Emotional Intelligence Certification Self Management Level 2

- Description
- Curriculum
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This course deals with Managing Yourself and Emotional Intelligence.
It is the second level of four certification courses, which can be done in any order.
A set of emotional, social and relational skills that guides the way we perceive, understand and express ourselves; connect with others; manage interpersonal exchange; cope with challenges; and apply emotional information in an effective, meaningful way.
Research indicates that emotional intelligence can be learned and be measurable differences directly associated with professional and personal success. Furthermore, it may be responsible for up to 80% of the success we experience in life.
The basic areas of emotional intelligence are self-awareness, self-management; empathy/social awareness and relationship management.
EIQ Self-Management
The self-management quotient indicates self-evaluation coupled with self-regulation. The awareness & discipline to control & harness feelings directly impacts the ability to achieve personal objectives & develop inner resolution. Satisfaction, happiness & contentment are results of self-management.
Factors include:
- Restraint
- Discipline
- Control
- Resolve
- Direction/purpose
- Emotional management
- Flexibility
- Enthusiasm/excitement
- Optimism, Happiness
- Stress Management
- Initiative
- Adaptability, Agility
- Focus
- Goal setting
- Impulse control
- Learning
- Likability
- Resilience
Self-Management is comprised of 5 sub-categories:
- Self-Control, Discipline: effectively handling impulses; maintaining composure while experiencing stressful, trying emotions; managing preparation & performance; actively choosing paths; self-directing; the ability to emotionally persist to achieve strategic objectives.
- Goal-Directed Performance, Targeted Action: focus to achieve long term desired goals; emotional tenacity & persistence; drive to choose challenging objectives & assume acceptable risk; staying the course to completion; resilience in the face of obstacles & setbacks; seizing opportunities.
- Integrity, Trustworthiness: the ability to work with conscience, ethics & integrity; operating with personal standards, principles & values; being dependable, reliable & authentic; keeping promises & assuming personal responsibility.
- Motivation, Positive Psychology, Initiative: self-energizing; the ability to be mentally & emotionally engaged; attitude; passion; choosing cause & effect feelings; being responsible for personal success; acting & choosing feelings in accordance with positive emotions, optimism & constructive feelings; limiting negative emotions, patterns & spirals.
- Creativity, Agility, Flexibility, Adaptability: coping with change, transition & development; adjusting to situations, relationships & feelings; handling curiosity & imagination to create, discover & explore opportunities; innovation for progress; cognitive & emotional shifts.
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2Laser Sharp FocusVideo lesson
Pursue targets with intensity and concentrate on high value objectives.
3Avoiding Distractions, Tangents & MultitaskingVideo lesson
Learn how to eliminate distractions and tangents. If you can write the goal down, you can create task definition. Then remove clutter. Turn off the phone. Do not let urgent things push out important tasks.
4Setting TargetsVideo lesson
Keep on Mission. Do not waste time on meaningless activities. You would be surprised at how many useless tasks we work on in a day.
5Achieving Meaningful ResultsVideo lesson
Learn the SMART System for creating spectacular results.
6Self-Leadership & CareVideo lesson
Many people want to be in charge, but they can not take care of themselves. They can't self-lead. What are your internal drivers? Do you know your strengths and weaknesses? Are you self aware? What are you good at?
7Self-MotivationVideo lesson
Learn to manage those exchanges between the rewards you are receiving. Intrinsic versus extrinsic rewards. Self Motivation comes from how you feel about what you want to do.
8Optimism & Positive ExpectationsVideo lesson
Do you have a positive outlook? The P's of Passion help you see things a certain way. Pessimists foretell the future. They choose not to act. Exercising optimism creates serendipity and helpful opportunities are drawn to you.
9The Balance WheelVideo lesson
Life's success is about keeping the important things in balance. If you lack balance, your success is limited. How is your health? How is your professional life? How is your family life? Where do you live?
10Winning MindsetsVideo lesson
Your mind creates a set of patterns which dominate how you look at things and react to life. Your mindset will be different from another person's so it is important you understand your mindset and that of the other person if you want good communication.
11Finding Common ThemesVideo lesson
People buy from those they know, like, and trust. This applies in all areas of life.
12Credibility & TrustworthinessVideo lesson
The foundations of credibility relate to the level of trustworthy. People who intend to tell the truth become more trustworthy.
13Likeability & CharismaVideo lesson
How likeable are you? What do you do to be likeable? Are you listening? Are you focused on others?
14Understanding Stress & PerformanceVideo lesson
No stress is not good, but too much stress causes its own problems. Performance drops when over stresses.
15Managing Impulsiveness & Unproductive EffortsVideo lesson
Shift emotional control to your conscious mind from the subconscious mind. We often direct a lot of our energy in the wrong direction. Effort and energy are two of our biggest resources along with Time. We want to get the biggest return on our energy.
16[Activity] Stress and SuccessVideo lesson
Some activities do show how you deal with stress?
17Imagination, Curiosity…. Exploration & DiscoveryVideo lesson
We live in a fast changing world. We deal with more uncertainty
18Creativity & Problem SolvingVideo lesson
We are used to repeating behaviors in answer to problems that are the same. But as the world changes, these mental structures work poorly. How do we become more flexible?
19Flexibility, Versatility & AdaptabilityVideo lesson
No longer do we live a world where you learn one skill set and that will serve you for the rest of your life. We need to continually learning, adapting and shifting your direction in life.
20Learning, Improvement & DevelopmentVideo lesson
Organizations ask "How can we generate sustainable consistent success?" There have been lots of answers that do not work. More and more organizations are saying their employees are less productive and engaged. Yet, companies do not focus on creating more excitement in their business.
21Awareness & Management of Inner DialogueVideo lesson
We used to think people who talked to themselves were crazy. We all talk to ourselves. Our inner dialogue is very important to our state of mind and also our success or failure. We often tell ourselves the wrong things.
22The P’s of Positive Self-Talk/AffirmationsVideo lesson
In this lecture, we go over positive self talk and its impact on our confidence and our life.
23Visualization & Positive ImageryVideo lesson
Most people are Visual, Auditory or Kinesthetic learners. 90% of the information your brain gets is visual. Sensory detail is essential. The more concrete you can make the imagery the better.
24StoriesVideo lesson
Stories affect our brain in many ways. What types of stories do you tell yourself?
25Being Deliberate: Managing AttentionVideo lesson
Attention spans are dropping, but they do not have to. We are drowning in a sea of information which is all very distracting. Learn the 4 P's for IMproving Attention Spans.
26Remember What MattersVideo lesson
Discover the recall system. Repeat, Rephrase, Restate. You are more likely to recall something if you follow the lessons in this lecture.
27Proactive & Reactive Mental ToughnessVideo lesson
Are you reactive or proactive?
28Resilience, Renewal & RecoveryVideo lesson
29GRITVideo lesson
GRIT is something that you develop. It is not innate, nor a talent. Everyone goes thru tough times. For many people, this is how they strengthen their G.R.I.T.