SaaS Marketing: SaaS Startup Lead Generation with Dekker
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Learn SaaS marketing from an expert with 13 years experience marketing for Sony, two Google-backed SaaS startups, bootstrapped startups, and SaaS companies at various stages of venture funding from Series A to D.
I will teach you…
The single most cost-effective way to acquire new SaaS customers
New! How to generate $1M in sales pipeline in 6 months
New! 1-Sheet Million Dollar Blueprint PDF
Dekker’s SaaS Positioning Worksheet
Step-by-step instructions for advertising profitably through platforms such as LinkedIn (with examples of successful SaaS ads)
How to grow your SaaS business profitably
How I acquired users for less than 10 cents each
Specific examples of SaaS marketing that have worked for me and others
SaaS lead generation strategies & tactics
Step-by-step instructions on how to reach out to key influencers to generate cost-effective word-of-mouth marketing
How to build your SaaS marketing funnel and overall marketing plan (in 1 page)
Detailed SaaS lead nurturing strategies and tactics (lead nurturing mastery!)
Detailed step-by-step marketing instructions
How to fix problem like poor MQL-to-SQL conversion rates
How my product got 15 million views from a single video with no ads
Specific tactics that worked for me in generating cost-effective sales meetings
Real-world SaaS marketing examples & cases
Startup marketing
How to approach lead generation and demand generation in 2021
This course includes:
Videos (tutorials, walk-throughs, go-to-market interview)
Templates (Word, Excel)
I’m a Silicon Valley marketing veteran with 13 years’ experience in software marketing for companies including Sony, a Google-backed SaaS, SaaS firms at various stages of venture funding, and numerous bootstrapped SaaS startups. I have an MBA from the #1 marketing school in the US, Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. I also wrote numerous marketing books and taught college-level marketing. This is my SaaS marketing playbook!
This is the perfect course for SaaS founders and their marketers and consultants. Amplify the effectiveness of your marketing team immediately without paying the hefty fees of a Silicon Valley CMO or senior consultant. Empower your team with this bundle which is guaranteed to DOUBLE your qualified SaaS leads! This is the easiest, fastest, cheapest way to get senior-level marketing advice for your SaaS product.
Don’t learn from trial and error. Don’t waste your cash on marketing experiments that don’t pay off. This bundle will save you countless wasted dollars and produce qualified lead IMMEDIATELY.
SaaS Marketing Playbook PDF contents
The fastest, easiest way to generate demo requests and free trial sign-ups
ALWAYS be selling your demo request or trial, even if you’re just nurturing leads
Nurturing people after they’ve signed up for a free trial
Consider paying people to sit through your demo
The cheapest way to generate demo requests and free trials
The most efficient way to generate demo requests and free trials
How to find influencers
How to reach out to influencers
How to build partnerships
Latch onto larger companies
Identify the trigger events where to interject your SaaS into the conversation
Identify and address objections
Facebook ads (yes, for B2B too)
Fix the bottlenecks in your funnel
The limitations of inbound content marketing and SEO
Consider a “medium offer” that falls between a free trial and a demo request
Direct mail
Twitter ads
Write an email explicitly designed to sell the demo or trial
Content marketing should start at the bottom of the funnel, not the top
One of the most practical frameworks for building demo/trial-generating content
Often the best approach to lead nurturing is to let prospects choose what they want to do next
Educational content is the easiest way to nurture leads
Use time as a forcing function
Your website is a nurturing tool
Stop marketing your product and start doing this one thing instead
Your list
The case study is one of the most important pieces of content that you need
Frameworks for lead nurturing
When to send leads to Sales
Demand generation content
Common funnel mistakes
Set a clear goal for the # of demos, trials, SQLs, SALs, opportunities, or pipeline revenue
The most important SaaS metric
Software marketing
Advanced SaaS lead nurturing summarized
One reason why you may be struggling to grow your SaaS demo requests and free trial signups – and what to do about it
The big mistakes in B2B SaaS marketing that startups keep making
The colossal SaaS marketing mistakes that most startups make
7 big product marketing mistakes
7 secrets to acquires tons of new software customers quickly
Buy Today!
