Process of Undertaking a Successful Energy Audit
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Industrial and Commercial Energy Audit Process Course
Energy managers and others interested in or who are implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems will find this course useful for understanding how to undertake a comprehensive energy review. It is also well suited to those who would like to undertake ISO 50002 adherent energy audits, and who need to understand what are the practical steps involved in undertaking an energy audit.
This Commercial Energy Audit Process Course is for those undertaking energy audits of commercial and industrial facilities, not applicable for residential energy audits. This course aims to provide you with a proven-effective process that may help you meet the intent of each energy audit standard.
Although our Process of Undertaking a Successful Energy Audit course does not specify calculations for savings measures, it does show you a thorough process to follow for undertaking these calculations.
Unlock the secrets to a successful energy audit that delivers results.
- Master a comprehensive process for conducting energy audits with confidence.
- Learn how to keep all stakeholders happy by preparing effectively.
- Discover the six principles that pave the way for a truly successful audit.
Process of Undertaking a Successful Energy Audit Description
Energy audits can play a crucial role in ensuring that investments to improve the efficiency of existing facilities are effective. Around the world, governments encourage, support, and mandate the undertaking of energy audits.
Unfortunately, many audits are not undertaken successfully. In fact, an evaluation of several hundred energy audits of commercial and industrial facilities undertaken in recent years in Victoria, Australia, found that roughly only 50% of the audits were successful.
In this Commercial Energy Audit Process Course, you’ll learn a comprehensive process for successfully undertaking an energy audit. You can apply this process to deliver an Investment Grade Audit (IGA) or Detailed Feasibility Study (DFS).
Why and How This Course Has Been Developed
We developed this Commercial Energy Audit Process Course because far too many energy audits have low implementation rates, fail to thoroughly investigate all savings opportunities, and costs and savings are sometimes poorly estimated.
Your instructor is an energy auditor with more than two decades of experience and has undertaken energy audits, including IGAs/DFSs of hundreds of facilities:
- Offices
- Schools
- Hotels
- Hospitals
- Restaurants
- Municipal buildings
- Factories
- Food manufacturers
- Chemical manufacturers
- Primary producers
He has assisted energy users achieve measured reductions in their energy use of up to 80%.
1Introduction – what is a successful auditVideo lesson
Learning outcome
Understands what makes an audit successful and that this course presents a methodology for undertaking a successful audit
2The 6 principles that when applied will help ensure your audit is a successVideo lesson
Learning outcome
Understands 6 principles of an energy audit
3Audit safety – or how to avoid a sore head, hearing loss and deathVideo lesson
Learning outcome
Can safely undertake an audit by identifying risks and appropriately managing them
4How to understand and educate your clientVideo lesson
Learning outcome
Knows what questions to ask the client before making an offer -
5How to prepare an audit quotationVideo lesson
Learning outcome
Can make an offer that meets client needs
6Communicate clearly what you need (and why this is important)Video lesson
Learning outcome
Know what you need to ask the client for
7Set expectations at the start to avoid explosions laterVideo lesson
Learning outcome
Know what you need to tell the client that isn’t included in the audit
8Develop a timetableVideo lesson
Learning outcome
Can develop a timetable that includes activities post-audit
11Why you need dataVideo lesson
Learning outcome
Have an overview of why data is needed
12Data needed for baselining and an energy use breakdownVideo lesson
Learning outcome
Understand the data needed to develop an energy use breakdown
13Should I use data loggers and temporary meters?Video lesson
Learning outcome
Know how to decide what, if any, use should be made of data loggers and temporary meters
14Data needed to identify savings opportunitiesVideo lesson
Learning outcome
Understand data that can help identify and quantify savings opportunities
15Baseline using billing data analysisVideo lesson
Learning outcome
Be able to determine baseline energy use and carbon emissions.
16How to determine tariff rates to apply to savingsVideo lesson
Learning outcome
Be able to determine the tariffs that apply to savings determination
17Example bill analysis - AustraliaVideo lesson
Learning outcome
Understand the components of charges on a bill and the opportunities this may present
18Benchmarking energy use – clients love this!Video lesson
Learning outcome
Know how to benchmark and compare a facilities energy use with other similar facilities
19Determining drivers of energy use so you know where the big fish are.Video lesson
Learning outcome
Be able to identify drivers of energy use and get a feel for their significance.
20Interval data analysis to find quick wins.Video lesson
Learning outcome
Get an overview of interval data and an overview of how to analyse it
21How to extract useful information from plansVideo lesson
Learning outcome
Be able to extract useful data from plans (including scaling on screen)
22Managing missing dataVideo lesson
Learning outcome
Know how to deal with missing data
23Preparing an energy use breakdown (you want to be accurate, right?)Video lesson
Learning outcome
Be able to prepare an energy use breakdown
24Overview of what the business case requiresVideo lesson
Learning outcome
Understand what is required from a business case for EE
25Applying the energy efficiency hierarchy to identify energy savingsVideo lesson
Learning outcome
Be able to apply the EE hierarchy
26How to get input from site usersVideo lesson
Learning outcome
Be able to elicit useful feedback and input from site users
27How to quantify energy savingsVideo lesson
Learning outcome
How to quantify the savings from any opportunity
28How to identify and quantify non-energy savingsVideo lesson
Learning outcome
How to identify and quantify non energy savings
29How to verify that savings opportunities are reasonableVideo lesson
Learning outcome
How to undertake a sense-check of savings opportunities
30How to determine the costs of the energy savings measures.Video lesson
Learning outcome
How to estimate the cost of an ESM
31Estimating uncertainty to better manage riskVideo lesson
Learning outcome
Understand the principles for estimating uncertainty in savings estimates
32How to estimate emissions savingsVideo lesson
Learning outcome
How to apply emissions factors to estimate emissions savings
33Preparing and tabulating the business caseVideo lesson
Learning outcome
How to tabulate the business case
34Present the economic benefit in 3 different waysVideo lesson
Learning outcome
Be able to present the benefits of EE in 3 different ways
37Follow up if you want energy to be savedVideo lesson
Learning outcome
Understand the importance of following up
38Identifying the savings achieved (and losses avoided!)Video lesson
Learning outcome
Learn about methods for identifying savings
39Congratulations on completing the course!Video lesson
Learning outcome