Nice Guy Syndrome Recovery & Social Confidence Building

- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
Grow more confidence. Build better relationships. Boost your social skills. Learn how to transform from an unhappy people pleaser into a confident beast.
Do you wish you could be more confident and hold better conversations?
Are you forever seeking approval from others to feel better about yourself?
Are you sick of dealing with bad relationships and unfulfilling friendships?
If you answered “Yes” to the above, you likely suffer from Nice Guy Syndrome.
What is “Nice Guy Syndrome”?
Nice Guy Syndrome, also known as people-pleasing, is a condition often associated with toxic relationships, a constant feeling of neediness, and a debilitating lack of social confidence.
In an effort to evade rejection, avoid disapproval, and prevent conflict, we lose who we really are.
This course is the cure for Nice Guy Syndrome.
You’ll learn how to let go of your need for others’ approval, feel confident around anyone, and live a life defined by integrity and unshakeable self-belief.
“This course is all ‘steak’. There’s no fluff and no time-wasting sales pitch for anything else produced by the author. It’s no-nonsense, no BS.”
- Robert Howie
The Nice Guy Syndrome Recovery course will:
- Teach you invaluable social skills.
- Help you develop bullet-proof confidence.
- Break down the barriers preventing you from living a fulfilling life.
To enjoy life, Nice Guys must first understand the events and emotions that gave them their people-pleasing personality. Only then can you identify the changes needed to flip your unsatisfactory life on its head and truly start living.
Dan’s course is designed to transform you into an honest, brave, emotionally healthy, responsible, and 100% AUTHENTIC version of yourself.
By the end of the course, you will:
- Understand why the ‘need to please others’ has ruled your life.
- Know the exact steps you must take to become somebody you’re happy to be.
- Feel confident and ready to deal with peer pressure, social conditioning, and any other obstacles life throws at you.
Make no mistake: this course is confronting.
Recovering from Nice Guy Syndrome involves healing the childhood wounds that brought you here. There is no comfortable way to do this, but it must be done if you wish to live a life that brings you real joy and purpose.
You must be willing to challenge life-long beliefs, abandon your desire to seek other people’s approval, and test out new and unfamiliar behaviours.
At the cost of short-term discomfort, you’ll open the doorway to a lifetime of feeling brave and proud of the person you’ve become.
“While Nice Guy Syndrome is the focus of this course, it’s really about standing up unapologetically in the world and becoming a force for whatever good you are inspired to do.”
- Fred Lunjevich
Dan Munro is a bestselling author who has been coaching people-pleasers for almost 10 years after a career spent rehabilitating serious criminal offenders. His books, courses, and coaching sessions have helped 1000s of Nice Guys (like himself) become more confident, more authentic, and masters at creating healthy social connections.
This course contains everything he has ever learned and successfully applied to his clients and his own personal growth as a coach, father, husband, and friend.
The Nice Guy Syndrome Recovery course includes a 30-day money-back guarantee. Enroll today at no risk to start your journey towards real self-confidence and authenticity.
1Introduction to Nice Guy RecoveryVideo lesson
Introduction to Dan Munro and what to expect from this course (watch this video and the next one for free if you're unsure that this course is right for you).
2Check Out The Abundance of Bonus Resources!Text lesson
3Definition of Nice Guy Syndrome and People PleasingVideo lesson
A description of Nice Guy Syndrome and People Pleasing to help you figure out if this is the right course for you.
4What Causes Someone to Become a Nice Guy or a People PleaserVideo lesson
A look back over your life to figure out why you became a people pleaser.
5How to Know if YOU Are a Nice Guy or People PleaserVideo lesson
A list of characteristic priorities that people-pleasers prefer that will help you identify if you are one.
6Why You Need to Stop People-Pleasing Right Now!Video lesson
Justifying the effort you need to make towards recoverying from people pleasing.
7What Type of Nice Person Are You and How Does This Change Your Goals?Video lesson
Further clarifying the different types of Nice Guy and how this will affect your recovery pathway.
8Free Book Version of This Course for The Readers!Text lesson
Bonus PDF book version of this course available for download
9Important notice!Video lesson
Extra support to take your progress to the next level
10Assignment: Introduce yourself and meet the communityText lesson
Come and meet your fellow students!
11The Most Confident Mindset for Nice Guy RecoveryVideo lesson
What you need to be thinking about to become confident and successful in your recovery.
12A Little Warning Before You Continue With This...Video lesson
Overview of the limiting beliefs people pleasers have and why these must be challenged
13Do Other People Benefit from Your Niceness?Video lesson
Challenging the idea that self-sacrifice is a good thing for other people.
14What's Wrong with Making People Happy?Video lesson
Challenging the idea that manipulating people into feeling happiness is what's best for them.
15Do You Feel Like the Only Alternative to Being Nice is to Be A Jerk?Video lesson
Challenging the idea that being nice and being nasty are the only two options available.
16When You Think Being a Nice Guy is Who You "Really Are"Video lesson
Challenging the idea that being a Nice Guy is a true representation of who you are.
17"I'm Basically an Honest Person"... Are You Sure About That?Video lesson
Challenging the idea that you don't lie or manipulate others.
18The Secret Judgmental Views of The Nice PeopleVideo lesson
Challenging the idea that you're accurate and fair in your assessment of other people... and yourself.
19Challenging The Belief That The Universe Should be FairVideo lesson
Challenging the idea that you deserve good outcomes for being nice.
20No, It's Not Possible to Be Liked By Everyone... Not Even Most PeopleVideo lesson
Challenging the idea that there's a way of being that will please everyone or most people.
21The Dangers of Pursuing a Smooth, Problem Free LifeVideo lesson
Challenging the underlying people-pleaser goal of creating a "smooth, problem free life".
22CONTROL: The Nucleus of Nice Guy SyndromeVideo lesson
The main concept required for recovery.
23The Key Principles to Nice Guy Recovery and Social Confidence BuildingVideo lesson
Overview of the practical aspects to becoming more confident and less "nice".
24How People Will React to You Becoming More Confident and How to Handle ItVideo lesson
Preparing to deal with how people will react to the new you.
25The Masculine Value of ResponsibilityVideo lesson
How to take ownership of your life instead of playing the victim.
26The Healing Power of HonestyVideo lesson
How to express yourself truthfully rather than be fake.
27Mastering Confrontations to Enhance Your Self Respect and ConnectionsVideo lesson
How to have powerful, healthy confrontations for self-respect.
28Bravery is Yours To Create if You Want ItVideo lesson
How to be brave and shameless rather than meek and moderated.
29Decisiveness is A Skillset that You Can LearnVideo lesson
How to make choices quickly and firmly rather than procrastinating or flip-flopping or clinging to back-up options.
30Leadership Skills for Formerly Shy and Insecure PeopleVideo lesson
How to take the initiative rather than waiting for guidance and permission from others.
31Overcoming Your Emotional Shame so That You Can Express Yourself AccuratelyVideo lesson
How to process and express emotions in a healthy way rather than suppressing them or allowing them to control you.
32A Step by Step Guide to Building Self RespectVideo lesson
How to treat yourself with dignity rather than putting yourself down while worshipping others.
33Don't forget...Video lesson