Super Electronic Circuit Theory Course with Semiconductors
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
What’s Covered in Basic Circuit Section
This Course covers the Basics In AC and DC Voltage. AC and DC Current and Current Direction. Defines the term quantity Ampere also Covers Basic characteristics of Resistance and Explains the Color Code System and the Tolerance System for Fixed Resistors and other Passive Components that provide Resistance in an Electronic Circuit. This is first step for someone who is entering the field of electronics .
What’s Covered in Series Circuits, Parallel Circuits, & Series Parallel Circuits
This course take the Student thru Calculating Voltage, Current and Resistance on a Series , Parallel and Series Parallel circuits ! The Instructor give the student a step by step instruction on how to solve these circuit properties. After finishing this course the student should have a very good understanding of Voltage drops , Current Division and Power consumption in a Electronic Circuit . Instructor uses ohms law to demonstrate how to find the above Circuit Calculations, The instructor also pushes that the student should have intuitive feeling about the results.
The instructor gives an explanation and examples on how to find the individual Voltage drops and using Ohms law and the Voltage division method. Instructor also shows and describes how to confirm that the Electronic Principals that were calculated are correct.
The Course will then provide a virtual Electronic Lab , test equipment here the instructor presents a virtual presentation on how to setup a circuit of test and evaluation. In this lab the instructor will use the Virtual test pieces (i.e Power supply , Multi Meter and additional information that will give the Student a real hand on experience.)
This course assumes the the prospected Student has basic Math Skills and can preform basic math functions ( i.e. Addition ,Subtraction Multiplication and Division).
What’s Covered in Advanced Circuit Theory
What are Network Theorems:
Electric circuit theorems are always beneficial to help find voltage and currents in multi-loop circuits. These theorems use fundamental rules or formulas and basic equations of mathematics to analyze basic components of electrical or electronics parameters such as voltages, currents, resistance, and so on
What is Kirchhoff’s Circuit Laws :
Kirchhoff’s circuit laws are two equalities that deal with the current and potential difference (commonly known as voltage) in the lumped element model of electrical circuits. They were first described in 1845 by German physicist Gustav Kirchhoff.
What is Super Position:
The superposition theorem states that a circuit with multiple voltage and current sources is equal to the sum of simplified circuits using just one of the sources. A circuit composed of two voltage sources, for example, will be equal to the sum of two circuits, each one using one of the sources and having the other removed.
What is Thevenin to Norton Conversions
Since Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorems are two equally valid methods of reducing a complex network down to something simpler to analyze, there must be some way to convert a Thevenin equivalent circuit to a Norton equivalent circuit, and vice versa (just what you were dying to know, right?.
Super Semiconductor Section
Al explains semiconductor Basics, Valance Electrons in Conductors. The difference between semiconductors & conductors. Describes the doping process in, semiconductor material. What is N & P type Material . Majority & Minority Carries Explained .
Diode Curves and Characteristics, of forward and reverse Current flow, by using the Characteristic Diode Curve. Physical Diode Packaging Explained. Electron flow thru Diodes explained.
Schematic Symbol of Diode, Cathode and Anode placement explained. Placement of Physical Diode Explained. How to test a diode, with an ohm meter. A simple diode application Explained.
Half Wave rectification, how to calculate peak voltage and the Average DC voltage of a half wave rectification circuit. Basic capacitor filter action is also explained.
Full wave rectification, full wave bridge rectification explained and the introduction of the transformers. The Average DC Value of a full wave Rectifier explained.
Introduction the two types of junction transistors PNP and NPN . Details reverse and forward bias on the junction transistor(s). Introduction of the three elements of the transistor. Explains the schematic Symbols of the transistor (NPN & PNP). Physical packaging of the transistors shown and explained. How to test a transistor with an ohm meter. Introduction alpha and Beta properties of the transistors along with Ie = Ib + Ic .
Explanation of alpha and Beta properties of the transistors along with Ie = Ib + Ic. Introduces Load -line (s)with a common emitter circuit . Explanation of both DC and AC transistor parameter’s using the load line. How to find RL using the load line. Phase shift in a common emitter transistor.
