American English Vowels for Chinese Professionals
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
Meaning can be altered when listeners don’t understand your vowels. Changing one vowel slightly can completely change the meaning of a word. Not spending enough time on one vowel can also change the meaning! Learn how to correct the American English vowel pronunciation errors that native Chinese speakers frequently make. It’s not too late to learn! It doesn’t matter how old you are.
The instructor uses a vowel chart to demonstrate the similarities and differences between all the vowels. Then she presents a different method using a tongue circle chart. Then she describes and shows exactly how to produce each vowel for both methods and puts the vowels in example sentences that use advanced vocabulary from professional settings, such as high tech and business.
Quizzes are included to test your understanding of concepts taught.
The written lesson can also be downloaded, so you can follow along and takes notes while watching the videos.
Repetition audio exercises are included so you can listen download them, listen on the go, and repeat the target words over and over until they become part of your muscle memory! Each time you listen to the sentence, you will notice something different about it and repeat what your hear. Once you’ve listened and repeated 6-7 times, you’ll be quite good at producing the native sounds demanded by that sentence!
But don’t stop there! Watch and listen again! The information is dense, and you will surely focus on something different on your second watch-thru. Keep practicing!
Students are encouraged to ask the instructor questions and even meet with the instructor to check progress. Students can attend a free monthly office hour on Zoom to ask questions and receive live correction.
You can learn to speak English more clearly!
This class can be taken before or after the course on consonants, or simultaneously. It is recommended to take vowels and consonants before studying the word stress, rhythm courses, or melody courses.
1IntroductionVideo lesson
Print out the written lesson in the "downloadable materials" section. Use it to follow along and take notes as you work your way through the course.
2Muscle Exercises for Proper PlacementVideo lesson
Strengthen and/or increase flexibility in your tongue, lips, jaw, throat, and diaphragm for proper placement
3The Vowel Chart - Method 1Video lesson
4Beginner Tongue Circles - Method 2Video lesson
Tongue circles present a different way to look at vowels and a different way to produce them, which relies more on on the tongue and less on the other parts of the face, such as the jaw, lips, palate and nasal cavity. Relying more on the tongue will give help place your voice in the middle of the mouth and give you a truly American accent. Let's start with just 3 points on the tongue circle (low, upper left and upper right.)
5Full Tongue Circles - Method 2Video lesson
Learn how to stretch the tongue around the vowel circle. We will include all the Long and Short vowels here.
6Full Tongue Circles part 2 (with diphthongs, or moving vowels)Video lesson
Here is more practice with full tongue circles and also the diphthongs, or moving vowels: Long I, OU and OI.
7Reverse Tongue CirclesVideo lesson
Practice Tongue circles in the opposite direction to make your tongue work more flexible.
8Vowel LengtheningVideo lesson
Learn how consonants affect the length of a vowel. Then learn how to distinguish "app" from "ab." among other pairs. Also, learn how to not put vowels at the end of words which end in consonants. Then make it a habit by listening to and repeating the words with the repetition audio located in the downloadable materials section. Imitate the words exactly as you hear them.
9Vowel LengtheningQuiz
Quiz your understanding of vowel lengthening.
10Front Vowels OverviewVideo lesson
Learn the definition of a front vowel and how to distinguish between them.
11Long E vs Short I - with Chinese Accent Analysis (Both Methods)Video lesson
Learn to distinguish between the tense Long E and the relaxed Short I, as in Read vs. Rid. After watching the lesson, be sure to practice the repetition audio in the downloadable materials. Repeat each phrase after me 8-10 times to develop muscle memory and change your habits! Practice as much as you can!
12Long A - with Chinese Accent Analysis (Both Methods)Video lesson
Learn detail about Long A and see it in example sentences. Some focus is put on Long A at the end of a word as in "allay."
13Long A vs Long E, Short E & Short A -with Chinese Accent Analysis (Both Methods)Video lesson
Learn to distinguish Long A from Long E, Short E and Short A, as in Sake, vs. Seek vs. Sec vs. Sack.
14Short A vs. Short O- with Chinese Accent Analysis (Both Methods)Video lesson
Learn to distinguish between Short A and Short O. This helps distinguish American English from British English. Don't forget to drill yourself with the repetition audio located in Downloadable materials.
15Front VowelsQuiz
Test your knowledge of front vowels.
16Central Vowels: Overview (Both Methods)Video lesson
Learn how to produce the 3 central vowels and how to distinguish between them.
17ER- with Chinese Accent Analysis (Both Methods)Video lesson
Learn how to produce ER, the many spellings of ER and how to distinguish it from different sounds that have similar spellings to ER.
18Short O and Short U - with Chinese Accent AnalysisVideo lesson
Learn to distinguish between Short O and Short U. Learn how to distinguish between Short U and other "O" spellings. Learn to differentiate between different types of "AR," as in "scarf" vs. "scarves."
19Central VowelsQuiz
Quiz your understanding of central vowels.
20Back Vowels: OverviewVideo lesson
Learn the definition of a back vowel, what the back vowels are and how to distinguish between them.
21Short Back U and Long UVideo lesson
Learn to distinguish the gentle short back U from the tense Long U.
22Long O and Short Back OVideo lesson
Learn to distinguish between the Long O and the Short Back O. Also learn to distinguish between Long O and Short U. Finally, learn how to pronounce the OR sound, as in "board."
23Back VowelsQuiz
Quiz your understanding of back vowels.