level of charge.
In order to avoid burnout syndrome, first of all, you need to understand that only we are responsible for our emotional state.
I suggest you complete Task #4 called "Battery".
You will see the chart with 3 columns:
1) Something that takes your energy away:
It is important for us to realize what takes energy away in our life
We can delegate, reduce or eliminate these tasks/situations altogether.
For example, cleaning. Or extra talks on the sidelines.
If it is not possible to reduce the presence of this in life, then try to change your attitude towards this and remember the goal/aim why you need to do this
Yes, cleaning is energy-intensive, but if your room is clean, you can enjoy reading a book.
Keep a pleasant goal in mind while doing an unpleasant task.
The second column called Relaxed or something that helps you to relax and calm down:
These are activities that calm you down, return you to a state of zen. It could be a massage, a walk, a bath, or watching a movie.
Each of you, dear listeners, in this list will include your own individual ways.
The main thing is to understand what specifically relaxes you and practice it more often.
The third column - What charges you?:
These are exercises with a boost-up effect. Sports, outdoor activities, participation in the event, the creation of new ideas and so on.
Anything that increases your energy. It is advisable to have 2-3 such activites per week and plan them in the schedule.
In the exercise, you need to write out tasks, situations that take your energy away, help you to relax and return to balance. And charge, please you and give a large portion of energy.
15Vuca conceptVideo lesson
We finished the 1rd part “How to Maintain Efficiency Through Balancing” and are moving to the second part “Intellectual and behavioral flexibility”
Have you ever heard the term VUCA- world?
The acronym VUCA characterizes the changeable and complex environment of the modern world, where there is no guaranteed stability.
The term was invented in the 1990s by the US military, and today it is used in the business environment to refer to the conditions in which companies operate.
Volatility - unstable situations and unpredictable changes - by their nature, speed, volume, dynamics. The duration of this state of affairs is unclear.
Uncertainty is the lack of information to predict the consequences and plan the necessary actions. We can no longer base their decisions on past experience and need to learn new things every day
Complexity - situations where there are many interconnected elements and a huge amount of information. Such a large number of factors greatly complicates the decision-making and planning processes.
Ambiguity - the lack of a clear understanding of the rules of the game. Sometimes this is caused by situational novelty and doubt, when the behavior of people in a new environment is not fully known.
16Henry Ford TheoryVideo lesson
That's why the modern world demands three important responses from us.
● ADAPTATION - the realization that we must be able to adapt, make decisions quickly, adapt and adjust
● INVENTORY - identify those strong skills and character traits that will help you survive and constantly learn new skills
● ABILITY TO NEGOTIATE is an area of communication where it is important to maintain connections, close contacts in a new online environment
We will talk about the skill of adapting to constantly changing realities. And I'll tell you the story of Henry Ford. He was one of the first who started to produce cheap cars in America. His dream was to provide every American family with a car.
He found the formula for an inexpensive car: assembly line production, inexpensive black paint, and cheap parts.
The Ford company quickly took the lead. But the people who got the opportunity to buy cars now wanted to buy the same inexpensive cars, but in different colors. Not only in black.
To which Ford replied, "The Ford Model T is available in any color as long as it's black." At this time, competitors began to offer the same affordable cars, but in different colors, which led to the fact that Ford stopped to be the market leader and lost to competitors due to its stubbornness.
17FlexibiltyVideo lesson
On the slide you see a graph from the book by John Maxwell, an American writer and researcher on the topic of leadership.
Innovators and those who quickly agree to change are always a minority. They see trends and adapt quickly.
Innovators or dreamers: create new ideas, but are not strategists.
Those who agree quickly instantly recognize a good idea. The organization listens to the opinions of these people. They try to convince others to accept this idea, although they themselves are not its authors.
Those who agree not immediately the majority.
In general, they evaluate new ideas rationally, but tend to maintain the status quo.
Those who agree late. They support the idea last. Often these people speak out against proposed changes. Some of them do not verbally agree with the changes, but gradually come to terms if most people have already changed.
Lagging behind people. Those who resist change till the end. They prefer the existing order of things. They live not in the future, but in the past.
Adaptability is a skill. Try to be open to new ideas, don't resist. Otherwise, you will be among those lagging behind the changes.
Why do you think professional gymnasts remain flexible?
They train muscle flexibility daily, it's an endless practice.
Our muscles can quickly lose flexibility if they are not constantly stretched.
Flexibility in behavior and thinking also works. It is impossible to remain flexible without practicing flexible behavior in life
There are three types of behaviors and mindsets that prevent us from adapting to change and remaining flexible.
Fixation on old habits, attitudes, past experiences.
Resistance to change. It takes a lot of time and energy to resist the changes that will come anyway.
Perfectionism - setting for the best result that never comes.
Because perfectionists are constantly creating the best version of a project, solution, business, losing time for implementation.
Have you noticed that at first IT products are released in beta version and improve along the way?
18Practical Task VVideo lesson
Recall situations when you were in a state of fixation, resistance to change and showed perfectionism
Write them in Task #5.
Track these states in order to stop yourself from the usual mechanisms of behavior in time.
19Final LectureVideo lesson
Today we have studied two broad topics.
How to maintain efficiency through balancing.
How to save Adaptability and Flexibility in the modern world.
Completed 5 exercises and now you know:
● How do you spend your free time and do you need to balance work and personal life
● You have defined your values based on which you can effectively invest your time and energy
● You have realized what activities reduce the level of your battery, bring it into balance and charge it to the fullest
● You understand how you can behave in situations of volatility
Thank you for being with me at this course.
I hope you finished the tasks, found out something new for yourself and now you will be more attentive on how you manage you life, your productivity and enjoyment of life.