Explanation of the common Collector Circuit ( also called the emitter follower) Circuit action. Common Base configuration circuit action explained. Summary of the three transistor Configurations, Common emitter, Common collector and Common base.
Operational Amplifier Section
Historical Back Ground:
The operational Amplifier was developed for use in Analog Computers in the 1940’s.Early Operational Amplifiers used Vacuum Tubes were large in size and consumed large amount’s of Power.
In 1967 FairChild Semiconductor introduced the first Integrated circuit Op=Amp. Todays Operational Amplifiers are far super then there Vacuum tube predserors. They are much smaller consume much less power and can be bought for a few dollars.
The Operational Amplifier “(or Op-Amp) is a high Performance Linear Amplifier with an amazing variety of uses. The Op-Amp has two inputs, (-) inverting and (+) and non-inverting and one output. The polarity of a signal applied to the output. A Signal applied to the non-inverting input retains it’s polarity at the Output.
The gain of an Op-amp is determined by a feedback resistor that feeds some of the amplified signal from the output to the inverting. This reduces the amplitude of the output signal, hence the gain. The smaller the resistor, the lower the gain.
Al explains the following Operational Amplifier Principles,
Slew Rate
Frequency Bandwidth
Power Supply Specs
inverting input explained
Non Inverting Input explained
Non-inverting Configuration explained
Inverting Configuration explained
Voltage follower
Summing Amplifier
High Pass Filters
Low Pass Filters
Band Pass Filters
Notch Filters
Frequency response Curve
Open loop Gain
Closed loop gain
Resistor Feed Back Structure
Input Impedance
How to Balance the Input of the Operational Amplifier
2Introduction. Brief History of Electronics Part 1Video lesson
The Student will be familiar with some of the early Pioneers who helped in the advancement of Electronic Field.
3Brief History of Electronic Part 2Video lesson
Al explains the History of Electronics and some of the early pioneers who help make this wonderful technology available to all of us.
4Introduction to Basic Electronics Part 1Video lesson
Introduction to Voltage, Current flow and Resistance
5Introduction to Basic Electronics Part 2Video lesson
Battery Action, Current Flow,Switch Action and Intro to Ohm's Law
6Introduction to Basic Electronics Part 3Video lesson
What is Hole Flow. Ohm's Law Review
7Introduction to Basic Electronics Part 4Video lesson
Additional Problems with Ohm's Law with Answers. Wrap Up !
10Understanding Voltage Part 1Video lesson
Introduction To AC & DC Voltage
Ground Reference
Batteries Series Aiding, Series Opposing & Hybrid Configuration
Measuring DC Voltage with Respect to Ground.
11Understanding Voltage Part 2Video lesson
AC Voltage Explained
AC RMS Voltage Explained
Peak Voltage and Peak-Peak Voltage Explained
Conversion to RMS Voltage to Peak to Peak Voltage & Peak Voltage
CPS Explained
How to Calculate the time for one Cycle.
12Understanding AC Voltage Riding on a DC ComponentVideo lesson
AC Voltage Explained
AC RMS Voltage Explained
Peak Voltage and Peak-Peak Voltage Explained
Conversion to RMS Voltage to Peak to Peak Voltage & Peak Voltage
CPS Explained
How to Calculate the time for one Cycle.
13AC DC Current DefinedVideo lesson
AC Voltage Explained
AC RMS Voltage Explained
Peak Voltage and Peak-Peak Voltage Explained
Conversion to RMS Voltage to Peak to Peak Voltage & Peak Voltage
CPS Explained
How to Calculate the time for one Cycle.
14Introduction into ResistanceVideo lesson
Wattage Rating
Resistor Color Bands
Resistance in Conductors
Resistance VS Wire Gauge
Introduction to Fix Resistors
Introduction to Adjustable Resistors
16Series Circuit Part 1Video lesson
This sections Introduce the Student to Series Circuits and the properties that define a Series circuit .
