Python Course:Learn Python By building Games 2024 in Python.
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Python Programming course, full Guide for Python Programmers & Python Coders in a simple and easy way with Python Examples, Python quizzes, Resources & 5 Python Games Projects in Python Games, Python OOP, to master Python 3 from zero to hero in this course.
What you will learn in this course ?
Are you ready to become a Python programming expert? Look no further than this comprehensive course!
With real-world examples, Python quizzes, and resources, you’ll gain a solid foundation in Python and be able to apply your skills to a variety of programming tasks, including desktop applications, game programming, and mobile development.
This course covers everything you need to know to master Python 3, including:
– Installing Python 3 and choosing the right IDE
– Python fundamentals: variables, operators, data types, string functions, input string functions, data structures, for loops, control flow, and error handling
– Advanced techniques like lambda expressions and Python modules
– Using Python to open files and handle errors in your programs
– Real-world projects in Python game programming and Python object-oriented programming (OOP)
But why learn Python in the first place? For starters, Python is a high-level, elegant, and easy-to-learn programming language that’s also free and open-source. It’s also an object-oriented programming language, allowing you to use objects when coding.
Plus, Python is a cross-platform language, meaning that code written for one operating system can work well on others without changes to the Python code. This makes it an incredibly versatile tool for a wide range of programming tasks.
So what are you waiting for? Enroll in this course today and become a Python programming hero!
4Variables, Operators and Data Types in Python.Video lesson
5String Functions in Python.Video lesson
6Data Structures in PythonVideo lesson
7Control Flow VS LoopsVideo lesson
8Error Handling in PythonVideo lesson
9Functions in PythonVideo lesson
10Files and Modules in PythonVideo lesson
11Creating Simple Class.Video lesson
12Overviewing Constructor.Video lesson
13Learning How to creating Dunder Methods?Video lesson
14Learning about Inheritance.Video lesson
15Knowing What is the Encapsulation?Video lesson
16Learning also about Multiple InheritanceVideo lesson
17Knowing What is the Overriding?Video lesson
18Learning about Decorators.Video lesson
19Learning How to use Build-in Decorators?Video lesson
33Pong Game Part 1: Create The Pong Display With The Middle LineVideo lesson
34Pong Game Part 2: Adding The Two PaddlesVideo lesson
35Pong Game Part 3: Adding Bouncing BallVideo lesson
36Pong Game Part 4: Adding Score System.Video lesson
37Pong Game Part 5: Adding Game Sound System.Video lesson
38Flappy Bird Game OverviewVideo lesson
39Adding Background and BaseVideo lesson
40Adding The Doubled lines of PipesVideo lesson
41Adding The Moving BirdVideo lesson
42Use Collisions between The Bird & Other Game ObjectsVideo lesson
43Adjust The Bird AnimationVideo lesson
44Adding The Score SystemVideo lesson
45Adding The Game SoundsVideo lesson