HAPPINESS and LIFE LESSONS (from your 101 year old self!)
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In this course, you teach YOURSELF happiness. But with a bit of a twist…
Imagine being 101 years old…
The lessons you will have accumulated, at 101 years old, are the unique privilege of a long life. When you’re gone, all those lessons will die with you. Unless… unless you could tell them to someone.
And who better to learn those lessons than your younger self. In other words: You. Now!
Remind yourself of who you were and what you were doing, 10, 20, 30, or more years ago. Think of what you know now that you didn’t know then. Imagine the tips and hints you could give to your younger self.
THIS is the benefit of hindsight, the wisdom of the years, life’s lessons…
So the concept here is that we metaphorically beam ourselves forward in time and consult with that wise old man or woman. The one who has lived through what we are going through now and knows how it all ends up…
Our 101 year old self!
So it’s a course about happiness, is it?
Yes… the only real currency of life is that your life is well lived. Happiness is not merely the absence of negativity. (As we’ll find out, our 101 year old self talks a lot about the benefits of negative emotions).
But they will also tell us that happiness is something we actually stumble across when we are living our life well – it’s an outcome rather than a goal in itself. You’ll also learn about:
- Taking personal responsibility for your own happiness
- The happiness equation (usually quoted the wrong way round)
- How to change our ‘story’
- Why failure should NEVER be feared (because it doesn’t exist)
- What part do wealth and material possessions play in our happiness?
- What ‘sovereignty’ over your life really means
When you’re ready, check out the free/unlocked lectures and (if it’s for you) download this amazing course – and look forward to Happiness Lessons From Your 101 Year Old Self!
1Promotional video - to whet your appetiteVideo lesson
2The basic concept of this course - plus your 1st lesson!Video lesson
Let's establish the approach of this course and make sure you understand what we're actually trying to do here :-)
3A word of warning... Don't make yourself UNHAPPY!Video lesson
The pursuit of happiness should be joyful (well, at least INTERESTING!). What we must be careful of is the balance between happiness NOW and happiness LATER.
4Taking ResponsibilityVideo lesson
This is where some people switch off... this is a tough lesson which is why it’s so early in the course. Too many people fail in their pursuit of happiness by misunderstanding this vital element. Without it, you can not be happy... it's THAT important!
5NOBS and WIMPS - know the difference!!Video lesson
The very sound of these words often raises a smile at my live workshops – which is good, because the humour will help you remember these acronyms… because each stands for something very important.
6Negative emotions? Bring them on!Video lesson
Common advice is to eradicate or even ignore negative emotions. However, these emotional 'messengers' have something to say. Perhaps we should listen?
7Explanatory style - what's YOUR story?Video lesson
If you can explain positive things in your life as personally created and permanent – and negative occurrences as external and temporary – your happiness is virtually guaranteed.
8If you fail - fail like a babyVideo lesson
Failure to a baby is simply a result it didn’t want or expect... and, however that baby feels emotionally about the setback, they learn quickly what doesn’t work and they try something else.
9A healthy person wants many things... a sick person only oneVideo lesson
Your happiness is compromised if you have to live with disease, pain, restriction, and suffering. What can we do to ensure optimum body condition?
10The roles we playVideo lesson
Mark Twain said that the two most important days of your life are the day we were born and the day we find out why. Plus - how do we juggle all the roles we expect of ourselves - and that others expect of us?
11Wealth and material possessions!Video lesson
Happiness actually has a price - but it's probably not what you think. Can money REALLY buy us happiness?
12What you do for a living - and its effects on happinessVideo lesson
Your 101 year old self says: "Don’t be so busy making a living that you forget to make a life!"
And, if you currently DON’T work by which I mean you are in paid employment, then either skip this lecture or consider the lesson in terms of other daily or unpaid activities.
13A feeling of 'Belonging'Video lesson
Learn about 'Dunbar's Number' and understand why you only need to concern yourself with about 150 people!
14Family. You can't can't choose them!Video lesson
Just because we’re related (whether by birth or adoption), doesn’t mean to say there are never challenges or problems with the familial relationships. What advice is available to help us with these relationships?
15Significant 'other'.Video lesson
We’ve looked at friends; we’ve looked at family – and now we look at your choice of a person you spend your life with (your whole life or a significant proportion of it).
16Sovereignty. What, when - and with whom.Video lesson
Basically, sovereignty over our lives allows us to do what we want, when we want, with whom we want – for as long as we want. As such, sovereignty is a high-level component of a life well-lived.
17Your legacy... what will they say?Video lesson
Most of us have no real idea of when we will be longer here. It’s astounding, isn’t it? Very few of us remember the actual day that we learned we are going to die – and yet it’s probably the biggest news you’ll ever hear.