17series 2 Circuit Part 2Video lesson
This sections Introduces the Student to Series Circuits and the properties that define a Series circuit .
18series 3 Circuit Part 3Video lesson
This sections Introduce the Student to Series Circuits and the properties that define a Series circuit .
19Parallel Circuits #1Video lesson
This sections Introduces the Student to Parallel Circuits and the properties that define a Parallel Circuit .
20Parallel Circuits #2Video lesson
This sections Introduces the Student to Parallel Circuits and the properties that define a Parallel Circuit .
21Parallel Circuits #3Video lesson
This sections Introduces the Student to Parallel Circuits and the properties that define a Parallel Circuit .
23Al Explains Kirchhoff's Current and Voltage LawVideo lesson
Al explains Kirchhoff's Circuit laws in an very easy slow pace. Al Explains how current is distributed thru a circuit and and why Kirchhoff's Voltage law is correct !
24Al Explains Kirchhoff's Branch Current Method for finding Voltage CurrentVideo lesson
Al gives a very detail explanation on Kirchhoff's Branch Current Method of finding Voltage and Currents in an Electronic Circuit.
25Al Explains Kirchhoff's Node Voltage Theorem & Kirchhoff's Mesh Current TheoremVideo lesson
Al gives a very detail explanation on Kirchhoff's Node Voltage Analysis and Mesh Current Analysis
26Al Explains Kirchhoff's Node Voltage Analysis & Mesh Current AnalysisVideo lesson
Al Explains Kirchhoff's Node Voltage Analysis & Mesh Current Analysis.
27Al Explains Superposition & Thevenin Network TheoremsVideo lesson
Al Explains Superposition & Thevenin Network Theorems using Circuit examples.
28Al Explains Thevenin & Norton Network TheoremsVideo lesson
Al Explains Thevenin Network Theorems using Circuit examples.
29Thevenin & Norton Network Conversions, Y to Delta Network ConversionsVideo lesson
Al Explains Thevenin & Norton Network Conversions, Y to Delta Network Conversions.
30Introduction SemiconductorsVideo lesson
Al explains semiconductor Basics, Valance Electrons action in conductors. The difference between Semiconductors and Conductors. Describes the doping process in Semiconductor material. What is N & P type material ? Majority & Minority Carries Explained & Electron flow.
31Diode IntroductionVideo lesson
Al Explains Diode Curves and Characteristics of forward and reverse Current flow, by using the Characteristic Diode Curve. Physical Diode Packaging explained. Electron flow thru Diode(s) explained.
32Diodes Basics #1Video lesson
Al explains Schematic Symbol of the Diode, Cathode and Anode placement explained. Placement of Physical Diode explained. Al explains how to test a Diode with an Ohm meter. Al explains a simple diode application.
33Diodes Basics #2Video lesson
Al Explains half Wave rectification, how to calculate peak voltage and the Average DC voltage of a half wave rectification circuit. Basic capacitor filter action is also explained.
34Diodes Basics #3Video lesson
Al explains full wave rectification, full wave bridge rectification and introduces transformers. Al explains the Average DC Value of a full wave Rectifier.
35Transistor Basics #1Video lesson
Al introduces the two types of junction transistors PNP and NPN . Details reverse and forward bias on the junction transistor(s). Introduce the three elements of the transistor. Explains the schematic Symbols of the transistor (NPN & PNP). Physical packaging of the transistors shown and explained. Al Shows how to test a transistor with an ohm meter. Al Introduces alpha and Beta properties of the transistors along with Ie = Ib + Ic .
36Transistor Basics #2Video lesson
Al continues the introduces alpha and Beta properties of the transistors along with Ie = Ib + Ic. Al introduces load line(s) with a common emitter circuit. Explains both DC and AC transistor parameter’s, using the load line. How to find RL, using a load line. Phase shift in a common emitter transistor.
37Transistor Basics #3Video lesson
Al explains the Common Collector Circuit (also called the Emitter Follower) Circuit action. Al explains the Common Base configuration circuit action. Summary of the three transistor configurations, Common emitter, Common collector and Common base.