Dekker Fraser, MBA
Lead Nurturing
SaaS Marketing
SaaS Product Management
Software Marketing
IT Startup
App Marketing
Lead Nurture
Lead Scoring
IT Startup
Startup Marketing
Nurturing Leads
Nurture Emails
Lead Generation
Marketing Strategy
SaaS Growth
Growth Hacking
Go to Market
Business Development for Startups and Tech Companies
Tech Startups
Startup Growth Strategies
Startup Marketing
Marketing for Startups and Small Businesses
Digital Marketing for Startups
Marketing for Tech Companies
Marketing for Entrepreneurs
Marketing for SaaS
Tech Startups
Marketing Software
SaaS Sales
SaaS Marketing
SaaS Startup
SaaS Business
Lean Startup
How to Start a SaaS or Mobile App Business
Product Marketing
User Acquisition
B2B Lead Generation
Product Marketing Manager
Customer Acquisition
Customer Acquisition Cost
Customer Acquisition Strategy
Customer Acquisition with Social Media
How to Create a Customer Acquisition Plan
Lead Generation Business
Small Business Lead Generation
Lead Generation Mastery
Digital Marketing
B2B Marketing
Marketing B2B
Content Marketing for B2B Enterprises
Get Customers
Get Your First Customers
Marketing for B2B sales people, freelancers, consultants, entrepreneurs, startup founders
Product Management | Product Owner | Product Market Strategy | Product Marketing | Product Marketing Manager | Digital Product Marketing | Marketing Plan | Product Marketing Strategy | Go to Market | Go to Market Strategy | Go to Marketing | Go to Market Strategies | Going to Market | Product Launch | Product Launch Strategy | Product Launch Formula | Launching of New Products | Launch a Product | Product Launch Success | Business Development for Startups and Tech Companies | Startups | Tech Startups | How to Start a SaaS or Mobile App Business | Startup Growth Strategies | Startup Marketing | Marketing for Startups | Digital Marketing for Startups | Marketing for Startups and Small Businesses | Entrepreneurship | Tech Startups | Marketing Software | SaaS Sales | SaaS Marketing | SaaS Startup | SaaS Business | Digital Strategy | Marketing Plan | Business Plan
19 Biggest SaaS Marketing MistakesVideo lesson
29 Biggest SaaS Marketing MistakesQuiz
3Lead Generation Is Incredibly EasyVideo lesson
4Lead Generation Is Incredibly EasyQuiz
5SaaS BrandingVideo lesson
6SaaS BrandingQuiz
715 Ways to Get Demo Requests SaaS Demo Requests & CustomersVideo lesson
8$1M in SaaS Sales PipelineVideo lesson
9SaaS Positioning Worksheet - Part AVideo lesson
10SaaS Positioning AQuiz
11SaaS Positioning Worksheet - Part BVideo lesson
12SaaS Positioning Worksheet BQuiz
13LinkedIn Lead Generation with Mailchimp NurturingVideo lesson
14Email nurturing after signing up for a free account - part 1Video lesson
15Email nurturing after signing up for a free account - part 2Video lesson
1650+ Growth Hacking Cases Studies (Including Tinder, Freshly, Harry's, etc.)!Text lesson
17SaaS Sales Demos that Sell!Video lesson
18SaaS Marketing Playbook PDF - Part AText lesson
19Quiz: SaaS Marketing Playbook - Part AQuiz
20Outbound SaaS Marketing Absolutely Crushes Inbound MarketingVideo lesson
21SaaS Startups Are Not Greedy Enough!Video lesson
23SaaS Marketing Time HorizonsVideo lesson
24Growing your B2B SaaS Quickly by Following LacosteVideo lesson
25SaaS Marketing Playbook PDF - Part BText lesson
26Quiz: SaaS Marketing Playbook - Part BQuiz
27Boston Consulting Group Article - The One Ratio Every Subscription Business...Text lesson
28Big SaaS Demand Generation MistakeVideo lesson
29What is the big optimization mistake most SaaS companies make?Quiz
What is the big budget optimization mistake that most SaaS marketers make?
30SaaS Funnel Conversion Issues + Funnel Excel TemplateVideo lesson
31Influencer Marketing & PR ResearchVideo lesson
32The Future of SaaS MarketingVideo lesson
34SaaS Positioning 1Video lesson
35Positioning QuizQuiz
36Example - BoltText lesson
38SaaS Positioning 2Video lesson
39SaaS Positioning 3Video lesson
40Automation vs AnalyticsVideo lesson
41Positioning - Successful CompaniesVideo lesson
42Meet Customers Where They're AtVideo lesson
43Homepage MessagingVideo lesson
44LinkedIn Ad ExampleText lesson
45Vertical SaaS PositioningVideo lesson
46Building a Story BrandVideo lesson
51PLGText lesson
52Product Led Growth (Wider Top of Funnel & F2P Games)Video lesson
53Gamification: the Frontier of Product-Led GrowthVideo lesson
54Jason Lemkin on FreemiumText lesson
55Quiz 1 - Product Led GrowthQuiz
56Habit-forming productsVideo lesson
57Habit FormationQuiz
58Habit-forming products 2 (optional)Text lesson
59Product Led Habit FormationText lesson
60A simple trick to get the behavior you wantVideo lesson
61Do not require a work email!Video lesson
62Do not require a work emailQuiz
63What does product-led really mean?Video lesson
64The end user is kingVideo lesson
65Usage-based trialsVideo lesson
66Usage-based trials, habit formation, and end usersQuiz
67Changing people's minds with PLGText lesson
68Product Led Growth with RocketReach: The Usage ExperienceVideo lesson
69Product Led Growth Welcome EmailQuiz
70Sample nurture emails and tipsText lesson
71SaaS case studiesText lesson
72Initial sign-up processVideo lesson
73ClosureVideo lesson
74Don't ask for annoying information upfrontVideo lesson
75VisibilityVideo lesson
76How to change people's mindsVideo lesson
77Addressing objectionsVideo lesson
78Addressing objections 2Video lesson
79Word of mouthVideo lesson
80Freemium vs. Free TrialText lesson
81FamiliarityVideo lesson
82Product Led Growth Conversion BenchmarksText lesson